Here we go again

you forgot that fact I pointed out that they have shown the birth cirtiificate as well, and it was said legit, and yes People still dont care becuse they want to belive this retarded chain email bull**** over anything that would disprove it.

US supreme court said that Bush won the 2000 election... You don't care... "Bush stole the election".

The Rockefeller Report said that Bush didn't "Lie" about Iraq... You don't care... "Bush lied".

We found WMD in Iraq in the form of Chemical Munitions and Yellow Cake Uranium... You don't care... "there were no WMD in Iraq".

I for one do think the Birth Certificate thing is moot, we are not going to overturn the election of Obama. He is our president. But just as none of you felt bound to respect Bush as being our president, nobody has to respect Obama. Just as the lies and distortions about Bush continue to this day, so will the lies and distortions about Obama throughout his administration and beyond. When its Bush, you don't care, now that its Obama, suddenly you do.
I believe he has, just no one cares...was a whole thread about it in Elecions...

So your contention is that the Supreme Court of the United States, is demanding to see something they have already seen, but claim they have not, yet no one is pointing this out?

US supreme court said that Bush won the 2000 election... You don't care... "Bush stole the election".

The Rockefeller Report said that Bush didn't "Lie" about Iraq... You don't care... "Bush lied".

We found WMD in Iraq in the form of Chemical Munitions and Yellow Cake Uranium... You don't care... "there were no WMD in Iraq".

I for one do think the Birth Certificate thing is moot, we are not going to overturn the election of Obama. He is our president. But just as none of you felt bound to respect Bush as being our president, nobody has to respect Obama. Just as the lies and distortions about Bush continue to this day, so will the lies and distortions about Obama throughout his administration and beyond. When its Bush, you don't care, now that its Obama, suddenly you do.

Perfect... could not have said it better.
US supreme court said that Bush won the 2000 election... You don't care... "Bush stole the election".

The Rockefeller Report said that Bush didn't "Lie" about Iraq... You don't care... "Bush lied".

We found WMD in Iraq in the form of Chemical Munitions and Yellow Cake Uranium... You don't care... "there were no WMD in Iraq".

I for one do think the Birth Certificate thing is moot, we are not going to overturn the election of Obama. He is our president. But just as none of you felt bound to respect Bush as being our president, nobody has to respect Obama. Just as the lies and distortions about Bush continue to this day, so will the lies and distortions about Obama throughout his administration and beyond. When its Bush, you don't care, now that its Obama, suddenly you do.

the voter rolls where purged Illegaly, and the court did not say Bush won, they ruled who would decide. that is nto the same ...aslo point out one place I said that

Why is it that the White house and CIA had to investigate why the intel was wrong since we found not wmd? And we knew he had some yellowcake, it was there from before we went in the first time, it was half the reason smart people knew that Bush's claim of Yellow cake from Niger was false ,they had no need for it. Bush made the claims about Yellow Cake and the tubes , at that time it was known what he was was not true, I knew it , and he better have or he should not be leading. YOu can pick LIe, or that he was clueless.

The United States is taking steps to determine how it received erroneous intelligence that deposed Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein was developing and stockpiling nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, White House spokesman Scott McClellan said Wednesday."
"WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Saddam Hussein did not possess stockpiles of illicit weapons at the time of the U.S. invasion in March 2003 and had not begun any program to produce them, a CIA report concludes."

I guess the white house and CIA did not get the memo...that or you realy care going to count old shells found that where from the Iran war with mustard gas that was not considered weapons grade anymore.
The state has always been ready to release a copy of Obama's BC to anyone who came requesting it with a court order. Check out the state's web site for conditions under which the BC can be released. The governor just made it clear that she was not going to bend the rules because the right-wingers were frothing at the mouth to get Obama's BC.

Who can get a copy of a vital record in Hawaii:
a person whose right to obtain a copy of the record is established by an order of a court of competent jurisdiction;
The state has always been ready to release a copy of Obama's BC to anyone who came requesting it with a court order. Check out the state's web site for conditions under which the BC can be released. The governor just made it clear that she was not going to bend the rules because the right-wingers were frothing at the mouth to get Obama's BC.

Stupid answer. We shouldn't have to get a court order for it. Obama should have released it at first question. The problem is that we even need to get a court order in the first place. So now that we have it, why doesn't he just release it now? Why did this have to go to the Supreme Court?
No one has to like it but the S court said he has till december 1st to show the vault copy of his birth certificate.

