Bidenomics: The grinch that stole Christmas for 67% of Americans

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
Bidenomics Study: 62% of Americans Living Paycheck to Paycheck ( 12-19-23

Bidenomics Study: 62% of Americans Living Paycheck to Paycheck During Holiday Season

A majority of Americans live paycheck to paycheck in President Joe Biden’s America, a recent LendingClub study found, raising concerns that so-called “Bidenomics” failed to help average Americans.

The high number of Americans struggling to make ends meet appears to confirm polling that shows only 14 percent of voters believe Biden’s economic policies have helped them, while 85 percent think they have either hurt them or made no difference.

The LendingClub study found:

Sixty-two percent of adults in December said they live paycheck to paycheck, up from 58 percent in March.

Forty percent of consumers living paycheck to paycheck have super-prime credit scores.

Fifty-seven percent of consumers who own credit cards are living paycheck to paycheck.

Americans who are struggling to manage their finances are likely to have credit card debt, CNBC reported:

This year, holiday spending from Nov. 1 through Dec. 31 is expected to increase between 3% and 4% over last year to a record total of $957.3 billion to $966.6 billion, according to the National Retail Federation.

Even as credit card debt tops $1 trillion, almost all — or 96% — of shoppers said they expect to overspend this season, a separate TD Bank survey found.

Half of consumers plan to take on more debt to cover those holiday expenses, according to another report by Ally Bank. Only 23% have a plan to pay it off within one to two months.

As consumers try to celebrate Christmas in Biden’s economy, polling shows a plurality of Americans believe former President Donald Trump’s economic policies benefited them, a Wall Street Journal poll recently found:

Forty-nine percent of voters said Trump’s policies personally benefited them.

Only 23 percent said the same for Biden’s policies.

“You know, job approval down, ratings generally down, most of the comparatives with Trump … not good,” Democrat David Axelrod recently said on the podcast “Hacks on Tap.”

“You know what I worry about … from a Biden standpoint is there are the kinds of things you get when people are starting to rationalize their votes — ‘Oh look, they’re ready to fire Biden, that’s a problem,’” Axelrod continued. “And they just put out another photo op with the Bidenomics sign next to him … It’s just unbelievable to me.”
gS9i5[1].png You can ignore the major dissatisfaction of the American public with Bidenomics if you just ignore sources not committed to lying leftist propaganda.
"Elevated mortgage interest rates and a persistent shortage of homes for sale hindered home sales in November," 2024 CAR President Melanie Barker said in a news release shared with Newsweek, adding that the future could look a bit more rosy for California homebuyers now that the Federal Reserve has announced it will soon shift toward cutting rates.

"With mortgage rates
dropping to the lowest level in four months in recent weeks and the Federal Reserve indicating it plans to cut rates more than previously anticipated in 2024, more prospective homebuyers could reenter the market early next year," she said."

"Keep swingin', asshole."
Seventy-eight percent of full-time workers said they live paycheck to paycheck, up from 75 percent last year, according to a recent report from CareerBuilder.

this was in 2017..who was president then? trump. lol.

so biden is lowering the rate. thanks joe!

The facts:

JUNE 02, 2023

Fact Check: Biden Misleads on Job “Creation” Statistics​

The May jobs report showed alarming signs in the labor market. The household survey data—the part of the jobs report data
The facts:

JUNE 02, 2023

Fact Check: Biden Misleads on Job “Creation” Statistics​

The May jobs report showed alarming signs in the labor market. The household survey data—the part of the jobs report data

may? lol. nothing more recent?
Has he added since then even more government jobs as he increases the size of the bloated government even more, adding to the tax burdens of the already oppressed American workers?

has he? a question proves nothing, moron. lol
To millions of Americans Bidens new green energy cars, stoves, and gas prices are not that exciting.

The US poverty rate has doubled in just the last 2 of Biden's 3 years in office. Go figger.
