Didn't Biden say he had defeated covid ?

Yes thevpandemic aspect is over, *****
It's now endemic, like the flu
trump downplayed it. why wouldn't he wear a mask in public? why would he compare it to the flu? yes there was no need to panic, but there was a need to take it seriously, and trump failed at communicating that, because he was pandering to his ***** base.
Who failed to wear a mask in public? Gavin Newsome and members of his large dinner party? Yes. Anthony Fauci at the ball game? Yes. Nancy Pelosi at the hairdressers? Yes. Nancy Pelosi in Congress? Yes. Nancy Pelosi at large fundraising dinner where privileged white Democrat donors did not wear masks, while the elitists were served by lowly workers forced to wear masks? Absolutely.

Video shows hordes of maskless people at Pelosi fundraiser (nypost.com)
Video shows hordes of maskless people at Pelosi fundraiser


Published Aug. 22, 2021

Mask-pushing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was apparently caught addressing an outdoor crowd of mask-less Democratic bigwigs in COVID-19-riddled Napa Valley over the weekend, according to video and tweets.

A clip of the close-quartered California fundraiser was posted on Facebook by Democratic Party donor and winemaker Kathryn Walt Hall — and promptly blasted out on Twitter.

The footage appeared to show dozens of unmasked people seated elbow to elbow at long luncheon tables as Pelosi (D-Calif.) gave a speech and masked waiters ambled between the listeners.

“All the servants fully masked,” tweeted journalist Glenn Greenwald. “The almost-entirely old, white, rich crowd of DCCC donors free to go maskless as they’re served.”
Who failed to wear a mask in public? Gavin Newsome and members of his large dinner party? Yes. Anthony Fauci at the ball game? Yes. Nancy Pelosi at the hairdressers? Yes. Nancy Pelosi in Congress? Yes. Nancy Pelosi at large fundraising dinner where Democrat donors did not wear masks, but they were served by lowly servants forced to wear masks? Absolutely.
Trump famously avoided it at all times in public

Feel free to prove those others failed to do so as consistently as Trump did, rather than a few random occasions

But you can't because you are a po,itical ***** lol
Trump famously avoided it at all times in public

Feel free to prove those others failed to do so as consistently as Trump did, rather than a few random occasions

But you can't because you are a po,itical ***** lol
Trump! Trump! Trump! Whines the deranged Trump-hating leftist.

The history of thr pandemic clearly includes Trump as a major player duh
You are a history *****
Trump made some mistakes, no doubt, as did everyone else. But at least he did not violate US laws to fund the China research that developed covid and at least Trump did not send thousands of covid patients into rest homes to infect thousands of others with the fatal disease.
Trump made some mistakes, no doubt, as did everyone else. But at least he did not violate US laws to fund the China research that developed covid and at least Trump did not send thousands of covid patients into rest homes to infect thousands of others with the fatal disease.
No he just downplayed it and we had 40 percent more deaths

But you morons will defend Trump even if people died
You are pathetic
Lol you are a true mor9n
Millions of illegitimate votes and you can't conv8nce a single judge of it lol
Millions of Americans clearly see the evidence of 2020 voting fraud the left and deep state officials refused and refuse to acknowledge and condemn.
Millions of Americans clearly see the evidence of 2020 voting fraud the left and deep state officials refused and refuse to acknowledge and condemn.

million of americans are morons. no one ever denied republicans aren't the smartest of people.