The US myth exploded

The gap between what Americans think the US is and what it actually is is huge
An international tyrant that spends more money killing foreigners than healing its own citizens
That severely limits freedom of speech
And which discriminates against black people trapping them in poverty

Which robs the poor to give to the rich

Consumes global resources like a vampire in a blood bank

Is one of the world's biggest polluters

And which has been brought to its knees by bankers

Hey, you guys need Shit Romney to rescue you

A slick vicious White rich right wing religious dick who is experiencing electoral set backs because he is not viciously right wing and madly religious enough

You are WAY out there with every post. A radical anti American with a bunch of additional kooky beliefs.

If you think you will get a debate here with outrageous beliefs like yours, you are sadly mistaken.

In your mind, you revere the USSR and Commie China, while condemning America. This just proofs you are a left wing ideologue who refuses to accept the truth.
There you go again with your two wrongs make a right nonesense

Make your mind up btw is China communist or not?

And at least they don't go round the world invading countries to steal their oil or install puppet tyrants in Government so that they serve the US instead of their own people

I'm not anti America

I'm anti hypocrisy, racism, mass murder, thieving, religious fundamentalism, poverty etc

It is just that the US is world champion in creating and or perpetuating these things

The more people in the US see this the less your Government will get away with it

As it is you just keep swallowing their shit and voting against your own self interest