Future of the GOP


I think of myself as conservative, I do what I can to help the party, I will vote against our rino senator

I would not have voted for huckabee were he the nom, I almost didnt vote for McCain but then he put a conservative on the ticket and I feel much better about that vote now.

what more can we do
Since nobody (conservatives) will offer a policy position, I will reiterate my position on the energy question.

I'm convinced the future lies in electric cars. The batteries remain a problem, but I'm sure we can solve it - the country that put a man on the moon and wins most of the science nobels for the last 30 years can solve this, probably in thinking of a completely novel way of electrical energy storage.

The US needs to build a whole new generation of maybe 100 nuclear power plants to provide the electrical energy that will be needed. Foreign oil should be phased out at the same time with a gradually decreasing quota for foreign oil that eventually gets to 0%, maybe over 20 years. Natural gas powered vehicles might provide part of an interim solution while the battery technology advances.

The nuclear power plants would take advantage of an existing technology that depends only on domestic resources, and has an unparalled US safety record, and will greatly decrease air pollution. Enabling legislation should provide for reasonable environmental safeguards, but must prohibit the obstructionism that shut down nuclear plant building in the 1970s.
My favorite quote from the whole debate was when Joe Biden said that he recognized that Jessie Holms, who he has many differences of opinions from him, was a good person, with honest ideas.
I'll bet he never gave that kind of endorsement for Jessie Helms!!

"Your tax dollars are being used to pay for grade school classes that teach our children that CANNIBALISM, WIFE-SWAPPING, and the MURDER of infants and the elderly are acceptable behavior.''
Stay out of this thread asshole.
How odd.

I get a Mod-Warning about calling someone a "Bubblehead"....yet, this is (somehow) an Acceptable-response? :confused:

Thanks for re-posting my opinion.....with a well-thought-out/losing-team response, though!! :p
I'm not a liberal.

The Republicans in 2008, like the Democrats in 2004, did not put their best foot forward.


Because once they knew that either Obama or Clinton would be their fall opponent, that coupled with Bush's understandably dismal approval rating, no more qualified and competitive candidate stepped up to spend his one-time war chest.
....The operative-words being Bush's understandably dismal approval rating. :rolleyes:
Since nobody (conservatives) will offer a policy position, I will reiterate my position on the energy question.

I'm convinced the future lies in electric cars. The batteries remain a problem, but I'm sure we can solve it - the country that put a man on the moon and wins most of the science nobels for the last 30 years can solve this, probably in thinking of a completely novel way of electrical energy storage.

The US needs to build a whole new generation of maybe 100 nuclear power plants to provide the electrical energy that will be needed. Foreign oil should be phased out at the same time with a gradually decreasing quota for foreign oil that eventually gets to 0%, maybe over 20 years. Natural gas powered vehicles might provide part of an interim solution while the battery technology advances.
I have to admit.....you "conservatives" have flip-flo.....er, modified your opinions on numerous-issues......only, 20-years-behind the general-publics'. :rolleyes:
You can say that again!

This is the worst congress in the history of the United States
even libs agree to that one! err sorry

sociaists :)

Why do you even respond to that jackass? I wanted a thread about future republican issues, not a meaningless back-and-forth with that imbecile.
This thread is for conservatives to discuss what the GOP should do in the wake of what will probably be a complete disaster on election day, not only for the GOP but the country. Liberals will please not post, and the two or so junior grade leftwing wacko cadets in residence (you know who you are) are very specifically disinvited.

The GOP has had a problem with RINO presidents - they tend to be followed by the worst of the democrat party: Nixon/Ford followed by Carter, Bush I by Bubba clinton (not anywhere near as bad as Carter, but bad enough), and now Bush II by obama. There will of course be a lot of blaming and second guessing in the wake of the calamity. One species of RINO always pops up after these defeats and tries to convince republicans that they have to be pseudo-democrats in the future to win. If there were any validity to that idea (which there isn't) - what would be the point? Rank and file republicans should support even more RINO RINOS just so the GOP can win? But who cares if it wins if it's just an alternate democrat party?

The republican party needs to return to it's roots - particularly on limiting spending. It also needs to stand fast (for the time being, only in it's pronouncements) against all the garbage of the democrat party: the race hustling, the war against free speech, the abortion holocaust, the attempts to dilute US sovereignty, the illegal alien invasion, etc etc.

If history is a guide, the people of this country will be ready as hell to hear what the GOP has to offer after four years of McCarter, and the republican party has to spend that time cleaning house, and there's a lot to clean. Never again should the party be handed over to RINOs.

I solicit ideas from other conservatives on specific policy positions the new national GOP should adopt.

Problem as I see it is that there is a split right now within the party. There are big government republicans (aka Bush) and then there are the traditional republicans.

To unite them all you need a strong leader (Reagan perhaps) or you need something to unite them like an Obama Presidency. Problem is that once all these entitlement programs are put in place, they are pretty much there and never going away. That is what is so worrisome about Obama, Pelosi, and Reed having total control of the government.

Right now Pelosi is checked in the House by the BlueDog Democrats, and Reed in the Senate by the ability to filibuster. They are all then kept in check by a President who can veto anything. If the Dems are able to pick up a big enough majority to where they do not have to think about the BlueDogs, then that is a problem in the House. If the Dems in the Senate get 60 seats, it becomes the same problem. All of this added to the fact that Obama would be President, makes for a very bad scenario in my mind.
Problem as I see it is that there is a split right now within the party. There are big government republicans (aka Bush) and then there are the traditional republicans.

Those big government republicans are called RINOS, as I have said. They need to be purged out of the party, or conservatives need to leave and form their own party. Why does it always seem for about the last 50 years, with the single exception of Reagan, that it has to be a choice between a liberal or a RINO? (I forget - now we're getting another exception - a leftwing extremist.) The republican party should stand as a REAL alternative.
Here's another position that I think the republican party should take: the complete disconnection from the liberal media. The liberal media exists only to further the liberal left worldview, and to advance the liberal political cause. That's all. That's it. Why do conservatives deal with them at all? One of their key instruments for furthering their political agenda is the press conference - which when there is a republican president, is just giving a pack of libs an opportunity to attack. Why give it to them?

The presidential press conference was invented by Woodrow Wilson in 1913 - before not only TV, before radio. The reporters and their newspapers were a necessary medium - that is, the intermediary means of connecting people with news events. Like many institutions, these people have hung on long after their function has become anachronistic due to technological advances. The president and his officials can speak to, and answer questions from the people on CSPAN and the net - no human "medium" is necessary. The past year has seen the lib media switch from subtle and usually sophisticated bias, to a blatant brazen bias which they don't even bother trying to disguise anymore. There is NO REASON to deal with them, and every reason not to - they need to be removed completely from the republican loop.