Heterosexual AIDS

Some of the best scientists foresee the need to reduce the world's population down to less than a billion people for sustainability and we're not talking very far in the future either--less than one lifetime, maybe less than half of one. Some of those same scientists don't even subscribe to that being a mere possibility--it will be inevitable.
Oh yeah, and which scientists are these?

It is widely acknowledged that the world can support 9 billion people comfortably with a better distribution and more diligent use of resouces
At a standard of living where everyone has enough of what matters in life.

And that does not iclude 2 SUVs parked oustide
.............meanwhile back in the world

Aids still kills more adults than all wars and conflicts combined, and is vastly bigger than current efforts to address it. A joint WHO/UN Aids report published this month showed that nearly three million people are now receiving anti-retroviral drugs in the developing world, but this is less than a third of the estimated 9.7 million people who need them. In all there were 33 million people living with HIV in 2007, 2.5 million people became newly infected and 2.1 million died of Aids.

Aids organisations, including the WHO, UN Aids and the Global Fund, have come under attack for inflating estimates of the number of people infected, diverting funds from other health needs such as malaria, spending it on the wrong measures such as abstinence programmes rather than condoms, and failing to build up health systems.

Dr De Cock labelled these the "four malignant arguments" undermining support for the global campaign against Aids, which still faced formidable challenges, despite the receding threat of a generalised epidemic beyond Africa.
.............meanwhile back in the world

I am not sure what more a country can do. I understand that George Bush gave more money to Africa and HIV research in his first term than Clinton did in his whole 8 years and I know of no other country who has put more $$ into this than the USA.

How come other countries are not asked to kick in? and can just throwing money at a problem fix it?

All in all though I am proud of my Country for all we have tried to do and I hope we continue and even do more.... but I also hope we figure out a way to make the money we give be more productive

Wow I would like to get 20 minutes with Jeb Assaf. He is nuts to think that moving to a socialist country to avoid the fact that we are starting to lean socialist is the way to go.

I guess there are some, but no way are there the same amount. I hope if Jeb Assaf doesnt think America is worth fighting for that he does move to Canada and he can be thick in the socialism there, I would never go back to Canada for even a visit and I sure as hell would not go there to get away from the greatest Country on Gods green earth.

thanks for the link, I am going to try and get in touch with Jeb Assaf.
Of course gay people and Africans dying of this disease doesn't matter does it hey you good christyns?

Neither the international AIDS establishment, nor leftwing wackos like you are serious about AIDS in africa - quit spouting crap.

The subtext of this thread is a disgrace to humankind.

That's the problem with you Pee See Police robots, you find "subtexts" everywhere. :rolleyes:
I never report anyone top the Mods but I am getting a bit tired of right wing Mods censuring me whilst they let people with similar views to their own go unpunished.

I couldn't give a **** what you write about me.

My best defence against your posts are the views you display
I never report anyone top the Mods but I am getting a bit tired of right wing Mods censuring me whilst they let people with similar views to their own go unpunished.

I couldn't give a **** what you write about me.

My best defence against your posts are the views you display

Last week he was a flaming liberal, now he is a right wing

Big Rob is just fair