Were they arrested for being black in a public place?

I see. Are you ready to say that racism doesn't exist in the USA, or are you just talking about specific incidents?
Racism certainly exist in the US.

After 8 years of B. Hussein, I would say racial tension have been flamed into a frenzy not seen since the 60's.

But, these incidents we are discussing are hoaxes, fabricated by a Party and an ideology that benefits from keeping racial tensions at an all time high.
1 Racism certainly exist in the US.

2 After 8 years of B. Hussein, I would say racial tension have been flamed into a frenzy not seen since the 60's.

3 But, these incidents we are discussing are hoaxes, fabricated by a Party and an ideology that benefits from keeping racial tensions at an all time high.

1 Agreed

2 Could be. I'm not sure the country was ready for a black president.

3 I don't think we'll ever agree on that one. Whites do what the blacks who were arrested do all the time. The CEO of Starbucks certainly thought it was a racist incident, and acted accordingly.

2 Could be. I'm not sure the country was ready for a black president.

It had nothing to do with Obama being half black or half white.

It had everything to do with Obama's politics and utter hatred for America, specifically white America.

I don't think Americans were ready for that ... or will ever be ready for that.

That has nothing to do with skin color.

There are many black Republicans and black conservatives who are well respected in this Country.

You know .... the ones the left calls "uncle toms".

3 I don't think we'll ever agree on that one. Whites do what the blacks who were arrested do all the time.

You have absolutely no evidence to back up that claim.

The CEO of Starbucks certainly thought it was a racist incident, and acted accordingly.

Please .....

The CEO is by far no stranger to extreme political stunts, especially in the arena of race.
It had nothing to do with Obama being half black or half white.

It had everything to do with Obama's politics and utter hatred for America, specifically white America.

I don't think Americans were ready for that ... or will ever be ready for that.

That has nothing to do with skin color.

There are many black Republicans and black conservatives who are well respected in this Country.

You know .... the ones the left calls "uncle toms".

What specific policies did Obama espouse that exacerbated race relations in this country?
Some Americans were ready to have a black president. Some were not. The backlash against Obama being black is one thing that helped Trump, with his "not PC" stance, being elected.

You have absolutely no evidence to back up that claim.

White people go to Starbucks all the time. Lots of them sit in there for hours, using their free wifi. Some of them go to meet friends. None of them are kicked out or arrested for trespassing. The blacks who were arrested were doing nothing different from the whites who go there all the time. What else could explain why they were treated differently?

Please .....

The CEO is by far no stranger to extreme political stunts, especially in the arena of race.

What other political stunts has he pulled?[/QUOTE]
What specific policies did Obama espouse that exacerbated race relations in this country?

It was not just policies, like the PROMISE Program.

It was also Obama's actions, comments and positions.

The beer summit, Ferguson, Trayvon Martin, inviting racist to the White House like Al Sharpton and Black Lies Matter.

Standing on the side of thugs and against law enforcement.

All of these actions set the racial clock in this Country back decades.

Some Americans were ready to have a black president. Some were not. The backlash against Obama being black is one thing that helped Trump, with his "not PC" stance, being elected.

This comment is pure psychobabble.

It doesn't matter how many times you attempt to ignore Obama's politics and blame his lack of popularity on skin color, it will never change the facts of why Americans really disliked Obama.

White people go to Starbucks all the time. Lots of them sit in there for hours, using their free wifi. Some of them go to meet friends. None of them are kicked out or arrested for trespassing. The blacks who were arrested were doing nothing different from the whites who go there all the time. What else could explain why they were treated differently?

As I have already stated.

You have absolutely no evidence to back up your beliefs.

What other political stunts has he pulled?
It was not just policies, like the PROMISE Program.

It was also Obama's actions, comments and positions.

The beer summit, Ferguson, Trayvon Martin, inviting racist to the White House like Al Sharpton and Black Lies Matter.

