Bush like Hitler, says first Muslim in Congress


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
Since he and the people he supports are more like Hitler, is this supposed to be a compliment?

America's first Muslim congressman has provoked outrage by apparently comparing President George W Bush to Adolf Hitler and hinting that he might have been responsible for the September 11 attacks.

Addressing a gathering of atheists in his home state of Minnesota, Keith Ellison, a Democrat, compared the 9/11 atrocities to the destruction of the Reichstag, the German parliament, in 1933. This was probably burned down by the Nazis in order to justify Hitler's later seizure of emergency powers.

"It's almost like the Reichstag fire, kind of reminds me of that," Mr Ellison said. "After the Reichstag was burned, they blamed the Communists for it, and it put the leader [Hitler] of that country in a position where he could basically have authority to do whatever he wanted."

To applause from his audience of 300 members of Atheists for Human Rights, Mr Ellison said he would not accuse the Bush administration of planning 9/11 because "you know, that's how they put you in the nut-ball box - dismiss you".

Vice-President Dick Cheney's stance of refusing to answer some questions from Congress was "the very definition of totalitarianism, authoritarianism and dictatorship", he added.

Mr Ellison also raised eyebrows by telling his audience: "You'll always find this Muslim standing up for your right to be atheists all you want."

A convert to Islam who was previously linked to the extremist Nation of Islam, Mr Ellison, 42, has cultivated a moderate image since being elected last November, concentrating on issues such as health and education.

He is an outspoken critic of the war in Iraq. But he angered his own anti-war supporters by voting for a budget bill that aims to end the war over the next 18 months. His followers want an immediate withdrawal of US troops from Iraq.

After his speech was reported, Mr Ellison said he accepted that Osama bin Laden was responsible for 9/11. But his demagogic comments threaten to plunge him in controversy.

Mark Drake, of the Republican party in Minnesota, said: "To compare the democratically elected leader of the United States of America to Hitler is an absolute moral outrage which trivialises the horrors of Nazi Germany."

Why arent Republicans demanding he should resign? Remember James Trifficant? Why cant Republicans go after Congressman Ellison like they did to James Trafficant?
There are similarities between the policies of our administration and those of Hitler, but that doesn't mean Bush is Hitler. These statements are outrageous.
Why arent Republicans demanding he should resign? Remember James Trifficant? Why cant Republicans go after Congressman Ellison like they did to James Trafficant?

They want after Traficant because he was palpably corrupt. Ellison is, at worst, a sleazy bit-player in the game of identity politics.

Although if they wanted to investigate him, they could start with his questionable ties to radical Islamic organizations.
There are similarities between the policies of our administration and those of Hitler, but that doesn't mean Bush is Hitler. These statements are outrageous.


Vice-President Dick Cheney's stance of refusing to answer some questions from Congress was "the very definition of totalitarianism, authoritarianism and dictatorship",

Yeah, Dissolving Parliament so you could fill it with Nazis and then vote themselves into irrelevance is just like Cheney refusing to answer questions. What a freakin joke.
Or were you, like ellison, suggesting that 9/11 was a false flag operation like the Reichstag fire?
Fun historical fact:

Dwight Eisenhower was the first President to refuse to release documents to Congress on the basis of executive privilege, to the delight of Congressional Democrats. Why? Because the documents he refused to release would've benefitted that old redhunter Joe McCarthy (who warned that Eisenhower's executive order effectively put a permanent end to the ability of the legislative branch to investigate the executive branch).
They want after Traficant because he was palpably corrupt. Ellison is, at worst, a sleazy bit-player in the game of identity politics.

Although if they wanted to investigate him, they could start with his questionable ties to radical Islamic organizations.

Why dont they investigate him on ties to terrorist organizations like he might be involved with Al Queda or Hezbollah? He might been involved with IRAN too.
All he has is connections to CAIR, which itself has some connections to (I think) Hamas. He doesn't have personal direct connections to any terrorist organizations that I know of.

At worst he is sleazy, unethical, and unpatriotic. There is plenty of room for criticism of that kind. But he's definitely no Traficant.
Oh yes the evil Muslim, must be AQ, Hezbolla, AQ in Iraq, EVIL EVIL....You people make me want to puke, HOW ABOUT THIS,, BUSH is EVIL, not unlike Hitler...
Bush is a nice guy and one who obeys the laws of this once great country..
Under Bush's law, guilty until confirmed guilty - Editorials ...The United States is outraged when an authoritarian government jails an American on trumped-up charges and brings him or her before a phony court.
www.iht.com/articles/2006/10/16/opinion/edcourts.php - 33k - Cached - Similar pages

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Wow! Bush is guilty of....... (fill in the blank with anything you desire)
Isn't it about time that the leftist controlled Congress begin impeachment proceedings with this mountain of evidence against Bush? Maybe they can't afford to let their approval ratings slip lower than it already is. Yes....it is lower than Bush's approval rating.

Wow! Bush is guilty of....... (fill in the blank with anything you desire)
Isn't it about time that the leftist controlled Congress begin impeachment proceedings with this mountain of evidence against Bush? Maybe they can't afford to let their approval ratings slip lower than it already is. Yes....it is lower than Bush's approval rating.


Hell, if they did their job then tings would not be so bad. These pathetic pukes who try to look like their in charge of congress are no less criminals than Bush.

We truly live in trying times....
Hell, if they did their job then tings would not be so bad. These pathetic pukes who try to look like their in charge of congress are no less criminals than Bush.

We truly live in trying times....

No, we live in the real world. You want "trying times" look at 1860 or 1929.
Hell, if they did their job then tings would not be so bad. These pathetic pukes who try to look like their in charge of congress are no less criminals than Bush.

We truly live in trying times....
Well that's just it isn't it! What is their job? We all have different opinions of what we think they should be doing but the fact is they are doing NOTHING. Nothing except attempting to gain my favor and yours by constantly searching out failure in current US policy. Do we need them for that? Do I want them for that?....No! I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm quite capable of drawing my own conclusions about where mistakes have been made. I require suggestions for solutions that benefit and protect our country and it's citizens. At least from this point we can decide who we support. I see none of that in this Congress. They are all too happy to criticize Bush and his mistakes while offering little more than petty rhetoric as an alternative.
