FOLKS , Yes , Yesterdays elections were a giant step to correct the HUGE MISTAKE we made in 2008. BUT, America's enemies also know their time is short . So, they will step up their attacks on our Constitution, on our Freedoms and indeed our Nations Security. Those who are seated in our Congress will work ever harder and more dishonest, if needed, to fool and trick you into believing their lies and false programs . We can select more honorable members of our Congress in the 2010 election . BUT, we have no control over Obama's selection of his CZARS. These CZARS face no selection process, do not meet any reqirements other than they represent the type of thinking and politics that are in line with Obama's thinking. Sadly , his forty + Czars appointed so far represent an agenda that harms our nation . Do you support fascism , communism, socialism, statism , or other types of radicalism, NO , I'm sure YOU do not.BUT Obama does as shown by his selections. Taking over of YOUR HEALTHCARE by some wild eyed radical is NOT in your best interest or that of AMERICA. This recent election was all about the dangerous path America has taken since Obama was elected.
These people know their time is very limited, AMERICA is AWAKE! The next election will rid our Congress of many and in 2012 we clean out the remaining Obama "helpers" in our Congress and VOTE OUT of OFFICE , OBAMA himself.
Actually , he will be more comfortable bouncing a basketball or hitting a golf ball AND our TROOPS will be safer too. So, STAY ALERT, American can still be HURT! Be ready for the elections in 2010- CONSERVATISM must WIN AGAIN!
VOTE YOUR PRINCIPLES not PARTY! It is not the (r),or the (i),or the (d) BUT what each candidate stands for! CONSERVATIVE VALUES, RONALD REAGAN VALUES, is the path America must follow to CORRECT our MISTAKE in 2008!
These people know their time is very limited, AMERICA is AWAKE! The next election will rid our Congress of many and in 2012 we clean out the remaining Obama "helpers" in our Congress and VOTE OUT of OFFICE , OBAMA himself.
Actually , he will be more comfortable bouncing a basketball or hitting a golf ball AND our TROOPS will be safer too. So, STAY ALERT, American can still be HURT! Be ready for the elections in 2010- CONSERVATISM must WIN AGAIN!
VOTE YOUR PRINCIPLES not PARTY! It is not the (r),or the (i),or the (d) BUT what each candidate stands for! CONSERVATIVE VALUES, RONALD REAGAN VALUES, is the path America must follow to CORRECT our MISTAKE in 2008!