Another Question Liberals Can't Answer


New Member
Mar 27, 2007
Here we go:

"Liberals always propose to solve problems they perceive in society by involving government, including the raising of taxes confiscated in order to fund the additional governmental growth they think necessary for a solution. As government has grown larger and larger over time, with higher and higher percentage rates of taxation to feed it, what do Liberals plan to do to solve society's problems after the inevitable 100% tax rate is reached?"
I don't think they're that stupid to ever raise taxes to 100%. That would bring in no money because people wouldn't work, would move out of the country, and would have no money to invest.

They believe that the peak of the Laffer curve is around 60-80%. Look what happened when Carter tried it...
Here we go:

"Liberals always propose to solve problems they perceive in society by involving government, including the raising of taxes confiscated in order to fund the additional governmental growth they think necessary for a solution. As government has grown larger and larger over time, with higher and higher percentage rates of taxation to feed it, what do Liberals plan to do to solve society's problems after the inevitable 100% tax rate is reached?"

Thats really interesting and shows that whomever you are quoting knows nothing about 'liberalism'.
not to mention we are already taxed out the ass by Illegal taxation......we work till june every year to break even
so it seems the PUbs/Connies havent done so much better than the Liberals you seem to despise eh?

This is why we need to move away from the corrupted 2 party system and the failed Electoral Colleg
Here we go:

"Liberals always propose to solve problems they perceive in society by involving government, including the raising of taxes confiscated in order to fund the additional governmental growth they think necessary for a solution. As government has grown larger and larger over time, with higher and higher percentage rates of taxation to feed it, what do Liberals plan to do to solve society's problems after the inevitable 100% tax rate is reached?"

The thing is that there is no right or wrong answer here. Many of the most economically prosperous nations in the world (especially in Europe) have tax rates in the 60%s and 70%s. Yet they function fine. Of course many nations work just as well having far less for taxation. It depends on many factors.

First of all it depends on how you measure success. Taxing is not implemented to ruin our lives. It is meant as a redistribution of wealth for our own good. If you started cutting taxes you would start seein more pot-holes in our roads, our kids would start coming home learning less and less, and all sorts of other government services would be reduced to the point where they would do more harm than good.

It is easy to say that you deserve to keep your money and you are completely right. But the reality is that then people start having to pay for schools and people have to start paving their own roads. And then you can end up with a society with an enormous disparity of wealth reminiscent of Pre-Revolutionary France, South Africa, or the UAE.

In my view the government's job is to ensure the highest opportunities and quality of life for all its people. But that means that people need to give the government money in order that it may do that. A tax-free society would be just as defunct as a 100% tax society. Money is the most efficient and easy way for the government to procure resources without taking people's time or property.

The reality is that liberals believe that the best good is done by collecting a great deal of funds and then creating equality of possibilities for all americans. Whereas conservatives believe that humans create their own possibilities. And you can argue all sorts of ways but in the end you end up with the worker who either says that they need more money to pay for food, but in cutting their taxes you take away their subsidized healthcare or insurance and then he gets sick...I personally take the liberal view because I believe it to be a more secure and balanced approach but opponents are certainly not wrong when they say the government is taking their money away.

But I do agree that tax increases are not the answer, they delay the problem. When you look at the operation and bureaucracy involved in government you find atrocious inefficiencies. All sorts of allocations of funds that hurt the system and damage both sides: an ineffective welfare system, the notorious 'bridge to nowhere' in Alaska, NCLB...the list is endless. The problem is that politics takes priority over reason and logic 9 times out of 10. So all that any of us can do is vote for nonpartisan candidates.
100% taxation isn't taxation anymore. Money wouldn't even play into things as people wouldn't be working for any type of gain. It wouldn't make sense to maintain a monetary system where the money just goes from the employer to the government 100% without the worker who is "earning" it ever seeing it. That's like giving someone a ham sandwich to hand to someone else who is already standing two feet away - it's inefficient. In a 100% taxation economy someone would notice that inefficiency and then boom - no more money.

You don't even want to know what happens after that.

Suffice it to say that no one is that dumb, not even leftmost candidate on the Democratic ticket these days.
TheWaffle;4859[B said:
]The thing is that there is no right or wrong answer here.[/B] Many of the most economically prosperous nations in the world (especially in Europe) have tax rates in the 60%s and 70%s. Yet they function fine. Of course many nations work just as well having far less for taxation. It depends on many factors.

First of all it depends on how you measure success. Taxing is not implemented to ruin our lives. It is meant as a redistribution of wealth for our own good. If you started cutting taxes you would start seein more pot-holes in our roads, our kids would start coming home learning less and less, and all sorts of other government services would be reduced to the point where they would do more harm than good.

