ArmChair General
Well-Known Member
one thing about palerider, that you must give him credit for, is that he has thought his position all the way through.
For someone to be against abortion, but be for birth control pills, is completely contradictory, he realizes this.
I personally think this argument if just left to law, is a stalemate. Especially in a Democracy, where the will of the people reigns. We have to find something more to base this argument on.
In order to reach the complete conclusion of this thought, we have to deal with the reasoning behind why laws are created. Which touches on morality and ethics.
So, is it ok to kill a human being? Yes there are instances where killing a human being is not wrong.
So why is it wrong to kill an unborn. I can't get past this Palerider. I personally view most human beings as vermin infecting the Earth,. So to me, the killing of an unborn human being is not necessarily a bad thing.
Eventually, and I see no other option, as the human population continues to grow, and resources become more scarce, we as human beings will be forced to limit our population. IN order for the population that does live, to live in relative comfort. Over population is a serious problem.
I can't find myself viewing an unborn human being as anything other than another parasite. And if its parents don't want it, then why bring it into a world where it will probably experience nothing but pain anyways.
So, if Palerider, you would be so Kind to explain why Abortion is wrong, without resorting to law.
I really would like to discuss this. Thanks.
By the way, I didn't post this in the religion forum, because I don't beileve that morality and ethics come from religion or God. They come from human beings. As recent research has noted, things like Altruism are actually hard wired into the brain and pleasurable to human beings. And it really isn't the answer that one comes up with in regards to questions of morality, its more of the process that our brains take to get to that answer.
For someone to be against abortion, but be for birth control pills, is completely contradictory, he realizes this.
I personally think this argument if just left to law, is a stalemate. Especially in a Democracy, where the will of the people reigns. We have to find something more to base this argument on.
In order to reach the complete conclusion of this thought, we have to deal with the reasoning behind why laws are created. Which touches on morality and ethics.
So, is it ok to kill a human being? Yes there are instances where killing a human being is not wrong.
So why is it wrong to kill an unborn. I can't get past this Palerider. I personally view most human beings as vermin infecting the Earth,. So to me, the killing of an unborn human being is not necessarily a bad thing.
Eventually, and I see no other option, as the human population continues to grow, and resources become more scarce, we as human beings will be forced to limit our population. IN order for the population that does live, to live in relative comfort. Over population is a serious problem.
I can't find myself viewing an unborn human being as anything other than another parasite. And if its parents don't want it, then why bring it into a world where it will probably experience nothing but pain anyways.
So, if Palerider, you would be so Kind to explain why Abortion is wrong, without resorting to law.
I really would like to discuss this. Thanks.
By the way, I didn't post this in the religion forum, because I don't beileve that morality and ethics come from religion or God. They come from human beings. As recent research has noted, things like Altruism are actually hard wired into the brain and pleasurable to human beings. And it really isn't the answer that one comes up with in regards to questions of morality, its more of the process that our brains take to get to that answer.