Another Question Liberals Can't Answer

But all of this is missing the point -- we can debate each presidency and assess their success in another thread. Here we're talking about which presidnet expanded gov't the most, not who had the most success as a result of the increased government.

OK, I tried a search to see just when the government expanded the most, and came up with some close and related information, but nothing definitive. The conclusion I drew from all of that is that the government has been expanding exponentially for the past 70 years at least, and shows no signs of stopping, let alone shrinking.

The so called "conservatives" who are currently in power have done nothing to slow this expansion. Quite the contrary, especially if you consider the rise in government spending and the resultant deficit. Whoever you want to blame, the federal government has become too big, too intrusive, and too powerful, and no one is even discussing cutting it back.
Whoever you want to blame, the federal government has become too big, too intrusive, and too powerful, and no one is even discussing cutting it back.
Add fat and lazy to that list.
Congress should pride itself on appearing very busy while actually accomplishing next to nothing. If I could master this trick my job would be a breeze! :rolleyes:

What a stupid idea to tax anyone at 100%! That would be impossible, everyone wold starve to death.
A graduated income tax is best, with the top bracket at no more than 39%