Bush's Speech.

Hard Driver

Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2007
I would have to say that was a masterful piece of propaganda. It sounded real nice if you just didn't have reality to interfere with Bush's delusions.

First, the whole point of the surge is was to buy time for political progress in Iraq. Bush totally ignored the failure of any significant political progress, instead citing a few tribal councils and an un-agreed upon oil revenue distribution. But by his own definition of the purpose of the surge, we have lost 743 American soldiers lives to achieve naught politically.

Second, this whole "troop reduction" as a "return on Success" is sucha load of BS spin would be laughable if it was not so sad. The fact of the matter is that there is no way to keep the surge going without either extending tours of duries beyond 15 months, after they have already been extended from 12 months. Or sending troops back to Iraq who have been home less than a year. If Bush did either of these things, he knows there would be a massive backlash against him from within the 30% of people who still don't think he is a failure. So he is trying to spin this like he is choosing to do troop reductions... yea right.

Third, his whole " the people who want success vs the people who want troop reductions, now our success with bring these two together" bit is also a joke, when in the same speech he says that Iraq will need an long and enduring troop presence after he leaves office. How is that defined as bring our troops home.. Also, how is that defined as success. If Iraq is to be successful, then it needs to stand on it's own. Yet we are going to need to prop it up with our blood and money for years to come, yet we are also claiming success. :confused: huh?
Pretty sad when the lack of credibility is so transparent and such a legacy of Bush that you don't need to wait to try ti figure out if he's lying anymore, isn't it?
Pretty sad when the lack of credibility is so transparent and such a legacy of Bush that you don't need to wait to try ti figure out if he's lying anymore, isn't it?

Sure is, what I can't understand is that there are still some very foolish people who believe those lies. The Bush/Cheney adminisration is a disgrace.
Pretty sad when the lack of credibility is so transparent and such a legacy of Bush that you don't need to wait to try ti figure out if he's lying anymore, isn't it?

There is a proven technique to use to scientifically analyze a Bush speech to know fact certain if he is lying.

Step #1) Turn on your TV.
Step #2) Stare hard at the screen.
Step #3) Look close to see if his lips are really moving.
Step #4) If they are then he's lying! :eek:
I think the sad truth is this. Bush is trapped. He gambled and lost. There was the possibility that all the American patriotism that naturally came forward after 9-11 might cloud everyones judgment long enough to do what he wanted to do all along... invade Iraq.

If we had been "greeted as liberators" as Cheney said we definitely would be, and then after that the facts came out that Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11... had no WMD's and Hussein was no threat to anyone outside his own country let alone the United States... people would have probably said... Well Hussein was a bad guy anyway and maybe our new "American friendly" government we helped set up over there can secure us some good cheap oil prices for all our help.

Of course that would all be in the backwards bazaro world because what we got was 3 separate religious factions locked in a Civil War for dominance... insurgents coming from all over the region to try and kill US troops "because they're, there now"... a corrupt and inept group of Iraqi leaders that we've supported... over 30,000 brave troops killed or seriously wounded... and last but not least the ticking time bomb of totally out of control deficit spending clicking off on our children's tax bill at $10,000,000,000 (TEN BILLION) dollars per month.

While all the time none of the Iraqi occupation has made us any safer at home and Bin Laden still 6 years later cannot be caught (cause he's not in Iraq).

So whether it be the evening news... or the newspapers... or MoveOn saying Whoa... bad deal... I think it's nice to not be in that Vietnam "We're winning and Democracy is on the march" BS political propaganda spread by White Houses and they're chosen spokes people... yet again.

It's a shame so many more must die and so much more must be spent just waiting for a change of power in 08. Democracy is a great thing... but it can be painful to watch when you know all that's really going on is foot dragging.