All sex between consenting adults should be legalized.

Silly, silly Mark makes up nonsense and has no one whit of proof of his lies and stupid remarks.
New Study Confirms Voter ID Laws Don’t Hurt Election Turnout | The Heritage Foundation
Less than one week after Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams made inflammatory claims in her State of the Union response about an epidemic of “voter suppression” jeopardizing the character of our nation, the National Bureau of Economic Research released a study that demonstrates once again that voter ID laws have no measurable impact on voting behavior.

In other words, voter ID laws don’t “suppress” anyone’s vote.

Before the Election: How We Got Here

In 2005, a landmark report by the bipartisan Commission on Federal Election Reform, known informally as the Carter-Baker Commission, advised all U.S. states that in order to guarantee free and fair elections, they should: (a) increase voter ID requirements; (b) minimize the use of mail-in ballots, which “remain the largest source of potential voter fraud”; (c) disallow ballot harvesting by third parties; (d) purge voter rolls of all ineligible or fraudulent names; (e) allow election observers to monitor ballot-counting processes without restraint or obstruction; (f) ensure that voting machines are accurate in their tabulations; and (g) encourage news organizations to “delay the release of any exit-poll data until the election has been decided.” All of these recommendations were widely ignored in the elections of November 2020.

During the months leading up to the 2020 presidential race, the Biden campaign assembled a team of some 600 lawyers and more than 10,000 volunteers to “[go] into every single state” in order to “call out local rules that don’t adequately ensure access to vote.”

Toward that end, Democrats, starting in late 2019, filed nearly 300 lawsuits in dozens of states – most notably all of the key battleground states – in an effort to change election laws and regulations in ways that would benefit Democrat candidates. For example, they sought to: (a) extend the statutory deadlines by which mail-in ballots could be submitted, postmarked, or received by election authorities; (b) permit people to vote earlier than ever before — in some cases, as many as 50 days prior to Election Day; (c) eliminate signature, signature-verification, and witness requirements for mail-in ballots; (d) void state laws that disallowed ballot harvesting by third parties; (e) terminate photo-ID requirements for in-person voting; (f) introduce provisions that would allow for the “curing” of mail-in ballots that contained errors or omissions; and (g) require state election officials to send unsolicited mail-in ballots to every person listed as a registered voter, even though such lists have long been notorious for their multitudinous inaccuracies.
There is nothing at all wrong with encouraging everyone who is eligible to vote to do so,
The problem is that dead people are not legally allowed to vote, Americans are not legally allowed to vote more than once in an election, illegal immigrants are not allowed to vote, fake voters are not allowed to vote, voting machines are not allowed to run up votes for favored candidates with nobody being the wiser, and so forth.
The problem is that dead people are not legally allowed to vote, Americans are not legally allowed to vote more than once in an election, illegal immigrants are not allowed to vote, fake voters are not allowed to vote, voting machines are not allowed to run up votes for favored candidates with nobody being the wiser, and so forth.
No one disagrees with that, political *****
The problem is that dead people are not legally allowed to vote, Americans are not legally allowed to vote more than once in an election, illegal immigrants are not allowed to vote, fake voters are not allowed to vote, voting machines are not allowed to run up votes for favored candidates with nobody being the wiser, and so forth.
There is ZERO PROOF that there was enough of this to actually give Trump a majority.
You choose to believe a serial liar, rather than the actual facts.
The problem is that dead people are not legally allowed to vote,

How many dead people voted in the last election? Here's the evidence.
Americans are not legally allowed to vote more than once in an election, illegal immigrants are not allowed to vote,
Under the assumption they are illegal. If not legal they shouldn't be able to register. Whoever registered them, I assumed researched their status.
fake voters are not allowed to vote,
What is a fake voter?
voting machines are not allowed to run up votes for favored candidates with nobody being the wiser, and so forth.
They don't. That ship has sailed so cut the rubbish and lies about it. You are wrong so drop it.
There is ZERO PROOF that there was enough of this to actually give Trump a majority.
You choose to believe a serial liar, rather than the actual facts.
So, which was it? Was there fraud in the 2020 election and if so, did anyone take the trouble to find out exactly how much fraud there was? Or must we assume without question that the Democrats, who appeared from volumes of evidence to have committed massive fraud, are telling us the truth that the fraud was only minimal?
So, which was it? Was there fraud in the 2020 election and if so, did anyone take the trouble to find out exactly how much fraud there was? Or must we assume without question that the Democrats, who appeared from volumes of evidence to have committed massive fraud, are telling us the truth that the fraud was only minimal?
Yes, the fraud was minuscule and did not affect the result. TRUMP LOST.
So, which was it? Was there fraud in the 2020 election and if so, did anyone take the trouble to find out exactly how much fraud there was? Or must we assume without question that the Democrats, who appeared from volumes of evidence to have committed massive fraud, are telling us the truth that the fraud was only minimal?
Same old unproven shyt.
So, which was it? Was there fraud in the 2020 election and if so, did anyone take the trouble to find out exactly how much fraud there was? Or must we assume without question that the Democrats, who appeared from volumes of evidence to have committed massive fraud, are telling us the truth that the fraud was only minimal?
No credible evidence of large scale fraud
Let me know when you morons have any