Carbon Belch Day -June 12


See how much carbon you can produce in one day? Sounds like FUN!

Take that Al Gore :D

No thanks. It cost money to produce carbon and I am cheap. Come to think of it it costs everyone money to produce carbon and no one likes to throw away money. So gas is $4 a gallon. Remove the subsidies to oil companies. Remove the restrictions on drilling for oil here in the US. let the price be what the price will be without artificially manipulating the industry and the price will come down a little before it goes up. Then we will all make good economic decisions for ourselves and when it makes sense you won't be able to stop people from insulating their homes, buying new windows, getting cars with better MPG, buying hybrids or electrics or fuel cells, erecting solar panels (which are getting more efficient all the time), erecting windmills, dams, biofuels, etc., etc., etc.

As it stands a large impediment to real pricing is that people are all focused on demanding that congress do something they are not supposed to be doing in the first place. Let's stop asking goverment to step up and take control over our own lives.
You should have checked it out before you poo-poo the idea.... These guys have collected all the "no-no's" from the serious GW alarmist sites, Here is one suggestion they have for Belch day - All of which are things Environmentalists say we should NOT do:

Invite friends over for a GRILL OUT, be sure to drink lotsa BEER and PASS GAS whenever necessary.

Grilling out, drinking beer and passing gas will destroy the planet - according to the GWA's anyway...
You should have checked it out before you poo-poo the idea.... These guys have collected all the "no-no's" from the serious GW alarmist sites, Here is one suggestion they have for Belch day - All of which are things Environmentalists say we should NOT do:

Invite friends over for a GRILL OUT, be sure to drink lotsa BEER and PASS GAS whenever necessary.

Grilling out, drinking beer and passing gas will destroy the planet - according to the GWA's anyway...

I stand corrected!:) I almost never click on anyone's link especially if it is a video since they are usually a waste of time. I assumed that it would be advocating waste not things like partying.