Correct. He intends to send 21,500 troops to Iraq- mainly to Baghdad.
The really funny thing is that he attempted a rhetorical bait and switch. In what appeared to be a pleasantly surprising (and much awaited) change of heart, he started the speech with something along the lines of "Things really aren't going to plan, I'm sorry."
But then this is Bush's agenda, so there had to be a catch: His speech used this as a device to soften everybody up for the sudden turn- "this is why we need to send even more troops to Iraq! It was so obvious...we should have done this way sooner." It is little surprise that at this point the Dems staged a walkout.
The situation seems clear- This is the last chance and one would reasonably hope that the strategy better work this time around otherwise it will fairly correctly be billed as a variation on a theme by Vietnam.
Will it work? I have to say I don't think so. The situation is much bigger than Baghdad and this move appears to signal that Bush has failed to realise this- or rather, even if he had, thought it was too late to adopt a better strategy.
P.S. I also see that John Howard has, characteristically, echoed support by saying maybe he might send more troops to Iraq too. RRRGH!!!