Breaking the shackles of faith


The problem and danger with atheism is it really is not a belief simply because there are other people who don't believe in atheism but also don't know if atheism is true as Atheism doesn't know if any of the other prominent religions are true. Atheism is the lack of belief. It is the detachment of belief and hence also the enemy of belief. Religion is not only a belief but a code of beliefs to live by which most people derive their own principles from as people have been doing from religion for most of religion's existance. Atheism in itself is simply a word that means lack of belief. There is no scripture or anything in atheism and that is why atheism is base and useless. Why hasn't any country been successfully built on atheism? I'll tell you in a riddle. What is a government and a building both built upon internally?............................Structure. You cannot unite people or improve their lives by forcing them to believe in nothing which in practice means to stand for nothing. The forced or brainwashed doctrine of atheism is mental enslavement and misery. The best way I can think of to break a people to your will is not only break their spirits but erase their beliefs. Then you will be in complete control and not have to worry about a coordinated revolt because the people have began living a base existance like the Russians were. This is why I hate atheists so much because they're so damn ignorant, arrogant, lazy and cowardly. Atheism ruins a society from the ground floor to the sky-rise. Atheism just don't understand that and won't understand that no matter how much you argue with them because like I said they want you to feel just like they do and don't care that they'll take the very character and breath of life out of people.
The problem and danger with atheism is it really is not a belief simply because there are other people who don't believe in atheism but also don't know if atheism is true as Atheism doesn't know if any of the other prominent religions are true. Atheism is the lack of belief. It is the detachment of belief and hence also the enemy of belief. Religion is not only a belief but a code of beliefs to live by which most people derive their own principles from as people have been doing from religion for most of religion's existance. Atheism in itself is simply a word that means lack of belief. There is no scripture or anything in atheism and that is why atheism is base and useless. Why hasn't any country been successfully built on atheism? I'll tell you in a riddle. What is a government and a building both built upon internally?............................Structure. You cannot unite people or improve their lives by forcing them to believe in nothing which in practice means to stand for nothing. The forced or brainwashed doctrine of atheism is mental enslavement and misery. The best way I can think of to break a people to your will is not only break their spirits but erase their beliefs. Then you will be in complete control and not have to worry about a coordinated revolt because the people have began living a base existance like the Russians were. This is why I hate atheists so much because they're so damn ignorant, arrogant, lazy and cowardly. Atheism ruins a society from the ground floor to the sky-rise. Atheism just don't understand that and won't understand that no matter how much you argue with them because like I said they want you to feel just like they do and don't care that they'll take the very character and breath of life out of people.


You're absolutely wrong. Atheism is the belief that there is no God.

Agnosticism is the lack of belief.

I'm getting tired of saying it.
For some people in America organized religion is a tradition and therefore holds a honored place in their daily lives. However there is a radical Christian element that holds only that only God and by implication God's people know what is right and wrong with the world in micro and macro. Like fanatic's everywhere they have their champion's and they have their detractor's. What is interesting is how the American politician's play the Christian vote to either destroy another person's opinion and defame another person's actions while playing the God card to improve their own agenda. This always puts the 'religious element' in with the body politic and by a weird form of cross pollination exposes our Separation of Church and State ideals/laws to appearing to be an outright lie and obvious philosophical fallacy.
Oh my GOD

I appreciate your concearns and attempts to correct members who make false statements but I was correct when I said it the first time. Since Atheism is the belief in no God, there is no doctrine of thought or principle they follow (at least not any instructive and not destructive), therefore they collectively believe in nothing. And agnosticism is like the opinion of someone if there was no science influence or religion or the opinion of someone who can't choose between secular Atheism and Religion. Definition:


1. a person who holds that the existence of the ultimate cause, as God, and the essential nature of things are unknown and unknowable, or that human knowledge is limited to experience.
2. a person who denies or doubts the possibility of ultimate knowledge in some area of study.

Atheists by design are immoral, unprincipled people because they live life by no code of moral conduct. Jesus once said something that applies to atheists. I'm not sure what he exactly said but it went something like "Damned be the fool who builds his house upon the sand instead of the rock". This is one reason I am against atheism. Being agnostic is smarter than being an atheist because it isn't anti-religion politically and socially but it is lack of a conventional belief or any definitive belief which few people are or maintain to be anyhow. I strongly oppose both and anything else that divides a country and threatens its core internal strength.
To quote Justinian... "The forced or brainwashed doctrine of atheism is mental enslavement and misery.".... I know some people that feel the same way about Christianity because the 'churches' do use a form of indoctrination to get and keep converts to their specific cause. This starts early in life with songs and short enlightening stories about the love of God and God's special people. Once the person is appropriately molded or changed then the 'politics of God' ,which is usually the politics of the Preacher, creeps in and it is usually along the lines of attacking personal beliefs and or behaviour; ie Catholics worship Idols, Methodist's practice sprinkling instead of immersion for baptismal purposes, Pentecostal's talk in tongues, to more personal and invasive issues like divorce, dating, birth control, choice of mate, birth out of wedlock to political choice and political belief's.
The problem and danger with atheism is it really is not a belief simply because there are other people who don't believe in atheism but also don't know if atheism is true as Atheism doesn't know if any of the other prominent religions are true.