Standing on the side of thugs and against law enforcement.

All of these actions set the racial clock in this Country back decades.

Do you think that black lives don't matter?
The Promise program has been discussed before. The fact of the matter is that young black men are way over represented in prisons. Trying to turn that around is hardly racist.
But, yes, some very questionable characters did visit the White House.

This comment is pure psychobabble.

It doesn't matter how many times you attempt to ignore Obama's politics and blame his lack of popularity on skin color, it will never change the facts of why Americans really disliked Obama.

Americans did like Obama. He could easily have won a third term against Clinton and Trump had he not termed out. He may not have been perfect, he did, as you said, "cozy up to " some pretty questionable characters, but he was certainly liked and respected at home and abroad.

But, there are people who couldn't quite accept him, or any person of color. He was a Kenyan. He wasn't a real American. He was a Muslim. Even more absurd and extreme nonsense was said: He was a terrorist, the AntiChrist, a lizard person. He was compared to a monkey. All that speaks to a contingent of Americans who just weren't ready for a black president.

As I have already stated.

You have absolutely no evidence to back up your beliefs.

You read the evidence I've presented, then say I have no evidence. It is you who has no evidence that the incident at Starbucks was not a racist incident.


From your link:
Starbucks’ CEO Howard Schultz, known for involving his corporation in controversial social issues, just announced his latest venture, which is to provide jobs for Americans between the ages of 16 and 24 who are out of school and not working.

sounds like the sort of "political stunt" we need more of.[/QUOTE]
Do you think that black lives don't matter?
The Promise program has been discussed before. The fact of the matter is that young black men are way over represented in prisons. Trying to turn that around is hardly racist.

Believing that it is because of racism that black Americans are way over represented in prison is itself RACIST.

Black Americans make up around 12% of the American population and are responsible for 60% of the violent crime in the Country.

That reason and that reason alone is why black Americans are over represented in prison.

But, yes, some very questionable characters did visit the White House.

Do you think that contributed in any way to Obama's lack of popularity?

Or do you believe the fake polls?

Americans did like Obama. He could easily have won a third term against Clinton and Trump had he not termed out. He may not have been perfect, he did, as you said, "cozy up to " some pretty questionable characters, but he was certainly liked and respected at home and abroad.

That is opinion.

HRC .... Ms. Obama's third term, lost in a landslide.

Think that was because of Obama's "popularity"?

But, there are people who couldn't quite accept him, or any person of color. He was a Kenyan. He wasn't a real American. He was a Muslim. Even more absurd and extreme nonsense was said: He was a terrorist, the AntiChrist, a lizard person. He was compared to a monkey. All that speaks to a contingent of Americans who just weren't ready for a black president.

None of those isolated cases had anything to do with why Americans abandoned Obama and the Democratic Party to the point of the Democratic Party holding less seats in Congress than they have held since the 1920's.

You read the evidence I've presented, then say I have no evidence. It is you who has no evidence that the incident at Starbucks was not a racist incident.

Then please ....

Post a link to any story where blacks were removed for being black.

The men at Starbucks in Philly were arrested for trespassing, after refusing to leave.

Post some real evidence, of which your opinion is not, where blacks were refused service based in skin color.

From your link:

sounds like the sort of "political stunt" we need more of.
You can Google this one for yourself.

There's ample stories about it out there.

Believing that it is because of racism that black Americans are way over represented in prison is itself RACIST.

Black Americans make up around 12% of the American population and are responsible for 60% of the violent crime in the Country.

That reason and that reason alone is why black Americans are over represented in prison.

So, then, you believe that black people are just more violent than white people are, and you don't think that is a racist position?

Or, maybe they're just more likely to be caught and prosecuted, and more likely to get longer prison sentences?

Do you think that contributed in any way to Obama's lack of popularity?

Or do you believe the fake polls?

That is opinion.

HRC .... Ms. Obama's third term, lost in a landslide.

