Lib/media: Obama vs Palin


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2008
A crystal clear example of the lib media's bald-faced bias:


that mag is in the tank for obama. most mags are

he or his putrid wife have been on the cover of most of them. i dare anyone to try to go a week without finding either of them or both of them on the cover of at least one each week.

see the deal is this, they know he sucks and sucks bad so they have to keep pushing him on us hoping he will stick

its funny for all the media fawning over him as though he is god in the flesh, he still cant break away from grampy mccain :)
They are going to eat Palin up! Can't wait to see it, I just hope she doesn't start bawling!
They are going to eat Palin up! Can't wait to see it, I just hope she doesn't start bawling!

The more mud they sling at her the more people like me rally behind her and send $$

If you want to really rally the republicans, attack one of them. You are helping more than you are hurting

plus showing what we hate about libs :)
A crystal clear example of the lib media's bald-faced bias:



So basically Democrats have to fight just against Republicans and a few talk radio outlets but Republicans have to fight against both Democrats and the monstrously large main stream media. Yet the polls indicate that the American people support both of the candidates about equally.
and the schools. Teachers from grade school to college really hand feed the kids lib ideas and crap. I could go on for hours what they have done to promote dems and villify republicans.
and the schools. Teachers from grade school to college really hand feed the kids lib ideas and crap. I could go on for hours what they have done to promote dems and villify republicans.

At least that all "Change"s when they get to college, where they find a fair and balanced approach to learning, and all sides are given equal consideration without demonizing one side.... Oh, wait... Nevermind. :(
At least that all "Change"s when they get to college, where they find a fair and balanced approach to learning, and all sides are given equal consideration without demonizing one side.... Oh, wait... Nevermind. :(

We need to have a thread about this when it gets closer

there were so many storys 4 years ago

teachers only giving credit if you went to an anti war rally, but no credit if you went to a pro troops rally

being able to wear kerry edwards buttons but not bush buttons

being forced to be in anti american or anti bush skits on campus

it will get worse this time im sure
and the schools. Teachers from grade school to college really hand feed the kids lib ideas and crap. I could go on for hours what they have done to promote dems and villify republicans.

Isn't it great!

I look forward when American right-wing fascism is a thing of the past in American politics.
Isn't it great!

I look forward when American right-wing fascism is a thing of the past in American politics.

Where are you from?

My god! No, it isn’t great to have some socialist communist idiot shoving lies down the throats of our children.

And no matter how hard the communist socialist types try to stifle conservative values and love for our country they can not.
A crystal clear example of the lib media's bald-faced bias:



You have to admit though that even though those two covers do take a different view of the candidates what is being said is true. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying US Weekly is trying in anyway to highlight anything good about Sara Palin... and I'm sure there are some good things.

But the actual Palin content (the stories themselves) are true.

It's not like the New Yorker Magazine that had Michelle in some big poof radical afro with gun belts strapped on and an AK47, Senator Obama in head to toe Islamic garb burning an American flag in the fireplace.

The media picks on everybody. In many ways they've been a lot harder on the Obama camp and hands off on a lot of McCain related stuff. Even with all his ties to Bush it's hard for them to go after an ex-POW.

The majority of the "voting" American people are smart enough to figure out the politics of it all and pick out the real stories.
What I find amusing is the idea that Palin cannot manage office because she has young children at home. This is insulting to men everywhere in that the implied message is "men aren't capable of caring for young children."

Ouch! What a slap..

Her husband must be reeling. I've seen men whose wives or baby-mommas are strung out on drugs, or have left with another man, etc. who are very tender and manage to bring up children in poverty as a single parent. Palin's husband strikes me as the kind of guy who can pull that off.

Let's face it. Besides that, Palin will be pulling in enough clams to bankroll the whole family, yeah? And this might be a far-out suggestion, but it might be remotely possible that Palin could hire a part or full-time governess for her children while affairs of State call her away?

You know, like wealthy people do every single day?...:rolleyes:
The media has had alot of hands in the election which could be considered good and bad. I don't like the fact that some or all of the Republicans keep saying about handouts from the government. That really hits home because as I stated before I am 23 years old and is taking care of my artistic sister and our mother is deceased. I went to college for my AS and i am current in school to complete my BS in Criminal Justice. That alone shows my determination not to rely on anyone. I never seeked help from the government except for now. I worked two jobs until my first job cut hours extremely and when my second job layed people off. Yes I am seeking a way to have the government help (None reached) but that doesn't mean that I just want a hand out. The government job is to help society in all areas necessary. Why degrade those that needs government help? I pay 125 dollars a month for medical devices and medication for my sister alone, on top of a 1350 rent,clothing, and lets not get started on food.