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WATCH: Bill Maher Challenges Guest Rep. Ellison Over "Hate-Filled" Koran
Last night, Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison appeared On Real Time With Bill Maher and, at first, the two were on the same page, talking about Peter King and his hearings on Muslim radicalization and how he should have had some actual experts testify.
But then things kind of went off the rails when Maher called radicalized Muslim "a unique and greater threat" than groups like right wing militias and anti-abortion groups because it is "a culture that is in its medieval era."
He also pointed to al-Qaeda's pursuit of nuclear weapons and the use of suicide bombers as reasons for them being a greater threat.
As you would imagine Ellison -- who broke down in tears during his testimony at the hearings the other day -- took issue with Maher's comments.
And The Mainstream Media ignores it,, Now Juan Williams was fired for the comments he made about the Muslims
Now why dont HBO Fire Bill Maher? I see a double standard here
Last night, Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison appeared On Real Time With Bill Maher and, at first, the two were on the same page, talking about Peter King and his hearings on Muslim radicalization and how he should have had some actual experts testify.
But then things kind of went off the rails when Maher called radicalized Muslim "a unique and greater threat" than groups like right wing militias and anti-abortion groups because it is "a culture that is in its medieval era."
He also pointed to al-Qaeda's pursuit of nuclear weapons and the use of suicide bombers as reasons for them being a greater threat.
As you would imagine Ellison -- who broke down in tears during his testimony at the hearings the other day -- took issue with Maher's comments.
And The Mainstream Media ignores it,, Now Juan Williams was fired for the comments he made about the Muslims
Now why dont HBO Fire Bill Maher? I see a double standard here