Why we must lower the voting age to 17

I say there should be a test. The potential voter should not only know how to read English, but should be able to read an editorial and either give reasons for agreeing with it, or be able to rebut it with logical arguments. The voters currently are too easily manipulated by advertising, which is nearly always misleading and paid for by special interest dollars.
Dahermit, the difference is that a 14 year old isn't classed as an adult in many ways and rights, while a 17 year old is.

If they have to fulfil some of the responsibilties of an adult, give them the vote.
How would you like it if you didn't get the vote in the next election, but had to die for your country under a government you wouldn't have voted in?
I think the voting age at 18 is just fine. While we can talk maturity of individuals, or even age groups. The age used to be 21 until the 24th amendment, which states: The rights of citizens who are eighteen years or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of age.

If we step back a bit into history, this comes from the fact that the voting age was generally 21 and the draft age was 18. Young men were being sent overseas to die in foreign wars without having a say in who thier leaders were. Now this makes sense to me.
But this notion about having to pass a test is utter BS, and someone else mentioned that voting is not a right but a priveledge, which is totally untrue. Unless you are a convicted felon and over the age of 18, it is you RIGHT to register to vote, it is also your right not to vote. If you dont vote, you shouldnt ***** about how things turn out.
Now back to the idea of passing a test, why not bring back the poll tax? Passing any type of test to vote is totally unAmerican and I think was addressed in the civil rights act.
I very well could be wrong, but I'm fairly certain no 17 year olds have died in the war.

While I am not aware of any 17 year olds killed in the current wars going on, there have been 17 year olds and younger killed in every other major American conflict.
voting age

Dahermit, the difference is that a 14 year old isn't classed as an adult in many ways and rights, while a 17 year old is.

If they have to fulfil some of the responsibilties of an adult, give them the vote.
In some states 14 year olds can marry. Therefore, they, "...fulfil some of the responsibilties of an adult..."
In some states 14 year olds can marry. Therefore, they, "...fulfil some of the responsibilties of an adult..."

Call me crazy but I'd say rethinking the law that lets 14 year olds get married would be a better idea than giving them a vote simply because it exists.

And just for curiosity's sake, that's Hawaii you're talking about, right?
At 16 children in the UK can leave home, drive a motorbike, get taxed, get a full time job, smoke and get married.

However, they can't vote on anything to do with this despite the fact they are paying road tax, national insurance from their wage as well as income tax, tax on the ciagrettes, and have to deal with everything that gets thrown in you at life. If they want to change anything, they can't, because they can't vote.