The Age of Consent

READ ORIGINAL POST FIRST! What should the age of consent be?

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That stuff happens and there should be special rules for stuff like that.

All anyone wants is to make sure grown men pervs dont sexually hurt little kids

BIB continues: No, enforcing existing laws would though.

But that was not the point of this thread.

the point of this thread was the person wanting the laws to concent
abolished so grown men can have sex with 7 year old girls or boys perhaps even younger, just not infants in his book.

Yet, you continue to repeat that statement about needing more 'LAWS' if that is going to stop perverts from praying upon innocent children...HMMM :rolleyes:
Yet, you continue to repeat that statement about needing more 'LAWS' if that is going to stop perverts from praying upon innocent children...HMMM :rolleyes:

Welp, the first post of mine you clipped from something Pocket and I were talking about.

16 year old girls who dress, look, act and more importantly say they are over 18. The guy still gets nailed for child molestation or child rape even when the young girl is the one doing something wrong.

There are no laws that I know of in any state protecting men from girls who look, dress, act and claim to be over 18. But there should be a law to protect those men.

the second conversation was about children being molested/ raped by men who prey on them. The existing laws would work fine.

You could have kept all of your personal insults to your self and just read the posts, that would have been refreshing and new.
Welp, the first post of mine you clipped from something Pocket and I were talking about.

16 year old girls who dress, look, act and more importantly say they are over 18. The guy still gets nailed for child molestation or child rape even when the young girl is the one doing something wrong.

There are no laws that I know of in any state protecting men from girls who look, dress, act and claim to be over 18. But there should be a law to protect those men.

the second conversation was about children being molested/ raped by men who prey on them. The existing laws would work fine.

You could have kept all of your personal insults to your self and just read the posts, that would have been refreshing and new.

Well as your usual obfuscating this topic with another {where you acuse me and Agnapostate} of enjoying having sex with children...I've not said SQUAT TO YOU ABOUT ANYTHING insulting on this topic...:rolleyes:

But carry on with your continual whine/B!tch &'s become your standard operating precedure for getting attention! EVEN WHEN IT'S A LIE and you've perpatrated it upon other posters just to get attention and to cause trouble! ;)
Well as your usual obfuscating this topic with another {where you acuse me and Agnapostate} of enjoying having sex with children...I've not said SQUAT TO YOU ABOUT ANYTHING insulting on this topic...:rolleyes:

But carry on with your continual whine/B!tch &'s become your standard operating precedure for getting attention! EVEN WHEN IT'S A LIE and you've perpatrated it upon other posters just to get attention and to cause trouble! ;)

Welp again,
I have never accused you of having sex or enjoying sex with kids. I asked you if you aproved of what he said.

You on the other hand have called me a sexual deviant

I never accused him of having sex with children either, I do think though his answer to the question about the 7 year old was very disgusting.
Excellent POINT, Agnapostate; and anyone reading the entire thread {with an I.Q. above 60} would understand and comprehend the what/why/wherefores that this was started; unfortunately with the ILK of BIB & Herr Gen, they love to tag team and misquote/misinterpret/misconstrue the TRUTH FACTOR and then dredge up the SLIME as an example for their current unfortunate stance on another topic. THEY'VE DONE THIS MANY TIMES IN THE RECENT YEAR and it shows the depth that they both will stoop to in-order to SMEAR another author. When you can't argue and stay on POINT segway into another smear and derail the entire thread...that's what they both are REALLY GOOD AT!
Your honor and maturity in this matter just shines brightly...while those two seem, well they seem to feed off of each other :cool:

On this topic, this thread let me highlight your personal insults you claim you
have not given,

this is on top of the lie that I have accused you of having sex with kids.
On this topic, this thread let me highlight your personal insults you claim you
have not given,

this is on top of the lie that I have accused you of having sex with kids.

