CBS helps Iranian nuke program


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
How do you say, "Thank you, CBS!" in Farsi? The Jerusalem Post notes that CBS has alerted the Mullahs and their nuclear scientists to an intelligence black op that might have set back their nuclear program.

Intelligence operatives in the US and its allied nations have sold Iran flawed technological components in an attempt to sabotage the country's nuclear enrichment program, CBS News revealed Wednesday evening.

In January 2007, the head of Iran's Atomic Energy Agency, Vice-President Gholamreza Aghazadeh, said after an explosion at the Natanz nuclear facility (the first Iranian plant to attempt enrichment) that some of the equipment had been "manipulated."

The explosion destroyed 50 of the plant's centrifuges.

Other evidence has indicated that sabotage was the reason for some of the technical problems Iran has encountered in its enrichment enterprise. Sources told CBS intelligence agencies have altered technical data, making it "useless."

"Industrial sabotage is a way to stop the program, without military action, without fingerprints on the operation, and really, it is ideal, if it works," says Mark Fitzpatrick, the former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Non-Proliferation and now Senior Fellow in Non-Proliferation at the International Institute for Strategic Studies.

According to CBS, the fact that Iran purchases the requisite information and equipment on the black market, rather than legally, places it at risk for industrial sabotage. Some prohibited components, the report said, had been shipped to Iran in diplomatic bags by Iranian agents in Frankfurt.
Evidently, CBS thinks it won't be harmed when the mullahs get their nukes and set about to bring about the return of the 12th Mahdi by unleashing Armageddon.
Do you really think that the Iranians wouldn't have suspected such things until CBS did a story on it? I suppose they didn't suspect the CIA was trying to covertly disrupt their government either until the media did an article on it...
Do you really think that the Iranians wouldn't have suspected such things until CBS did a story on it?
I suppose they didn't suspect the CIA was trying to covertly disrupt their government either until the media did an article on it...

It's quite possible they didn't know. But thanks to See BS they do now.
Who's side are you on anyway?
Are you saying they (Iran) knew about this? I don't think they did because the operation was successful. But now they know. knowing the stated goal of Iran (wiping Israel off the map) it's highly irresponsible of See BS to make this public.
Are you saying they (Iran) knew about this? I don't think they did because the operation was successful. But now they know. knowing the stated goal of Iran (wiping Israel off the map) it's highly irresponsible of See BS to make this public.

I'm sure they were aware of the possibility of being sold bad data but used the information believing it was good. This kind of deception isn't new, the western nations used it against the Soviets during the cold war and vice versa. The Iranians are not stupid. I'm pretty sure their intelligence service isn't dependent on CBS.

By the way you didn't answer my question, or decided to ignore it.
I'm sure they were aware of the possibility of being sold bad data but used the information believing it was good. This kind of deception isn't new, the western nations used it against the Soviets during the cold war and vice versa. The Iranians are not stupid. I'm pretty sure their intelligence service isn't dependent on CBS.

By the way you didn't answer my question, or decided to ignore it.

It puts OUR "fingerprints on the operation". And they didnt give them bad data, the gave them bad parts. They make a centrifuge spinning at 90,000 rpm go BOOM!!! and take out 49 other centrifuges near by.
And speaking of fingerprints, you are wrong. Instead of the Iranian scientist thinking they need to keep their fingerprints off the centrifuges to get them to work, they now know they need to get different parts. MARK

I’ll give you an example. In the preliminary stages of the work, we noticed that our machines broke down frequently. We couldnʹt discover the cause, since we didnʹt have any scientific sources or books to refer to. After great efforts we discovered that our experts didnʹt wear fabric gloves during the assembly phase. We found out that when you assemble the parts with bare hands, germs are transferred to the machinery from the smallest amount of sweat which comes off the hands.

This little amount of germs is enough to trouble and destroy the machine. When we say a machine is destroyed we mean that it turns into powder.
Ronnie 'Mushbrains' Reagan did the same thing to the Commies back in the day. Slick Willie did the same with the Chinese.

This is an old move. It works quite well too.

Reagan and Clinton put bad parts into soviet or chinese equipment??? Care to cite EVEN ONE EXAMPLE. Im not saying it wasnt done, just that it doesnt end up on CBS news or even in the public domain. MARK
Reagan and Clinton put bad parts into soviet or chinese equipment??? Care to cite EVEN ONE EXAMPLE. Im not saying it wasnt done, just that it doesnt end up on CBS news or even in the public domain. MARK

Oh yah, Russia was getting a lot of its Oil Refinery software by piracy, so we set up some devilish code, made sure they got it, and when it was used it caused some major damage to their network. It worked not only because it damaged some of their oil refining infrastructure, but because they could no longer trust the pirated software they would get to be kosher.

Clinton did it with the Chinese too. What all the righty's claim to be 'selling military secrets', was really a two part strategy. Since it was a straight deal, we couldn't sell them faulty info. But, the thing is, the Chinese were going to get the tech anyways, regardless. Wether they eventually developed it themselves. or they bought it from Russia or another state with missile tech. So, by making sure they bought and used some of our own older tech, we now know exactly what they have, and more importantly how to destroy it.

It works for China, because they aint stupid either. Its a way to say to the States, "hey, we no want fight, we buy from you".

Its all standard spy and espionage stuff. Things like this have been going on since man first started warring each other.

Oh and by the way, this story with Bush selling stuff to Iran has been around since 2001. Anyone with half a brain knew we were selling em faulty stuff. If I knew, then without a doubt the Iranians already knew as well.
cite1 /saɪt/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[sahyt] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–verb (used with object), cit·ed, cit·ing. 1. to quote (a passage, book, author, etc.), esp. as an authority

but then again you do seem to consider yourself an "authority" that should be good enough for any of us, regarding any topic. MARK

Oh yah, Russia was getting a lot of its Oil Refinery software by piracy, so we set up some devilish code, made sure they got it, and when it was used it caused some major damage to their network. It worked not only because it damaged some of their oil refining infrastructure, but because they could no longer trust the pirated software they would get to be kosher.

Clinton did it with the Chinese too. What all the righty's claim to be 'selling military secrets', was really a two part strategy. Since it was a straight deal, we couldn't sell them faulty info. But, the thing is, the Chinese were going to get the tech anyways, regardless. Wether they eventually developed it themselves. or they bought it from Russia or another state with missile tech. So, by making sure they bought and used some of our own older tech, we now know exactly what they have, and more importantly how to destroy it.

It works for China, because they aint stupid either. Its a way to say to the States, "hey, we no want fight, we buy from you".

Its all standard spy and espionage stuff. Things like this have been going on since man first started warring each other.

Oh and by the way, this story with Bush selling stuff to Iran has been around since 2001. Anyone with half a brain knew we were selling em faulty stuff. If I knew, then without a doubt the Iranians already knew as well.