Thoughts from Bunz: Obama Birth Certificate

AWWW...I hate to burst that high I.Q. BUBBLE that you've surrounded yourself with, but there never has been nor is there currently a POLL any where in AMERICA that has G.W.B. over Barack Obama so where in your MAKE BELEIVE WORLD are you coming up with 50% of America preferring BUSH OVER OBAMA...hmmm,;)

Just making crap up because you don't have a mental leg to stand on TYPICAL, TYPICAL, TYPICAL you ASUR & ALWAYS made of the same fabricated information :cool:

I should have written 44, its 50 percent who took obama over President Bush and 44 who would rather have President Bush back than obama.

But you should stop being so rude and quit with the personal attacks. Its against the forum rules, you do realize that dont you?
AWWW...I hate to burst that high I.Q. BUBBLE that you've surrounded yourself with, but there never has been nor is there currently a POLL any where in AMERICA that has G.W.B. over Barack Obama so where in your MAKE BELEIVE WORLD are you coming up with 50% of America preferring BUSH OVER OBAMA...hmmm,;)

Just making crap up because you don't have a mental leg to stand on TYPICAL, TYPICAL, TYPICAL you ASUR & ALWAYS made of the same fabricated information :cool:

sure there is

President Bush was not perfect, he made mistakes but I am with the other 50 percent of the American population. Id rather have President Bush than
the ***** currently being worshiped as a god by his followers.

Uh hello... your Bush "STRATEGERY" man love left office with the lowest overall job approval rating for a President of all times... since polls were invented... 22% approval. That's a 78% disapproval if you don't have a calculator handy.


Don't you have a poll like at 2:45AM on the 3rd Sunday of the winter solstice? Pleeeeeeeeeeease!:rolleyes:

All we're seeing here is the polling roller coaster effect of historic legislation being pushed through. The reason President Obama's poll numbers are down a little is because Liberals are trying to push him away from being moderate or having anything to do with the Republicants at all.

And even with all of that OMG he's beating Reagan.

Let's see were President Obama ends up. I bet it ain't at 22% like W.
I should have written 44, its 50 percent who took obama over President Bush and 44 who would rather have President Bush back than obama.

Maybe you really need to read your very own article that you tried to use as a factural source...DUFFUS

INTERVIEWS: DEAN DEBNAM 888-621-6988 / 919-880-4888 (serious media
inquiries only please, other questions can be directed to Tom Jensen)
Obama still hovering under 50​
Raleigh, N.C. –​
For the second month in a row Public Policy Polling finds Barack
Obama’s national approval rating under 50%. 49% of voters in the country like the job
he is doing as President while 47% express disapproval.
The trends in Obama’s approval are not changing much from month to month. He’s
maintained an 83% approval rating with Democrats but gets good reviews from only 11%
of Republicans. Independents are nearly evenly divided with 46% giving him good
marks and 47% expressing disapproval.
Obama is finding more support from the voters on Afghanistan than health care with 47%
approving of his handling of the former issue but only 39% on the latter. 30% of
Republicans agree with him on Afghanistan while just 5% do on health care. For
Democrats the trend is reversed with 69% saying they approve of his health care plan but
just 63% with him on Afghanistan.
By a 50-44 margin voters say they prefer having Obama as President to George W. Bush.
Nevertheless 20% already say they would like to see Obama impeached based on his
actions so far, including 35% of Republicans.
“There seems to be more and more of a consensus in the polling now that Obama’s
approval rating is under 50%,” said Dean Debnam, President of Public Policy Polling.

“Things still aren’t going well

Obama's poll numbers suck, just like Bush's did the last 2 yrs of his term because of the Dem controlled house. Since the dems took over, the country has been in a downward spiral.
Obama's poll numbers suck, just like Bush's did the last 2 yrs of his term because of the Dem controlled house. Since the dems took over, the country has been in a downward spiral.

Yeah, the last two years of President Bush were rough and its just getting worse. As much as I dont like obama he like President Bush is only partly to blame. Its the jackasses in congress that are making things so hard for Americans.
Obama's poll numbers suck, just like Bush's did the last 2 yrs of his term because of the Dem controlled house. Since the dems took over, the country has been in a downward spiral.

Astonishingly short honeymoon for Obama.

Not surprising really, if you fail to deliver on any promises and ignore the wishes of the people its not likely to serve you well.
Yeah, the last two years of President Bush were rough and its just getting worse. As much as I dont like obama he like President Bush is only partly to blame. Its the jackasses in congress that are making things so hard for Americans.

The president left the Congress with no direction so they ran amok.

Had he any executive experience or even any congressional experience he would not have done this.

The country elected a dilettante and it'll deal witht he consequences for God knows how long. We still have not recovered from Carter.
The president left the Congress with no direction so they ran amok.

Had he any executive experience or even any congressional experience he would not have done this.

The country elected a dilettante and it'll deal witht he consequences for God knows how long. We still have not recovered from Carter.

Amazingly bad memory.:D

I remember things going beautifully under President Clinton. Even after the pubbies witch hunted foe everything imaginable and then into his personal life and even after impeachment he left office with like a 68% overall job approval rating.

68% after the pubbies spent every waking moment trying to tear him down... think about it 68%.