Don't worry Martyr, I'm just stirring. Speaking of which, wasn't there some regulation regarding use of expletives? Okay, enough out of me.
But there is a little intricacy I'd like to pick on!
FREE country and everybody's voice should be heard no matter how unsettling it may seem for some. Tolerance is key. Sad that humans in general have a big problem not pushing THEIR OWN opinions down other peoples throats.
So then, how does one go about reconciling the ideal of free will and tolerance on one hand, and the lack of respect for others' opinions, such that one might have an effective moral system/analytical system? We know that having different opinions etc. is a necessary tension that living together entails.
Moral principles are often argued over in the presumption that they are applicable to a group of people. Why? Because they involve consideration of actions that will somehow affect other moral agents. Our opinions with regard to moral discussions are only valid insofar as we affect ourselves. As you say, the problem is how some people like to force their opinions on others without tolerance. This is a tricky thing to navigate, as I'm sure you'll now appreciate.
However, this is not a license to say "well you cannot question me because I have a right to my own opinion." The reason for this is because we tend to presume we are rational and that the beliefs we hold are somehow justified. What I have a problem with are people who either persist in maintaining an illusion of being justified but are in fact not, or not required to, or do not even feel the need to examin their own beliefs (or both). This is extremely common, because most people do not have the adequate knowledge or ability to maintain a high degree of consistency in regards to a principle of sufficient reason. Worse, it is through this that much righteous hatred persists throughout the world. Hence why I keep going on and on about hypocrisy and ignorance, really. Not that I'm exempt from those standards.
So for my part, that's why I would like to encourage that people actually do what they place value in and think critically. Engage in the process of questioning and changing, which is difficult as it involves detaching knowledge and opinion from the notion of identity. I'm not forcing opinions on anybody else- were I to start using laden rhetoric because I were trying to defend some personal sense of integrity then yes, that would be me being a hypocrite.
Of course, I appreciate that "no disrespect intended" can and should generally be taken to face value. I just wanted to get people's hackles up so they'd pay some attention to this post. You see my point now?