3 Women freed in Cleveland. Wouldnt been kidnapped if they had guns


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
This made news yesterday im sure yall saw it. Now if these women were carrying guns in their purse they wouldn't been kidnapped from the street. You see the NRA is right about guns. Obamas children are protected by ARMED GUARDS!! While the rest of us need gun permits and have to abide gun control laws

OHIO Voters are the Real losers who voted for this guy for governor who took away their guns
That's my case about Cops. They cant do their jobs. You don't see Canadian cops doing this shit



Seems to me these women wouldn't got kidnapped if cops were doing their jobs. America is the worst country in the world with the worst law enforcement with the worst justice system.
Have to be 21 to legally carry here in Texas. Lots of teen thugs are carrying in the big cities illegally ..... but that's happening in big cities across the Country.

wasnt sure if it was legal or not. turns out its 18 here in VA. so what about younger huntets ? hmmmmm
Look at justice in Russia. You don't get a lawyer. Theyre no juries and theyre are no prosecutors. Its between you and 3 judges panel. You have to prove your case all by yourself and tell those judges you didn't do it or youre sorry. And 99.9% of the time youre going to prison with hard labor. And look at the justice system in the Middle east. If you steal they cut off ur hand. If you break any minor laws you get lashes
This is what happens when you get GAY in IRAN
This is what happens when you try to run away
This is what happens when you drink Alcohol in the middle east

I know lets let 5 year olds carry! The news has shown that works well the last few weeks. what I can think of 3 shootings in last few weeks by kids with guns on accident. But you know what ever lets you get your hard on while thinking about guns. I am shocked you have nothing to say about the black guy who saved him. I know you want to, I bet it made you sick to know he even touched those white girls.
I know lets let 5 year olds carry! The news has shown that works well the last few weeks. what I can think of 3 shootings in last few weeks by kids with guns on accident. But you know what ever lets you get your hard on while thinking about guns. I am shocked you have nothing to say about the black guy who saved him. I know you want to, I bet it made you sick to know he even touched those white girls.
Where do you get this hate? There is not one person here that's wants 5 yr olds to have guns.. As for myself I am damn glad that black man helped.. This is nuts!
Look at justice in Russia. You don't get a lawyer. Theyre no juries and theyre are no prosecutors. Its between you and 3 judges panel. You have to prove your case all by yourself and tell those judges you didn't do it or youre sorry. And 99.9% of the time youre going to prison with hard labor. And look at the justice system in the Middle east. If you steal they cut off ur hand. If you break any minor laws you get lashes
This is what happens when you get GAY in IRAN Now THATS WHAT I CALL JUSTICE!

Steve you are a shining example that some on the right can be just as looney as some on the left like pockets.
I see no different in some of your comments than his. Different political sides .... same hate and intolerance!
Turns out the sex perv is a registered Democrat....surprise...surprise....I wonder if a study was ever done to determine if those guilty of heinous crimes are more likely to be Dems.....we know GUN CONTROL does not work, but maybe DEM CONTROL would work...:D

Figures. Cleveland Pervert Kidnapper Ariel Castro Is a Registered Democrat

Posted by Jim Hoft on Thursday, May 9, 2013, 9:44 AM
Pervert Ariel Castro and his House of Horrors
It figures. Pervert Ariel Castro is a registered Democrat.
The American Thinker reported:

According to voter registration records, Ariel Castro, the Cleveland kidnapper, is aregistered Democrat. He was also the alleged leader among the three Castro brothers, who were arrested this week, and the owner of the house at 2207 Seymour Ave., where the three abducted local women had been kept in captivity for over a decade.
Why is this important? Whenever a crime or a scandal captures national attention, the pattern in the mainstream media is to either identify the culprit as a Republican or hold silence — in which case we can rest assured that the culprit is a Democrat.
Turns out the sex perv is a registered Democrat....surprise...surprise....I wonder if a study was ever done to determine if those guilty of heinous crimes are more likely to be Dems.....we know GUN CONTROL does not work, but maybe DEM CONTROL would work...:D

Figures. Cleveland Pervert Kidnapper Ariel Castro Is a Registered Democrat

Posted by Jim Hoft on Thursday, May 9, 2013, 9:44 AM
Pervert Ariel Castro and his House of Horrors
It figures. Pervert Ariel Castro is a registered Democrat.
The American Thinker reported:
According to voter registration records, Ariel Castro, the Cleveland kidnapper, is aregistered Democrat. He was also the alleged leader among the three Castro brothers, who were arrested this week, and the owner of the house at 2207 Seymour Ave., where the three abducted local women had been kept in captivity for over a decade.
Why is this important? Whenever a crime or a scandal captures national attention, the pattern in the mainstream media is to either identify the culprit as a Republican or hold silence — in which case we can rest assured that the culprit is a Democrat.

They will have fun with him in prison.