America's Greatest Flaw--and--Greatest Danger

Johnny Tremain

Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2012
The greatest enemy today is a simple one.
Americans have become profoundly more STUPID than ever before.

Between garbage entertainment and television propaganda from all angles, we have been dumbed down to a level that threatens our very existence. Educational systems from kindergarten to graduate school are in free-fall driven by left-wing failures who could not hold a job anywhere else--and hound us for more money 24/7.

Certainly we are declining as a world power of any stature--and there are those (Obama) who welcome floods of immigrants who will add **zero** to this nation's success. They come from places where very little is accomplished.

These forces have placed a man in power who wants to take the money paid in by workers over decades--Medicare--and spend it on health care for immigrants who wandered across the border and have never paid a dime into that system.

Obama's goal is to punish white America--and the white world.
He has said so himself. He has taken up his father's hatred for white people.


It is a cultural thing--and America's culture--and success--is dissolving right before our very eyes.
Absolutely right again Johnny ....

And, this has been a long time in the making here in America. We have seen recent examples of it on the education end here in Texas with the great Texas Text Book debate.

The MSM focused on the Evolution vs. Creationism parts of the debate, of course to make us all seem backwards down here, but what the MSM didn't cover were the debates on removing historical events out of the history books, like the McCarthy Era and the Red Scare!

More liberal BS .... with a motive also I may add!
Too many schools today are turning kids off to learning. Part of the Romney/Ryan plan is to have more school choice and watch the unions kick and scream.
Too many schools today are turning kids off to learning. Part of the Romney/Ryan plan is to have
more school choice and watch the unions kick and scream.

First restore order and remove tenure. You keep your job--if you are GOOD at it.
Just like the rest of the nation. You have a 3-month vacation every year--and lots of days off.
Give teachers carte blanche dealing with students. Students should be AFRAID of misbehaving.
If Johnny or La'tasha needs to be yanked out of their chair and taken out in the hall for a "talking to"--then do it!
Fail students who fail. When I was a kid (during the Pleistocene) if you failed--
you might be in grade school until Social Security kicked in if you did not achieve.
I agree with what you said above, but the school curriculums are also government (federal and state) mandated. Another thing too, who is teaching our kid's teachers?
I agree with what you said above, but the school curriculums are also government (federal and state) mandated. Another thing too, who is teaching our kid's teachers?

I think schools should be run by states.
We no longer have Jim Crow, so everyone can calm down.
States my vary some--within certain agreed upon guidelines.
Don't like it--pack up and hit the interstate.
Communism is the ideal that always wants everything to be identical and everyone to drive a Moskvitsh, except the elites who will drive Zils.
BLAME WOODROW WILSON GIVING WOMEN THE RIGHT TO VOTE!!! BLAME LBJ GIVING BLACKS THE RIGHT TO VOTE. Blacks and Women more likely vote democrats then White Men. Both Blacks and Women support public education,W.I.C WELFARE AND FREE HOUSING
BLAME WOODROW WILSON GIVING WOMEN THE RIGHT TO VOTE!!! BLAME LBJ GIVING BLACKS THE RIGHT TO VOTE. Blacks and Women more likely vote democrats then White Men. Both Blacks and Women support public education,W.I.C WELFARE AND FREE HOUSING
Wow ....

The things liberals will say ....

So, if we acknowledge the total and absolute failure of the US Department of Education, suddenly we are against women and blacks voting?

Liberals .....Go Figure!
Wow ....

The things liberals will say ....

So, if we acknowledge the total and absolute failure of the US Department of Education, suddenly we are against women and blacks voting?

Liberals .....Go Figure!

My life has been surrounded by liberals.
I know them like the "back of me hand".
I can almost anticipate their responses precisely--literally verbatim.
With a few White Russians in me--I can prove this to any crowd.

Bulldoze the whole goddamn Dept. of "Education".
While it's pedants inside!
This is why America should break up in 3 ways just like the Soviet Union did. The South sould be one country along with Texas. The North into one country and the West into one country. Hawaii goes to Japan. Alaska goes to Canada
My life has been surrounded by liberals.
I know them like the "back of me hand".
I can almost anticipate their responses precisely--literally verbatim.
With a few White Russians in me--I can prove this to any crowd.

Bulldoze the whole goddamn Dept. of "Education".
While it's pedants inside!
I do not believe bull dozing the facility with it's "pedants" inside would be necessary. Considering our geniuses in Washington, I fear they would not have the intellect to find their way to safety and I do not condone violence against non-violent people.

No, I am thinking Texas can manage its education system just fine without the federal government, simply citing the consistent failures of all government programs.

For too long now Texas has been dealt a dogs dinner from the federal government, becoming dependent on the funds only for those funds to be used to push federal mandates aka socialist agendas.

I am sure by eliminating these demands/agendas and the funds that go with them, Texas would lead the Country in education.
This is why America should break up in 3 ways just like the Soviet Union did. The South sould be one country along with Texas. The North into one country and the West into one country. Hawaii goes to Japan. Alaska goes to Canada
Sorry Steve ....

Considering more than half of the states in the US are suing over Obamacare and other Obama policies, I don't think your plan to split up the US is accurate. This is a much bigger picture today than 13 states seceding from the Union and an imaginary Mason-Dixon line.

This is the majority of the US uniting against a communist agenda put forth by the current administration and the federal government.

StateLawsuit JoinedDate Joined
Virginia Virginia March 23, 2010
Florida Florida March 23, 2010
South Carolina Florida March 23, 2010
Nebraska Florida March 23, 2010
Texas Florida March 23, 2010
Utah Florida March 23, 2010
Louisiana Florida March 23, 2010
Alabama Florida March 23, 2010
Michigan Florida March 23, 2010
Colorado Florida March 23, 2010
Pennsylvania Florida March 23, 2010
Washington Florida March 23, 2010
Idaho Florida March 23, 2010
South Dakota Florida March 23, 2010
North Dakota Florida April 5, 2010
Arizona Florida April 6, 2010
Georgia Florida April 13, 2010
Alaska Florida April 20, 2010
Nevada Florida May 14, 2010
Indiana Florida May 14, 2010
Mississippi Florida May 14, 2010
Wisconsin Florida January 3, 2011
Oklahoma Oklahoma January 7, 2011
Wyoming Florida January 7, 2011
Ohio Florida January 11, 2011
Kansas Florida January 12, 2011
Maine Florida January 12, 2011

The chart didn't post as I had hoped. It should read:
State........Lawsuit Joined........Date Joined