The Trivia Thread

Here's one I posted a few pages back that never was answered:
What patriotic oath was first published by a Socialist? A real socialist, not just a liberal?
Just a wild guess: Adolf Hitler (National Socialist, Nazi), and the "Blood Flag Oath"?
Which California governor signed into law an 18% tax increase, the largest in the state's history?

Not all that familiar with the politics of California, but these things tend to be counter intuitive so I will throw out Reagan.
Charles Lindburg it is, then.

Lindbergh was the first to do it solo.

But were there any others who did it as a team, and/or flew the Atlantic in seaplane(s), making several stops along the way for fuel and/or repairs by landing on the water?

I vaguely recall that there was an Army or Navy team who did that, possibly before Lindy, but didn't count as the first "intercontinental" flight since no single hop originated on the soil of one continent and ended on the soil of another.

But I can't recall who it was! And so I might be completely wrong here.
Here is a new question:

What did Bin Laden study in college?

Construction engineering.

He was confident that a big plane hitting the WTC, even if it didn't knock it down, would eventually cause it to collapse by the fire changing the modulus of elasticity and plastic threshold of the steel it was made of, enough to cause static instability of the structure.
Bing, bing bing!! and on the first guess, too.

Did you know, or was that really a guess?

OK, your turn.

Haha that really was a guess. Made sense though for one of the ones you would not normally think of.

Here is mine...

What animal represented the Democratic Party before the Donkey?