Bill Maher attacks the Koran


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
WATCH: Bill Maher Challenges Guest Rep. Ellison Over "Hate-Filled" Koran

Last night, Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison appeared On Real Time With Bill Maher and, at first, the two were on the same page, talking about Peter King and his hearings on Muslim radicalization and how he should have had some actual experts testify.

But then things kind of went off the rails when Maher called radicalized Muslim "a unique and greater threat" than groups like right wing militias and anti-abortion groups because it is "a culture that is in its medieval era."

He also pointed to al-Qaeda's pursuit of nuclear weapons and the use of suicide bombers as reasons for them being a greater threat.

As you would imagine Ellison -- who broke down in tears during his testimony at the hearings the other day -- took issue with Maher's comments.

And The Mainstream Media ignores it,, Now Juan Williams was fired for the comments he made about the Muslims

Now why dont HBO Fire Bill Maher? I see a double standard here
WATCH: Bill Maher Challenges Guest Rep. Ellison Over "Hate-Filled" Koran

Last night, Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison appeared On Real Time With Bill Maher and, at first, the two were on the same page, talking about Peter King and his hearings on Muslim radicalization and how he should have had some actual experts testify.

Janet Napolitano doesn't qualify?? :rolleyes:

But then things kind of went off the rails when Maher called radicalized Muslim "a unique and greater threat" than groups like right wing militias and anti-abortion groups because it is "a culture that is in its medieval era."

What right wing militia or anti-abortion group ever blew up a plane, a marketplace, or a skyscraper?

As you would imagine Ellison -- who broke down in tears during his testimony at the hearings the other day -- took issue with Maher's comments.

Ellison's was about the phoniest theatrical performance ever - he should get a joke academy award. :D
Can you imagine the uproar by the media and other leftists had someone on the right said the same words Maher said? Lets say Hannity, Beck, or O'Reilly said such words. They likely would be fired.

Remember O'Reilly merely said Muslims killed us on 9/11 and the kooks on the Left went ballistic.

Oh the hypocrisy!!!

October 14, 2010 4:43 PM
Bill O'Reilly On "The View": "Muslims Killed Us On 9/11" [VIDEO]; Co-Hosts Walk Off
Even Juan Williams agrees with me...

Juan Williams to O'Reilly: If You Called Koran 'Hate-Filled' Like Maher You'd Be Whipped and Stoned
By Noel Sheppard | March 15, 2011 | 09:53

After Bill Maher called the Koran "a hate-filled book" on HBO's "Real Time" Friday, NewsBusters asked if he would be attacked by the media for doing so.

With no outrage having ensued, the folks at Fox News on Monday questioned why Maher's comments went ignored by the Muslim defenders in the press, with Juan Williams telling Bill O'Reilly that if he had said anything like that, "They would have tied you to the pillar and be whipping you and stoning you" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Read more:
It's true that if any liberals did condemn Bill-O for saying the exact same thing (if he did), but not Maher, then I agree, that would be blatantly hypocritical and intellectually dishonest.

But a few things are worth noting. First of all, when he said "Muslims killed us on 9-11" on The View, it was in the context of him ridiculously objecting to the GZ mosque. It was tacitly, if not explicitly, connecting the GZ Muslims to the 9-11 terrorists and that's just stupid.

Second, you're overstating the anger on the left after that incident. Joy and Whoopi walked off, but nobody else really gave a ****. I personally thought it was really stupid that they walked off.

Third, people realize that Maher is consistent and Bill is not. Maher also condemns the Bible and all savagery in all supposed Holy Books. Bill is a devout Catholic who would defend the Bible til his last breath.

Anyway, I stand with Maher and see nothing wrong in what he said. Nothing he said can be disputed.
Thats why you should boycott CBS,ABC,NBC,MSNBC and CNN. And Do not subscribe to,,The Washington Post,New York Times, Chicago Tribune and the L.A Times. Let the papers go bankrupt like the Baltimore News American did.
Heres proof arabs hate Bill Maher

Scroll to 2:20 andread what that arab guy said about him. Means he made that comment about Islam on Friday Bin Laden and others want him dead. Just like the Iranians wanted Salman Rushdie's head!
Can you imagine the uproar by the media and other leftists had someone on the right said the same words Maher said? Lets say Hannity, Beck, or O'Reilly said such words. They likely would be fired.

Remember O'Reilly merely said Muslims killed us on 9/11 and the kooks on the Left went ballistic.

Oh the hypocrisy!!!

its funny, you say that as if they said the same thing..

mahr is saying that he thinks that Muslim terrorist groups are a bigger threat then Right wing Groups right now...

OReily was basically lumping all Muslims with terrorist.

Muslim Terrorist a bigger threat then Right Wing Nazi Terrorist...a debateable opinion and I would agree with with the cavit that Right wing extreamist terror groups have lunched more attacks on US soil over 15+ years then Muslim ones though the Al Quida attacks have tended to be larger ( outside Oklahoma City)

Muslims are not all terrorist,don't all support terrorist, and should not be treated as such...

Not same issue, thus not same response.