Another cop killed by a leftist tribal barbarian black cop-hating gangster

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
Merrick Garland is still busy looking for white supremacist terrorists while blacks are routinely murdering cops with frequencies rivaling those of perverted sexual trysts of bonobos.

you are getting more mentally deranged by the day. lol
Dozens of cops are killed each year in the line of duty by barbarian savages with no respect for authority or human rights. I do my part in supporting the idea that Cops' Lives Matter.
Dozens of cops are killed each year in the line of duty by barbarian savages
Meaning blacks obviously.
with no respect for authority or human rights.
You mean like the life of George Floyd who was denied his right to breathe?
I do my part in supporting the idea that Cops' Lives Matter.
But not black lives.
It's a shame Chauvin did have the same attitude towards George.

Pompous arseholes like you taking the high moral ground then contradict yourself.
Dozens of cops are killed each year in the line of duty by barbarian savages with no respect for authority or human rights. I do my part in supporting the idea that Cops' Lives Matter.
Your word choices are deranged lol
Bonobos? Racist too
Meaning blacks obviously.
Not enough whites are murdering cops for leftist news to present enough evidence of white threats to satisfy Merrick Garland's needs for his biased, leftist, erroneous political narratives.
You mean like the life of George Floyd who was denied his right to breathe?
George was under the influence of illegal substances with a weakened body due to substance abuse when he stupidly fought cops and forced them to restrain him in the manner they are taught to do by the book.
It's a shame Chauvin did have the same attitude towards George.
It's a shame Chauvin was not an EMP trained to discern between real stress and faked stress which George was known for.
Your word choices are deranged lol
Bonobos? Racist too
I admit I do not agree with atheists' evolutionist views that humans evolved from black animals in black Africa and that human homosexuality was inherited from bonobo ancestors.
I admit I do not agree with atheists' evolutionist views that humans evolved from black animals in black Africa and that human homosexuality was inherited from bonobo ancestors.
I admit your posts are increasingly bizarre and racist
I admit your posts are increasingly bizarre and racist
Evolution theory is inherently racist. I do not agree that humans evolved first in Black Africa from black animals and that, according to Darwin and followers, some black humans were prime examples of missing links between animals and humans in the evolutionary chain.
Evolution theory is inherently racist. I do not agree that humans evolved first in Black Africa from black animals and that, according to Darwin and followers, some black humans were prime examples of missing links between animals and humans in the evolutionary chain.
no, its not.
but talking about sexual perversions of bonobos in a story about a black person is deranged and racist.
no, its not.
but talking about sexual perversions of bonobos in a story about a black person is deranged and racist.
Merrick Garland makes up untrue racist stories about whites so I should be allowed to post stories about black racists and murderers that are true.
Merrick Garland makes up untrue racist stories about whites so I should be allowed to post stories about black racists and murderers that are true.
Your posts are deranged and racist
Of course you are allowed to be racist
Your posts are deranged and racist
Of course you are allowed to be racist
There is something racist about Merrick Garland telling America that white Republicans are the greatest or one of the greatest threats to democracy in our day.

Garland, Mayorkas warn white supremacy is now top security threat in the country​

That is, of course, biased, bigoted, radical leftist, Democrat bullcrap.
There is something racist about Merrick Garland telling America that white Republicans are the greatest or one of the greatest threats to democracy in our day.

Garland, Mayorkas warn white supremacy is now top security threat in the country​

That is, of course, biased, bigoted, radical leftist, Democrat bullcrap.
Your posts are deranged and racist
Evolution theory is inherently racist. I do not agree that humans evolved first in Black Africa from black animals and that, according to Darwin and followers, some black humans were prime examples of missing links between animals and humans in the evolutionary chain.
Color is not a significant attribute among mammals.
Evolutionary theory states that humans evolved in Africa, because that is where the earliest fossils have been found. It states that humans are related to great apes, because they share the largest similarities in their DNA. Most species that have existed are today extinct, so it is likely that humans and apes have one or more common ancestors that have become extinct.
On the other hand, the Bible explains how there are black people. Noah's youngest son Ham, actually saw his father naked, so "God" did the only possibly thing he could: he made Ham Black ans all his descendants black, doomed to be "hewers of wood and bearers of water".

The only logical punishment for seeing your daddy's schlong has to be a severe change in complexion and hereditary occupation.

Somehow, this punishment was ignored by the Vatican, that commissioned Michelangelo to paint both Adam's and God's schlongs on the Sistine Chapel ceiling. Probably the most famous schlong paintings in Renaissance art.
