
Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Wow. A reputable poll shows that the public believes Barack Obama is the worst president since World War II. Worse than Richard M. Nixon, driven from the presidency by Watergate? Much. Worse than Jimmy Carter, for decades the very symbol of the feckless chief executive? Loads. Worse than George W. Bush, still a lightning rod on the left and a symbol of disappointment on the right? Definitely.

These startling poll results set loose the predictable reaction: A flurry of told-you-so nods on the right and a fusillade of this-tells-us-nothing assertions on the left. For once, they're both right.

Obama is in trouble, no matter how carefully you peel through the Quinnipiac University poll that is causing such a firestorm. There's almost no good news there, or anywhere else, for the president. Then again, this worst-president poll sheds little light. Almost every veteran observer of polls and presidents will likely attest to that.

Aint that the truth!
What I find more interesting: what was the best president in your eyes?
In that time period I'm a little torn as there are no great ones. Could go with DDE just because he did little harm or JFK as he was an effective leader if nothing else.
Reagan did not walk the walk and that brought big pain later. Ford was sort of DDE without the personality. Bush I underrated but not great. LBJ was a criminal and laid the path for our demise. Truman... hard to judge him for me. Bush II had plusses but many minusses. Carter was an incompetent boob and Clinton a good leader but a vile human being.
In that time period I'm a little torn as there are no great ones. Could go with DDE just because he did little harm or JFK as he was an effective leader if nothing else.
Reagan did not walk the walk and that brought big pain later. Ford was sort of DDE without the personality. Bush I underrated but not great. LBJ was a criminal and laid the path for our demise. Truman... hard to judge him for me. Bush II had plusses but many minusses. Carter was an incompetent boob and Clinton a good leader but a vile human being.

Clinton?:unsure: He cheated on his wife
So seems to be a very difficult job to be a president :D
Yes and beyond most men. The scary part is that it attracts those least likely to be good at it. You must really want the power to stomach the job of getting there but if you want it that badly it has likely brought out the worst in you.
I find it intetesting people now say Romney would have been the right choice. At least we've learned that there are skills you really need to have.
The US has never seen a president like Obama and most likely will not survive the aftermath to see another like him. There is not another to compare him to.

I believe most scholars agree that Reagan was the best President in modern times, based on economic, social and political success his administration brought this country.
Not bad in leadership and does have executive experience but what else ? Who will he pull in to provide expertise he does not have ? Who is his Cheney ? More important who can save the economy ?
Really ...... you are still delusional that we are under the US Constitution ....

Please give me a current event where your delusion is in tact!
Really ...... you are still delusional that we are under the US Constitution ....

Please give me a current event where your delusion is in tact!

Are those 3 women on the supreme court and Obama delusional that we are under the US Constitution?
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