AP calls Lieberman a "prick"


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Washington state
Oh, I know it was an accident but, nonetheless, it was funny to see what so many of us have been thinking in print. Anyway, it's true.

One of the most amusing typos of the season turned up for awhile overnight in a major Associated Press dispatch. Some in the liberal blogosphere, who have often criticized Sen. Joe Lieberman -- the Democrat turned Independent who has endorsed John McCain -- found it all too apt.

The typo, in an article on the upcoming vice presidential picks due from McCain and Barack Obama and written by one of the top AP political scribes, Nedra Pickler, was soon corrected but can still be found viewed via Google at numerous news sites early this morning.

After focusing on Obama, the article discusses several possible McCain picks, and relates, "His top contenders are said to include Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. Less traditional choices mentioned include former Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge, an abortion-rights supporter, and Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman, the Democratic vice presidential prick in 2000 who now is an independent."

Actually I think calling traitorous Joe Lieberman a prick is one of the truer statements made in quite some time.

Is Lieberman a "prick" simply because he supports McCain or is there some other reason?
I never liked him and watching Bush kiss him did not help, and that he is supporting McCain while trying to act like a Dem still is kinda sad.

Prick was a typo...but not sure how far off it is at times.

Well he is an independent. Keep in mind that the Democrats all bailed on him and he lost the primary, and had to come back and win it as an independent. It is not surprising he might harbor some ill-will about that.
Well he is an independent. Keep in mind that the Democrats all bailed on him and he lost the primary, and had to come back and win it as an independent. It is not surprising he might harbor some ill-will about that.

Obama, going against many in the party, supported Lieberman during his primary fight against Ned Lamont. I guess Lieberman's backing of McCain is how he says thanks.

I can't wait to see him stripped of the Chair of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs when the new Congress convenes. He's a no good prick.
Obama, going against many in the party, supported Lieberman during his primary fight against Ned Lamont. I guess Lieberman's backing of McCain is how he says thanks.

I can't wait to see him stripped of the Chair of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs when the new Congress convenes. He's a no good prick.

He also has been a supporter of McCain for many years before Obama was in the Senate.

I can't wait for the Democrats to take action against him and see him caucus with the Republicans. They have to be careful with how they handle him, because if he switched sides right now, then the Republicans will control the Senate.
Well he is an independent. Keep in mind that the Democrats all bailed on him and he lost the primary, and had to come back and win it as an independent. It is not surprising he might harbor some ill-will about that.

yea hard to belive the voters did not want him back as a Dem...the guy who supports McCain for President...He could have had the decency to just not run as a dem at least.