I love it how a religion is only a religion to you if it involves following what other people are doing.

Atheism is the lack of belief. It is the detachment of belief and hence also the enemy of belief. Religion is not only a belief but a code of beliefs to live by which most people derive their own principles from as people have been doing from religion for most of religion's existance.

We live by a sense of moral decency which most religions rely on too.

Atheism in itself is simply a word that means lack of belief. There is no scripture or anything in atheism and that is why atheism is base and useless.

THIS IS SO FUNNY. DOES IT MATTER? Scriptures are old, translated wrongly, outdated, written by people who followed someone preaching who was regarded as a nutter at the time, and they are to be trusted?

Why hasn't any country been successfully built on atheism? I'll tell you in a riddle. What is a government and a building both built upon internally?............................Structure. You cannot unite people or improve their lives by forcing them to believe in nothing which in practice means to stand for nothing. The forced or brainwashed doctrine of atheism is mental enslavement and misery.

Forced or brainwashed doctrine of every other religion makes people happy though? But only one is right? But they all make people happy apparently. Nobody is brainwashed into atheism by people on the street, or people knocking on your door, or hasseling you in your darkest hours when you need something to turn to.

Someone (probably your parents) did a fantastic job brainwashing you, they really really did.
OK that's enough

No, you ignorant fool. My being a christian took a lot of adult soul searching. How dare you criticize my personal faith you silly faggot. This discussion is over. If you want to believe in nothing and live a life of debauchery or some damn thing, that's your business. Nobody really cares because nobody cares about stupid arrogant atheist losers like you.

To quote Justinian... "The forced or brainwashed doctrine of atheism is mental enslavement and misery.".... I know some people that feel the same way about Christianity because the 'churches' do use a form of indoctrination to get and keep converts to their specific cause. This starts early in life with songs and short enlightening stories about the love of God and God's special people. Once the person is appropriately molded or changed then the 'politics of God' ,which is usually the politics of the Preacher, creeps in and it is usually along the lines of attacking personal beliefs and or behaviour; ie Catholics worship Idols, Methodist's practice sprinkling instead of immersion for baptismal purposes, Pentecostal's talk in tongues, to more personal and invasive issues like divorce, dating, birth control, choice of mate, birth out of wedlock to political choice and political belief's.

It attacks personal beliefs and behavior because christianity is also a source of morality. Of course morality denounces behavior and beliefs. I don't see how this is so complicated and hard to understand for people.
Ah Justinian, I wasnt quite sure where you stood before after your blatantly racist comments in a different thread. But now you have shown your true colors. Nothing but a Long Island suburbanite racist who cant simply debate an issue without bringing personal attacks and calling someone a faggot into the forum. Good Work, I think you have confirmed what everyone was already thinking, but not sure and wanted to give you a chance. But I know now that you are a white trash idiot with not empathy to anyone else but your fellow trailer trash cousins who live next door to you.

No, you're just a blind coward who'd rather denounce political opinion rather than study its evidence or implementation. In reality, I'm a paleoconservative. I'm no trailer trash and am a better man than most you'll ever meet. Because I can talk bluntly about things I've cared to research and learn about, does not make me trash but you just an ignorant fool. In other words, stop with your shallow, anti-western, liberal BS and read a Goddamn book.
You are the blind coward who denounces anyones political opinion who you do not agree with. You often say you are too good to debate an issue and then launch an attack on someones personality you have never met based a generalization of someones political opinion.
What Fascism? America isn't even close to Fascist. Fascism means, among other things, there are no unions of any kind, there is only one political party, there is a wide propaganda effort through a controlled and one-sided mass media, there is regulation on what individuals can do personally to themselves, there is a restriction on discussion and criticism of the government, and the widespread employment of terror tactics (e.g. the gulag).

Does this sound like an accurate description of modern America?

yes, that is a very accurate although simple description of america
No, you ignorant fool. My being a christian took a lot of adult soul searching. How dare you criticize my personal faith you silly faggot. This discussion is over. If you want to believe in nothing and live a life of debauchery or some damn thing, that's your business. Nobody really cares because nobody cares about stupid arrogant atheist losers like you.

WOW!!! I'm no psychiatrist but attempting to present a faith based argument by calling out faggot, swearing and just plain losing it is probably NOT a winning strategy my friend.
No, you're just a blind coward who'd rather denounce political opinion rather than study its evidence or implementation. In reality, I'm a paleoconservative. I'm no trailer trash and am a better man than most you'll ever meet. Because I can talk bluntly about things I've cared to research and learn about, does not make me trash but you just an ignorant fool. In other words, stop with your shallow, anti-western, liberal BS and read a Goddamn book.

There's blunt then theres the 'so far right that the sun don't shine' blunt - you, sir, need to get some manners, and learn that not everyone on this fair planet of ours appreciates your 'blund' speach.

You are also, sir, not a christian by any standard definition that I know of. If fact I will wager that you truly do not know the mean of the word humble, humility, and turn the other cheek. Indeed if you did you did understand what Jesus's message truly was you would be repenting of your wicked ways as we speak.

In the end your petty, foul mouthed, and utterly biggotted manners show you for who you truly are - someone who neither knows his arse from his elbow.

Go read a good book little boy - go read the God Delusion.