So now, after 6 years of uncontrolled spending, burning through a huge surplus allowing record deficit spending while the GOP was in power without vetoing a single spending bill that were all completely laden with useless pork. Bush has finally threatened to veto bills that come to him that spend to much money. Interesting to note that now after getting a taste of being in the minority the GOP is now bragging about how they have the votes to uphold any veto. This isnt about spending, or attempting to reign it in, it is a political move to further the GOP and an attempt to hurt the Democrats. But like most Bush endeavours, it will be lethargic, pointless and be full of unintended consequences.
So now, after 6 years of uncontrolled spending, burning through a huge surplus allowing record deficit spending while the GOP was in power without vetoing a single spending bill that were all completely laden with useless pork. Bush has finally threatened to veto bills that come to him that spend to much money. Interesting to note that now after getting a taste of being in the minority the GOP is now bragging about how they have the votes to uphold any veto. This isnt about spending, or attempting to reign it in, it is a political move to further the GOP and an attempt to hurt the Democrats. But like most Bush endeavours, it will be lethargic, pointless and be full of unintended consequences.