Would you vote for this candidate? (you pick the office)
Would you vote for a person who made mistakes as a young adult. But went on to become a better person and ran for office.
Please be honest. Heres the future candidates background.
Basic information: Candidate is a Republican, 35 years of age. Running for elected office.
Work history: U.S. Army 6 Yrs. (2 tours in Iraq.)
U.S. Navy 6 Yrs. (2 Sea Deployments.)
Has some college. (Will finish soon)
Criminal background:
All these charges happened as an adult at the age of 25 yrs.
These charges are one incedent. (same day)
1 simple tresspassing (charged as adult)
1 disturbing the peace charge (charged as adult)
1 public intox charge (charged as adult)
Here is where the candidate stands on issues.......
International Issues:
Energy & Oil: We should be investing in alternative energy to free ourselves from foreign dependence.
Foreign Policy: I support the war on terrorism, We should be pulling out of Iraq as soon as the goverment and military is stable. I would like our country to lead the way in improvements for the global enviorment. We should improve on human rights for all nations. Finally, improve relations in the far middle east.
Free Trade: I believe we should make it so that free trade favors our economy verses our neighbor's economy.
Homeland Security: DHS plays a vital role in todays "War on terrorism".
Immigration: I believe in open borders with strict regulations governing immigration. I don't believe in amnesty for illegal aliens.
War & Peace: I believe in a world of peace and deplomacy.
Domestic Issues:
Armed Forces: I support our troops! I support a well maintained, well trained, military. We should always give our troops what they need to accomplish their mission. I believe in pay raises and good healthcare for the military members and their families.
Civil Rights: I support the U.S. Constitution and "Bill of Rights". I condone same-sex marraige or civil unions.
Crime: I believe in more cops on the streets and harsher sentences for more serious crimes. I beleive petty criminals should be given reduced sentences for behavior & anger managemet improvement courses.
Drugs: We lost the "War on Drugs", We need a new strategy.
I will employ a new plan of action for taking down drug cartels.
Employment: I will stand behind implementing new goverment programs, and improving existing goverment programs to make college more affordable for our children.I will implement means to learn a new trade or skill for adults, assisted by goverment financing. I will bring new jobs to our economy. I will lower the over all commmercial tax from 35% to 20%. This will, along with other initiatives, will bring jobs back to the U.S.A.
Environmental: I believe in preserving our nation's landmarks, forest, and parks. I believe in tougher regulations for a cleaner environment.
Goverment: (Federal/State/Local) I support small goverment at all levels. I also believe the goverment should stay out of peoples lives and business.
Gun Control: I believe in and support the second ammendent!
Terrorism: I don't believe in the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act, but I believe in the war on terrorism.
Veterans: I support, and will sign into law, any legislation that will benefit our Hereo's.
Economic Issues:
Budget: I know at the current tax levels, we could pay for all these programs I propose, and still balance the budget. balancing the budget would be my main priority.
Economy: I'm concerned the economy is in turmoil, We would need to implement stronger regulations and increase goverment oversight. I don't support bailing out wall street or corporations.
Goverment Reform: We need to make the goverment accountable for it's own actions. The goverment must step up and assume responsibility for its role.
Infastructure: We need to make major improvements to our infrastructure.
Social Security: I believe in Social Security, I believe in a 25% pay raise for Social Security recipients, along with fair health coverage and FREE prescriptions.
Taxes & Tax Reform: Once we balance the budget, I would recommend tax rebates for college students. Tax reform would needed to be looked into.
Technology: I believe investing in technology for all areas, private or public funded.
Unemployment: I will create new jobs through lower business taxes.
Welfare & Poverty: I believe in welfare on a very limited basis. I would overhaul the program and make it harder to qualify.
Social Issues:
Abortion: I Believe its the womans right to choose.
Corporations: More oversight and stricter regulations on cooperations.
Education: I stand behind a good education. I support more qualified teachers for our schools. We would pay teachers more, but in-return we ask for better qualified teacher. I will make college more affordable.
Family & Children: I'm very family oriented, I support all family programs that aid in everyday family life.
Healthcare: I support healthcare insurance for those who have none.
Children would be automaticly covered by the goverment. Working adults would be insured by employer, and seniors would be covered by medicare/medicaid. If you are capable of working and agree not to, you will have NO health insurance.
Principles & Values: If you have a question in this department............please let me know.
I am not here to play games, I am here to help take back our country!
I don't have the answer for everything, but with your help we can figure our way out of this mess. I'm in favor of any new ideas you, as a citizen, may have.
If you have any questions at all, please feel free to ask me!