Hey, it's all out there and reported to the proper authorities...we'll just let them decide won't we;)

That's the wonderful thing about your constant can't/don't remember sh!t about what/when/where you've said things that were beyond cruel and vile:)
There are no laws that I know of in any state protecting men from girls who look, dress, act and claim to be over 18. But there should be a law to protect those men.

In the majority of states, sexual interactions with 16 year olds won't be illegal anyway. But there are such provisions in existence, which I believe is why Rob Lowe isn't in prison.
In the majority of states, sexual interactions with 16 year olds won't be illegal anyway. But there are such provisions in existence, which I believe is why Rob Lowe isn't in prison.

That is sad :(

if the guy is 17-18 even 19 is reasonable but anything over that with a 16 year old kid is sad and disgusting.

why dont we fix the confusion in the argument we have been having over the 7 year old girl.

I will re ask the question and take your new answer without debate or question

Do you approve of a grown man having sex with a 7 year old girl even if she is willing?
That is sad :(

if the guy is 17-18 even 19 is reasonable but anything over that with a 16 year old kid is sad and disgusting.

why dont we fix the confusion in the argument we have been having over the 7 year old girl.

I will re ask the question and take your new answer without debate or question

Do you approve of a grown man having sex with a 7 year old girl even if she is willing?

OMG...there is truly something deep/dark/sick & twisted in that soul of just can't admit that you've already gotten this entire thread off track and turned it into a personal swipe at him and you still go after him/bait him/tempt him to answer your disgusting question:mad:

To what end/for what reason...seems a pointed attempt to back him into a corner so that you can utilize this filth for your future enjoyment and sabotage whenever you and your ILK want to pull it out for tormenting.

You've done it just within this past couple of days and you want him to be assured that you won't defame him again...GOOD GRIEF your sickness knows no bounds AT ALL!!! Your about as sly as MEDOSA ;)
OMG...there is truly something deep/dark/sick & twisted in that soul of just can't admit that you've already gotten this entire thread off track and turned it into a personal swipe at him and you still go after him/bait him/tempt him to answer your disgusting question:mad:

To what end/for what reason...seems a pointed attempt to back him into a corner so that you can utilize this filth for your future enjoyment and sabotage whenever you and your ILK want to pull it out for tormenting.

You've done it just within this past couple of days and you want him to be assured that you won't defame him again...GOOD GRIEF your sickness knows no bounds AT ALL!!! Your about as sly as MEDOSA ;)

I think you meant medusa in that personal attack?

How about you leave me alone?

this is not about you, this is about a conversation he and I had long before you came to the forum.

There may very well be a misunderstanding in the way he replied to my question and if that is the case I want to know. If he meant what he said last year I want to know that too.

But it would really be great if you could leave me alone and stop attacking me.
I think you meant medusa in that personal attack?

How about you leave me alone?

this is not about you, this is about a conversation he and I had long before you came to the forum.

There may very well be a misunderstanding in the way he replied to my question and if that is the case I want to know. If he meant what he said last year I want to know that too.

But it would really be great if you could leave me alone and stop attacking me.
From the topic: Obama As A Socialist:
Pandora Said:Post #51You are ok with having sex with children? :eek:

Incase you did not know, there is a thread started by him
advocating sex with children. Its an old thread but that is what Gen is talking about.
Pandora SAID:Post #57 are you now advocating for child rape?

GOOD ONE...and then why would you feel the need to step into a discussion that didn't involve you to start with just to defame Agnapostate by posting that he thinks it's OK TO HAVE SEX WITH 7 YEAR OLD LITTLE GIRLS AND WHEN I TRIED TO IGNORE YOU...YOU TOLD ME THAT I AGREE ABOUT HAVING SEX WITH LITTLE 7 YEAR OLD GIRLS.

And now it's just a big misunderstanding when you are the one {well you and that other pervert who said it to begin with} brought it into this forum...that was all long-long before I ever came on board here so I would have HAD NO KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THAT SICK/VILE ISSUE...NOT UNTIL YOU AND HERR GEN SENECA SPEWED IT OUT HERE ON THIS PUBLIC FORM...YOU DID THAT NOT ME;).