Think that was because of Obama's "popularity"?

Yes, it's opinion that Obama would have won. There is no way to prove or disprove it. It is also opinion that Clinton had a lot of baggage that Obama didn't have, things like Bengazi and her emails, not to mention rumors going back to her husband's administration. It is opinion that Clinton was a flawed candidate and should never have been the party's nominee.

It is not opinion that Obama was a popular president, however. The poll numbers show it.

Oh, and despite not being the best of candidates, Clinton hardly lost in a "landslide." She actually won the popular vote, meaning more Americans voted against Trump than voted against her.

None of those isolated cases had anything to do with why Americans abandoned Obama and the Democratic Party to the point of the Democratic Party holding less seats in Congress than they have held since the 1920's.

now, there you do have a point. Mostly, it was the economy that caused the voters to turn against the Democrats in 2010. Yes, that's an opinion, too.

Then please ....

Post a link to any story where blacks were removed for being black.

That's what this thread is all about, just such a story.

The men at Starbucks in Philly were arrested for trespassing, after refusing to leave.

Post some real evidence, of which your opinion is not, where blacks were refused service based in skin color.

You can Google this one for yourself.

There's ample stories about it out there.

I could google it for myself, but it is your opinion, and the link you posted does not support it.
So, then, you believe that black people are just more violent than white people are, and you don't think that is a racist position?

Do you consider facts racist?

Or just facts that don't fit you political agenda?

Or, maybe they're just more likely to be caught and prosecuted, and more likely to get longer prison sentences?

Maybe there is room for discrimination in prosecution or longer prison sentences or it may be representation due to economical reasons.

But, either way ..... it is clear why more black Americans are in the prison systems.

Yes, it's opinion that Obama would have won. There is no way to prove or disprove it. It is also opinion that Clinton had a lot of baggage that Obama didn't have, things like Bengazi and her emails, not to mention rumors going back to her husband's administration. It is opinion that Clinton was a flawed candidate and should never have been the party's nominee.

I'm pretty sure that could be considered fact.

It is not opinion that Obama was a popular president, however. The poll numbers show it.

Polls are not fact.

This would be opinion.

I would call it propaganda.

Oh, and despite not being the best of candidates, Clinton hardly lost in a "landslide." She actually won the popular vote, meaning more Americans voted against Trump than voted against her.

Popular vote is irrelevant.

This Country has not elected a President with a popular vote in 2 something centuries.

What is relevant is comparing how many counties and states Trump won to how many HRC won.


now, there you do have a point. Mostly, it was the economy that caused the voters to turn against the Democrats in 2010. Yes, that's an opinion, too.


That's what this thread is all about, just such a story.

There is no evidence anywhere in this story that supports these men were arrested for being black.

None ...... whatsoever.

I could google it for myself, but it is your opinion, and the link you posted does not support it.

#racetogether does support my point.

The Philly event is not the first stunt Starbucks has pulled to "spur race talks" in this Country.
Do you consider facts racist?

Or just facts that don't fit you political agenda?

Maybe there is room for discrimination in prosecution or longer prison sentences or it may be representation due to economical reasons.

But, either way ..... it is clear why more black Americans are in the prison systems.

Facts are not racist, opinions are. That more blacks than whites wind up in prison is a fact. That is not racist. The reasons for that rely on opinions, which are racist.

Genetically, there is little difference between the races. All humans started out in Africa. Those are facts.

I'm pretty sure that could be considered fact.

but only by people who don't know the difference.

Polls are not fact.

This would be opinion.

The conclusions of polls are not facts. That X% of respondents said Y is a fact.

I would call it propaganda.

yes, that you would call it propaganda is a fact. That it is actually propaganda is an opinion.

Popular vote is irrelevant.
This Country has not elected a President with a popular vote in 2 something centuries.

What is relevant is comparing how many counties and states Trump won to how many HRC won.


