Age of Consent Laws


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2006
I recently had a minor discussion with a family member about the age of consent laws through out the world. So I thought it would be interesting to see what the members of PE thought about this.

The age of consent laws through out the world are approx. 13-21 years old with some muslim countries require marrage before sex.

Do you think the laws regarding this issue should be relaxed, strengthened or remain the same?
I recently had a minor discussion with a family member about the age of consent laws through out the world. So I thought it would be interesting to see what the members of PE thought about this.

The age of consent laws through out the world are approx. 13-21 years old with some muslim countries require marrage before sex.

Do you think the laws regarding this issue should be relaxed, strengthened or remain the same?

With no single worldwide culture as a point of context, I don't see how we could really come to a conclusion that could be applied across the board. Persons in different cultures reach what is referred to as an age of reason, age of consent, age of accountabilility at different times, based on the criteria established in each culture. Who am I to say that current standards in a culture I know little or nothing about - and see it only with an outsider's eyes - is not right on the money?
I would tend to agree with you that every culture is different but at the same time 13 yrs old is way to young for me to believe that they are in the right frame of mind to make a decision on whether to have sex.
This thread isn't so much about the culture of other countries and how they view this subject, but more akin to what you think is an appropriate age of consent.
Ah, but my opinion will be informed by my culture. Any thoughts I have will be based on what I think I know. People in other places and cultures may or may not see my reasoning as valid or applicable, simply because their culture and experience is very different from mine.

We've had cultures that considered a female an old maid if she was not married by 13. History has seen its share of twelve year old boy kings and women bearing children at 15.

From my vantage point, does that seem way too young to me? Sure it does. I do not think children should be burdened with adult responsibilities. I see the teen years as a time to learn and experience the basics that define a person as an adult in my culture, but within a controlled environment and with careful instruction on accountability for choices and actions taken. But then again, that is my own cultural conditioning. Who am I to say that a young person reared in another culture would not be ready to function as an adult at a younger age than I perceive is appropriate in my culture?
To me, the age of consent is 18! If you are old enough to fight in a war and vote, then you can also have sex and do whatever you want, as well as drink and smoke cigarrettes and watch porn. Is everything on the same context? Of course not, but then that would be an age where nobody is going to be after you because you did something or not. And every culture is different and every person will think different. Some will do all those things before they are 15, others way later, others never.
That's a tough one, Brandon. I can only make a comment based on my own personal convictions, which is much more conservative than others on this forum. So, I would say if you're JUST talking about giving someone the "consent" to have sex with you, it should be no later than 18. However, if you're talking about the consent of marriage, that's different. Some people are able to handle being married at a younger age than others, and I know some people that married at a younger age that have successful marriages. I think that the youth of the couple is just ONE of the obstacles that they will face in order to make the marriage work.
I would agree with you that a couple that gets married at a young age that is just one of the obstacles they will face. I just feel not in all situations but in some I would think that the older you are the better only because I feel the more life you have seen and lived through the better you are to face the problems that can come with a marriage. That being said I would agree it would depend some on the culture you have been brought up in also.
I agree with Berlinlife's summary of this. The age of consent is more than for sex's for military service, drinking, even tax paying or should be.
Each country sets its own age of consent depending on its culture.
Very well put, berlinlife and vicki. I don't have much else to add, but for age of consent for sex the age of 18 seems appropriate.