Thank you for your time..................
Would you vote for a person who made mistakes as a young adult. But went on to become a better person and ran for office.
Please be honest. Heres the future candidates background.
Basic information: Candidate is a Republican, 35 years of age. Running for elected office.
Work history: U.S. Army 6 Yrs. (2 tours in Iraq.)
U.S. Navy 6 Yrs. (2 Sea Deployments.)
Has some college. (Will finish soon)
Criminal background:
All these charges happened as an adult at the age of 25 yrs.
These charges are one incedent. (same day)
1 simple tresspassing (charged as adult)
1 disturbing the peace charge (charged as adult)
1 public intox charge (charged as adult)
Here is where the candidate stands on issues.......
International Issues:
Energy & Oil: We should be investing in alternative energy to free ourselves from foreign dependence.
Foreign Policy: I support the war on terrorism, We should be pulling out of Iraq as soon as the goverment and military is stable. I would like our country to lead the way in improvements for the global enviorment. We should improve on human rights for all nations. Finally, improve relations in the far middle east.
Free Trade: I believe we should make it so that free trade favors our economy verses our neighbor's economy.
Homeland Security: DHS plays a vital role in todays "War on terrorism".
Immigration: I believe in open borders with strict regulations governing immigration. I don't believe in amnesty for illegal aliens.
War & Peace: I believe in a world of peace and deplomacy.
Domestic Issues:
Armed Forces: I support our troops! I support a well maintained, well trained, military. We should always give our troops what they need to accomplish their mission. I believe in pay raises and good healthcare for the military members and their families.
Civil Rights: I support the U.S. Constitution and "Bill of Rights". I condone same-sex marraige or civil unions.
Crime: I believe in more cops on the streets and harsher sentences for more serious crimes. I beleive petty criminals should be given reduced sentences for behavior & anger managemet improvement courses.
Drugs: We lost the "War on Drugs", We need a new strategy.
I will employ a new plan of action for taking down drug cartels.
Employment: I will stand behind implementing new goverment programs, and improving existing goverment programs to make college more affordable for our children.I will implement means to learn a new trade or skill for adults, assisted by goverment financing. I will bring new jobs to our economy. I will lower the over all commmercial tax from 35% to 20%. This will, along with other initiatives, will bring jobs back to the U.S.A.
Environmental: I believe in preserving our nation's landmarks, forest, and parks. I believe in tougher regulations for a cleaner environment.
Goverment: (Federal/State/Local) I support small goverment at all levels. I also believe the goverment should stay out of peoples lives and business.
Gun Control: I believe in and support the second ammendent!
Terrorism: I don't believe in the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act, but I believe in the war on terrorism.
Veterans: I support, and will sign into law, any legislation that will benefit our Hereo's.
Economic Issues:
Budget: I know at the current tax levels, we could pay for all these programs I propose, and still balance the budget. balancing the budget would be my main priority.
Economy: I'm concerned the economy is in turmoil, We would need to implement stronger regulations and increase goverment oversight. I don't support bailing out wall street or corporations.
Goverment Reform: We need to make the goverment accountable for it's own actions. The goverment must step up and assume responsibility for its role.
Infastructure: We need to make major improvements to our infrastructure.
Social Security: I believe in Social Security, I believe in a 25% pay raise for Social Security recipients, along with fair health coverage and FREE prescriptions.
Taxes & Tax Reform: Once we balance the budget, I would recommend tax rebates for college students. Tax reform would needed to be looked into.
Technology: I believe investing in technology for all areas, private or public funded.
Unemployment: I will create new jobs through lower business taxes.
Welfare & Poverty: I believe in welfare on a very limited basis. I would overhaul the program and make it harder to qualify.
Social Issues:
Abortion: I Believe its the womans right to choose.
Corporations: More oversight and stricter regulations on cooperations.
Education: I stand behind a good education. I support more qualified teachers for our schools. We would pay teachers more, but in-return we ask for better qualified teacher. I will make college more affordable.
Family & Children: I'm very family oriented, I support all family programs that aid in everyday family life.
Healthcare: I support healthcare insurance for those who have none.
Children would be automaticly covered by the goverment. Working adults would be insured by employer, and seniors would be covered by medicare/medicaid. If you are capable of working and agree not to, you will have NO health insurance.
Principles & Values: If you have a question in this department............please let me know.
I am not here to play games, I am here to help take back our country!
I don't have the answer for everything, but with your help we can figure our way out of this mess. I'm in favor of any new ideas you, as a citizen, may have.
If you have any questions at all, please feel free to ask me!
Thank you for your time..................