GOOD ONE...and then why would you feel the need to step into a discussion that didn't involve you to start with just to defame Agnapostate by posting that he thinks it's OK TO HAVE SEX WITH 7 YEAR OLD LITTLE GIRLS AND WHEN I TRIED TO IGNORE YOU...YOU TOLD ME THAT I AGREE ABOUT HAVING SEX WITH LITTLE 7 YEAR OLD GIRLS.

And now it's just a big misunderstanding when you are the one {well you and that other pervert who said it to begin with} brought it into this forum...that was all long-long before I ever came on board here so I would have HAD NO KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THAT SICK/VILE ISSUE...NOT UNTIL YOU AND HERR GEN SENECA SPEWED IT OUT HERE ON THIS PUBLIC FORM...YOU DID THAT NOT ME;).


You tried to ignore me? I wish!

I did not tell you what you think I asked you if you were agreeing with the statement from over a year ago.

How can you say it did not involve me when it was me who asked the question over a year ago and it was me he replied to over a year ago?

I dont know if its a missunderstanding or not, I am willing to re ask and see. He is saying on the other thread that I missunderstood what he meant. Fair enough, so I asked again and this time I will hopefully understand the answer.

Gen spewed a public post on a public forum? OK...

This topic was bound to come up again, it was never finished the first time. Why are you making it your job to tell me to stay out of this when it was me who asked the question a year ago and it was me he replied to a year ago?

Perhaps we think of attacking people differntly.

You think if anyone disagrees with you they are attacking, I think if people call you names, belittle you, make fun of you, say foul things about you, lie about you they are attacking.

So why not just leave me alone. Who gets hurt if you just attack every one else who doesnt agree with you and give me a break and just leave me alone.

I never post on your threads, I never post to you unless you have posted to me or about me first...... you leave me alone and we can both be happy.

Pandora Said:Post #51You are ok with having sex with children?

Incase you did not know, there is a thread started by him
advocating sex with children. Its an old thread but that is what Gen is talking about.

Pandora SAID:Post #57 are you now advocating for child rape?

Check it out. Those are both questions. they even have question marks at the end.

Dang it, I think I just caught you in ANOTHER lie about me.

again, I asked you if you agreed, I did not tell you that you agreed or say you were a Sexual deviant. You are the one who said that about me if you remember correctly!
Neither penetration nor most other types of sexual behavior would typically induce physical harm upon a 7 year old.

My objection to a man attempting to have sexual intercourse with an infant is that such an act could cause severe physical trauma to an infant. The other instances of sexual interaction that you are presumably referring to are wrong inasmuch as they cause the infant to suffer. Suffering is a core issue in the consideration of every single being, be it human or otherwise.

Agnapostate, here is the post I am confused about. The second post in this thread I asked is it wrong for a 60 year old man to have sex with a 7 year old if he can get her to go along with it by offering her a bike or something. You said it was no worse than other slave labor but your final word in that post was so.. no.

in this second post you didnt add anything about it being wrong for a 60 year old man to have sex with a 7 year old, only that a baby could be physically damaged or get trauma.

So if you could re reply about a 7 year old girl and an adult male. I am going ot assume you would be against forced sex, so lets say willing sex. In trade for a bike or other item.

Do you think it is morally wrong for a grown man to have sex with a 7 year old child?
Incidentally, you believe that the age of consent should be 18 or higher, Rob? Are you aware that it is 16 in more than 30 states?

Pocket already addressed this but I'll add in agreement.

There's an age of consent for minors to be with other minors or in some places they use something like a 4 year age difference standard down to a certain level I think it's usually down to the youngest partner being like 16 (as in say high school dating). It shouldn't be considered statutory rape because two high school kids decided to have sex.

But there absolutely should be protections for children so that adults cannot take advantage (read that prey on) their inexperience.

So your poll can't accurately be answered as is.