Obama has shut down two differnt cases in two differnt states by sending attorneys to delay the case then having the case thrown out but never once sent an attorney with his Birth certificate to end the stupid case all together.

Now the S. Court says he has to do it. I guess that means the S. Court is racist :)
was wrong I guess because I watched him do it, or you can pick that he did not know what he was talking about.

He knew exactly the same evidence and intel information that was given to him at the time, as well as the rest of Congress. If everyone around you tells you something consistently, and you have no other information, are you lying when your wrong, or clueless? Neither, you were informed by the best info at the time.

Why is it that the White house and CIA had to investigate why the intel was wrong since we found not wmd? And we knew he had some yellowcake, it was there from before we went in the first time, it was half the reason smart people knew that Bush's claim of Yellow cake from Niger was false ,they had no need for it. Bush made the claims about Yellow Cake and the tubes , at that time it was known what he was was not true, I knew it , and he better have or he should not be leading. YOu can pick LIe, or that he was clueless.

The Bomb in My Garden: The Secrets of Saddam's Nuclear MasterMind

Sorry everyone, but Iraq did go uranium shopping in Niger.
In February 1999, Zahawie left his Vatican office for a few days and paid an official visit to Niger, a country known for absolutely nothing except its vast deposits of uranium ore. It was from Niger that Iraq had originally acquired uranium in 1981, as confirmed in the Duelfer Report. In order to take the Joseph Wilson view of this Baathist ambassadorial initiative, you have to be able to believe that Saddam Hussein's long-term main man on nuclear issues was in Niger to talk about something other than the obvious. Italian intelligence (which first noticed the Zahawie trip from Rome) found it difficult to take this view and alerted French intelligence (which has better contacts in West Africa and a stronger interest in nuclear questions). In due time, the French tipped off the British, who in their cousinly way conveyed the suggestive information to Washington.

I guess the white house and CIA did not get the memo...that or you realy care going to count old shells found that where from the Iran war with mustard gas that was not considered weapons grade anymore.

The Sarin Gas was, and most were still lethal. The oldest found was likely made in 1991, not during the Iran war. Further, evidence suggests that newer munitions were sold on the black market. I wager that a ton of the evidence against Saddam is still classified.

Of course, the relevant part was the the UN inspector never located that massive caches of WMDs, and of course that Saddam, who was ordered to destroy the weapons, obviously did not. Which of course was our reason for going in. That and the mobile nuclear research labs.

But, if you are not going to figure it out by The Rockefeller Report which proved conclusively that all the reasons listed for going in were substantiated by the intelligence information of the time, then you are far to close minded to care much about any more evidence.
So you reject the facts and choose to substitute your own reality, sounds reasonable.

I don't need facts... I KNOW the truth! I believe! I have "hope and change"!

The messiah will fix all this anyway.
No one has to like it but the S court said he has till december 1st to show the vault copy of his birth certificate.

Obama has shut down two differnt cases in two differnt states by sending attorneys to delay the case then having the case thrown out but never once sent an attorney with his Birth certificate to end the stupid case all together.

Now the S. Court says he has to do it. I guess that means the S. Court is racist :)

Can you imagine if the birth certificate isn't valid, and the Supreme Court overturns the election? Wow... the leftist and messiah followers will go NUTZ.
Uhh... according to the sources cited, the December 1st deadline is to reply to a writ of certiorari- meaning the DNC needs to let the court know when they can be available to attend a hearing to determine if the lower courts have ruled correctly. It does not mean Obama must produce his BC on December 1st.
Can you imagine if the birth certificate isn't valid, and the Supreme Court overturns the election? Wow... the leftist and messiah followers will go NUTZ.

I think if they find he does not have one they will let him be the president anyways. That sounds nuts but I really think they would just let him.

I still think he shoud show it even if they let him stay the president
Uhh... according to the sources cited, the December 1st deadline is to reply to a writ of certiorari- meaning the DNC needs to let the court know when they can be available to attend a hearing to determine if the lower courts have ruled correctly. It does not mean Obama must produce his BC on December 1st.

I will go look at it again

but really why has he went attorneys to two differnt cases to have them delayed and then thrown out when he could just produce the dumb thing and we would be posting about the dog and kids instead