TV Show: Meet the Natives


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2007
For quite a long time, I have discussed the concept with several friends and well anyone who would listen... about how interesting it would be to witness the reaction of people coming from rural based subsistance cultures to the sights of a major metropolitan.

I have in the past written at length as to what some of America's original inhabitants would think of modern American society. Short of a time machine, this of course will never be possible.

But the Travel channel is maybe coming as close as possible in modern times. They have filmed the travels of 5 tribesmen from Vanuatu in thier travels across America. I have just watched the NYC episode, and it was entertaining and enlightening.
It appears to kind of be taking a political side step, which of course some will yell and scream about, and of course me being me, I am a little concerned to see if these guys are going to be exploited negatively.
I dont know a ton of background info on the show just yet, but if anyone is interested, it appears to be showing new episodes on Sunday evenings and again is on the Travel channel. With I am sure will be plenty of re-runs during the week.