A lot of things are no longer what were once envisioned for this country. Remember in back to US History, when you learned about the Revolution, and how we thought we were so much superior to England because we had the perfect Government--our impoverished weren't much less fortunate than the well-off, there was no bureaucracy, we had no 'nobles' or 'royalty', and more importantly, we were an idealistic society. Philosophy and Politics were important to a majority of the citizens, and nowadays, this kind of stuff matters to a very small minority. Topics like this always make me pity the human race--we have 2,000 years of philosophy, reason, technology, and advancement as a civilization, and we STILL can't figure out how to get along, enjoy life, and solve the many problems that we face as HUMANS, not a particular country. I remember hearing an audio clip years ago, were a clearly narcissistic individual saying that the human race is unfit to inhabit the Earth, and when I heard it, I figured it was some depressed individual with a skewed view of the human race, but as the weeks go by, I slowly agree with him.