All sex between consenting adults should be legalized.

Stray Bullet

Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2024
Recently Texas went after porn hub and they didn’t make it illegal but they made it to where the site would have to get peoples age verification and the site was like saying this violates their freedoms. So it’s gone now in the state. It’s all about parenting. I watched porn as a teenager. Most people have and still do. In fact what’s harmful is suppressing anyone’s sexual identity or trying to bring us back to some sort of puritan age. Yes protect children. But don’t violate freedoms to do it. Parent your kids instead of scapegoating something if you don’t want them watching that stuff. And prostitution should be legalized. I think it should go without saying that I mean that for adults but no doubt the projective nuts will show up about that.
Prostitution should be legalized, maybe appropriate regulations. Works in vegas
The party of freedom, gop, should be all over this... but aren't since they obsess about the Bible and sex
Recently Texas went after porn hub and they didn’t make it illegal but they made it to where the site would have to get peoples age verification and the site was like saying this violates their freedoms. So it’s gone now in the state. It’s all about parenting. I watched porn as a teenager. Most people have and still do. In fact what’s harmful is suppressing anyone’s sexual identity or trying to bring us back to some sort of puritan age. Yes protect children. But don’t violate freedoms to do it. Parent your kids instead of scapegoating something if you don’t want them watching that stuff. And prostitution should be legalized. I think it should go without saying that I mean that for adults but no doubt the projective nuts will show up about that.
So you watch porn and your only girlfriend is a hooker. This makes you a loser who needs to be tested for AIDS
Recently Texas went after porn hub and they didn’t make it illegal but they made it to where the site would have to get peoples age verification and the site was like saying this violates their freedoms. So it’s gone now in the state. It’s all about parenting. I watched porn as a teenager. Most people have and still do. In fact what’s harmful is suppressing anyone’s sexual identity or trying to bring us back to some sort of puritan age. Yes protect children. But don’t violate freedoms to do it. Parent your kids instead of scapegoating something if you don’t want them watching that stuff. And prostitution should be legalized. I think it should go without saying that I mean that for adults but no doubt the projective nuts will show up about that.
Age verification for porno sites are fine.
And as far as I know what 2 adults do to or with each other isn't exactly monitored and enforced
Age verification for porno sites are fine.
And as far as I know what 2 adults do to or with each other isn't exactly monitored and enforced
Prostitution sure is
Fortunately the discrimination against gays with sodomy laws got overturned relatively recently, but the so called party of freedom had to be dragged into more freedom in that case against their will
Age verification for porno sites are fine.
And as far as I know what 2 adults do to or with each other isn't exactly monitored and enforced
No it’s not. Do you want to have to give out your personal information just to see porn online? It’s not an age verification like you just type it in.
No it’s not. Do you want to have to give out your personal information just to see porn online? It’s not an age verification like you just type it in.
Well I don't worry about porno on line I prefer to have real sex with my woman.
And as a responsible adult I think kids should not be exposed at young ages tom porno. Just something about a 9 year old watching guys have sex or gangbangs might not be healthy for them. I know I know in your world that's ok but in mine its not,
I know I know that a radical ideal and liberals like you are against it .
But I have no issue with age verification just like to buy cigarettes or booze.
Well I don't worry about porno on line I prefer to have real sex with my woman.
And as a responsible adult I think kids should not be exposed at young ages tom porno. Just something about a 9 year old watching guys have sex or gangbangs might not be healthy for them. I know I know in your world that's ok but in mine its not,
I know I know that a radical ideal and liberals like you are against it .
But I have no issue with age verification just like to buy cigarettes or booze.

actually, not wanting to provide id to government is more of a right wing/libertarian idea, not left wing liberal.
When I first came to Miami in 1977, there were several places in the county where hookers could always be seen. Now, there is none of that, because any women wanting to have sex for money have cellphones and there are places where they advertise. It is probably impossible to prevent prostitution, so why try? There are certainly worse crimes to prosecute.