It is a fact that the popular vote does not elect the president. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote is also a fact. It is a fact that supports the opinion that Trump did not win in a landslide. But, he did win, and we now have to live with him for a couple of more years.

There is no evidence anywhere in this story that supports these men were arrested for being black.

None ...... whatsoever..

There is no evidence that there was another reason why they were treated differently than white customers. That they were asked to leave, then arrested is a fact. That white customers also were in the business and had not ordered anything is also a fact. Both of those facts support the opinion of racism.

#racetogether does support my point.

The Philly event is not the first stunt Starbucks has pulled to "spur race talks" in this Country.

If you think that providing jobs for young people is a political stunt, then you have a point.

Personally, I think providing jobs is a good thing, and not a political stunt at all, but, that's just an opinion of mine.
Facts are not racist, opinions are. That more blacks than whites wind up in prison is a fact. That is not racist. The reasons for that rely on opinions, which are racist.

We are not discussing opinions here.

We are discussing facts.

Are you suggesting blacks are wrongly imprisoned?

If so ... please provide some credible sources that state on a grand scale blacks are imprisoned for crimes they did not commit.

Genetically, there is little difference between the races. All humans started out in Africa. Those are facts.

I didn't say that there was. But, culturally, there is a very big difference.

but only by people who don't know the difference.

What difference.

All normal thinking people regardless of which side know HRC was a flawed candidate.

The conclusions of polls are not facts. That X% of respondents said Y is a fact.

Nothing about polls are fact.


yes, that you would call it propaganda is a fact. That it is actually propaganda is an opinion.


But, that doesn't change the fact that polls are not fact.

It is a fact that the popular vote does not elect the president. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote is also a fact. It is a fact that supports the opinion that Trump did not win in a landslide. But, he did win, and we now have to live with him for a couple of more years.

You think Democrats will win in November?


Gonna site that big blue wave nonsense?

There is no evidence that there was another reason why they were treated differently than white customers.

There is no evidence these men were treated differently.

I have already stated this fact.

That they were asked to leave, then arrested is a fact.


That white customers also were in the business and had not ordered anything is also a fact.

There is no evidence that supports your belief.

This is not fact.

Both of those facts support the opinion of racism.

There is no evidence that supports your beliefs as being facts.

There is no evidence that supports this event had anything at all to do with skin color.

If you think that providing jobs for young people is a political stunt, then you have a point.

Personally, I think providing jobs is a good thing, and not a political stunt at all, but, that's just an opinion of mine.


You are ignoring all the other controversial things Starbucks has done.
Racism certainly exist in the US.

After 8 years of B. Hussein, I would say racial tension have been flamed into a frenzy not seen since the 60's.

But, these incidents we are discussing are hoaxes, fabricated by a Party and an ideology that benefits from keeping racial tensions at an all time high.

This is why I call you, and others, stupid, and you don't respond simply because every time you do you sound even more stupid. The CEO of Starbucks says it is about race, and is even holding more "seminars" on race at all of his Starbucks. But you, the "genius", say it is a hoax made up by the MSM. You also have the gall to say that race relations grew worse under Obama greater then those seen in the 60's. Of course, you ignore the role that conservatives like you played in that matter just as you did when Blacks were being hung, beaten, and their churches bombed, simply because you wanted to keep them enslaved to their White masters. Then that uppity Black boy got elected President, and oh my, couldn't tolerate that so you went and voted for a White racist just to even things out. And as more unarmed Blacks are killed (another was shot to death in his car the other day), why, that never happened, it was just a hoax.

Whether you like it, or not, White men created the ghettos, White men keep the Black man in poverty:


Racism certainly exist in the US.

After 8 years of B. Hussein, I would say racial tension have been flamed into a frenzy not seen since the 60's.

But, these incidents we are discussing are hoaxes, fabricated by a Party and an ideology that benefits from keeping racial tensions at an all time high.
You do wonder how anyone can take the trumpnazis seriously, don't you!