It is easy to say that you deserve to keep your money and you are completely right. But the reality is that then people start having to pay for schools and people have to start paving their own roads. And then you can end up with a society with an enormous disparity of wealth reminiscent of Pre-Revolutionary France, South Africa, or the UAE.

In my view the government's job is to ensure the highest opportunities and quality of life for all its people. But that means that people need to give the government money in order that it may do that. A tax-free society would be just as defunct as a 100% tax society. Money is the most efficient and easy way for the government to procure resources without taking people's time or property.

The reality is that liberals believe that the best good is done by collecting a great deal of funds and then creating equality of possibilities for all americans. Whereas conservatives believe that humans create their own possibilities. And you can argue all sorts of ways but in the end you end up with the worker who either says that they need more money to pay for food, but in cutting their taxes you take away their subsidized healthcare or insurance and then he gets sick...I personally take the liberal view because I believe it to be a more secure and balanced approach but opponents are certainly not wrong when they say the government is taking their money away.

But I do agree that tax increases are not the answer, they delay the problem. When you look at the operation and bureaucracy involved in government you find atrocious inefficiencies. All sorts of allocations of funds that hurt the system and damage both sides: an ineffective welfare system, the notorious 'bridge to nowhere' in Alaska, NCLB...the list is endless. The problem is that politics takes priority over reason and logic 9 times out of 10. So all that any of us can do is vote for nonpartisan candidates.

1. The only right is God, no question about that.

2. I've given you all the resources you need, you don't need to measure them.

3. No, don't keep your money, give it to your church-that's my personal bank.

4. The government's job is to ensure citizens worship me.

5. I am always right, never doubt that.
100% taxation might cause some kind of hyper inflation or other econominc crisis dragging it back down? I don't really know, but I don't think a country could maintain it as they would have to buy the population everything they needed.
Bleeding hearts, your heart normally is not located in your back pocket. All you worry about is taxes when we are going down the tubes? Thats like a bit on the greedy and selfish side isn't it? If you would put a muzzle on GWB and his overzealous spending, we could actually afford tax cuts for all of us.
Tax rates are high because of frivilous lawsuits politicans are fighting over.
We also have so many government entities who feel they are entitled to waste our money.
In PA they are always building roads. Most of the construction is being done in developed areas. If you drive an hour out of city bounds plenty of pot holes and rough driving conditions. I suppose people who ride on tractors to visit their cows and chickens do not deserve decant highways.
Schools should just send us all a bill.
1. The only right is God, no question about that.

2. I've given you all the resources you need, you don't need to measure them.

3. No, don't keep your money, give it to your church-that's my personal bank.

4. The government's job is to ensure citizens worship me.

5. I am always right, never doubt that.

If you're always right then how come Jimmy Carter happened?
Bleeding hearts, your heart normally is not located in your back pocket. All you worry about is taxes when we are going down the tubes? Thats like a bit on the greedy and selfish side isn't it? If you would put a muzzle on GWB and his overzealous spending, we could actually afford tax cuts for all of us.

First and foremost, tax money is what allows your friend "GWB" to do the things he does, so worrying about taxes is a very, very good idea, whether you're liberal or conservative. When we're "going down the tubes" as you put it it's the people who are spending your tax money who are generally expected to fix whatever the problem is, so yeah...we worry about our taxes.

Secondly, Liberals tend to raise taxes. Conservatives (actual conservatives, not neocons - we don't like neocons) tend to cut taxes. Because of the progressive curve of our taxes those cuts naturally favor the rich. You can't cut taxes on a very hefty chunk of the US population because they already aren't paying any. Tax cuts for the middle class produce small amounts of economic stimulation as consumers have more money to spend, meaning that middle-class cuts are employed in areas with weakening commercial economies. Tax cuts for the rich are meant to give investment capital back to the people who will use it to create companies and therefore jobs, which has the benefit of strengthening the economy. The more money they have the more companies they can make and the more jobs they produce so that people in the lower and middle classes can earn livings and potentially gain enough money to create their own enterprise and rise up to become rich themselves.
Here we go:

"Liberals always propose to solve problems they perceive in society by involving government, including the raising of taxes confiscated in order to fund the additional governmental growth they think necessary for a solution. As government has grown larger and larger over time, with higher and higher percentage rates of taxation to feed it, what do Liberals plan to do to solve society's problems after the inevitable 100% tax rate is reached?"

Does that mean that the big spenders currently in the White House, and formerly (before the last election) dominating Congress are liberals?

I agree.

Now, just where are the conservatives? Have they all gone the way of the dodo bird?
Does that mean that the big spenders currently in the White House, and formerly (before the last election) dominating Congress are liberals?

Not liberals. Neocons. At least a decent liberal is honest about his/her spending habits (not to say that all are, not by a long shot).