Do you believe in aliens?

I guess a better question would be, do you believe in exoplanetary life (though the possibility that life exists in some form on mars, microbiological I'd assume, I don't think that was the idea of this thread) and I do believe it is very likely. What form does it have, what advancements over us has it achieved? Who knows. It's a fun discussion but debating it to any extent would be as educational or enlightening as beating each other over the head with those foam stress bats from the 90s.

Someone mentioned multi-dimensionality, here's a link for ya. One of the newer ideas in dimensional physics is the 6 dimension theory. Where we have XYZ as the spatial dimensions, and Space-time and two time like dimensions. This is currently one of the more likely theories.
Not really sure if that's really relevant to anything space-travel anytime in the near future, but I suspect we won't go FTL in my lifetime.

Let me avoid threadjacking by submitting this for you're viewing pleasure. It may increase your faith in the likelihood of exoplanetary life. Earthlike exoplanet discovered.


As a long time sci fi fan, I find the possibilities of alternate dimensions fascinating...unfortunately I lack the mathmatical sense to fully understand it.

They're not as exciting as sci-fi would say. It's not like altered reality, but rather part of reality. I doubt there's truly any likelihood of xenodimensional life or such. Basically it's like say ya got a big building. You could live your whole life in an apartment there and never have to know of the steal beams that hold it up, or the insulation that keeps the heat in, it's just there. That's like those other dimensions, they're not directly observable, but once we determine which theory is right and get this stuff unified and all wrapped up, we'll know bout the girders and insulation that hold reality together, or apart as it may be.

Coyote ya may wanna check out the book Warped Passages: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe's Hidden Dimensions by Lisa Randall, a very good layperson book about multidimensions. It's not the 2T dimension of the article but just the same it gives insight, and once reading it, the stuff may make more sense in other theories. (if nothing else, she's hot for a physicist)
Fonz, it may be pretty much a certainty to you but why no concrete proof?
The more we investigate into the rules of the universes, the rarer life seems to become. The specific conditions present on earth are highly specialized to support the maximum variety of life. The gravity is ideal. The magnetic field deflects UV light which is fatal to life in sufficient quantities. The mix of sea area to dry land has been demonstrated to be ideal. The distance from the sun and sun's output are ideal. The axis tilt and rotation create day/night and seasons. The atmosphere is a perfect mix and just the right thickness and density.
I could go on an name at least 50 other conditions that our earth provides that are ideal for life.
I don't think there is any level of certainty that life exists outside earth.
Arrogant? I don't think so because our conditions are too ideal to be present elsewhere.
Fonz, it may be pretty much a certainty to you but why no concrete proof?
The more we investigate into the rules of the universes, the rarer life seems to become. The specific conditions present on earth are highly specialized to support the maximum variety of life. The gravity is ideal. The magnetic field deflects UV light which is fatal to life in sufficient quantities. The mix of sea area to dry land has been demonstrated to be ideal. The distance from the sun and sun's output are ideal. The axis tilt and rotation create day/night and seasons. The atmosphere is a perfect mix and just the right thickness and density.
I could go on an name at least 50 other conditions that our earth provides that are ideal for life.
I don't think there is any level of certainty that life exists outside earth.
Arrogant? I don't think so because our conditions are too ideal to be present elsewhere.

Why would you assume that other life would need the same things we need here on this planet? Maybe life on this planet needs these things because life on this planet evolved to fit its surroundings. For all we know, life on other planets could evolve to breathe methane and live in conditions much colder than we have here.
I don't assume that life on another planet must resemble life on earth. But life, whether based on carbon or silicon or even a metal, must still be highly complex. One of the simplest living organisms on Earth is EColi. It has 4,000,000 base pairs in its DNA and requires 1,000 enzymes to function. By comparison, humans and most of the higher mammals have 3 billion base pairs in the DNA. So whether life is carbon, silicon or metallic based, it must be highly complex. Even the "simplest" life form is far more complex than our most complex machines.
Life on Earth exists in an oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere that is precisely the correct mix for life to flourish. If life on another planet breathed methane, it would be subject to similar requirements. The temp would have to be within a certain range, the atmosphere would have to have a certain depth and composition, the planet's gravity would need to fall within a range of tolerance for that life, etc, etc, etc.
We have requirements for life on this planet that are quite precise. If there is life with a different basis on another planet, it would also require quite precise conditions.
It is my opinion that life on other planets is most likely quite rare and may very well be non-existent. The conditions necessary to support any life on any planet life must be incredibly precise and there are many requirements for any life. The probabilities just don't add up to me.
“The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us.”--Bill Watterson
Yes Aliens destroyed the twin towers and aliens control the government they live underground
Do you believe that there are aliens who are more advanced than us?

Or do you not even believe in aliens at all?

Read some history. The Sumerian's were the first world culture to establish religion. All other religions evolved from theirs, they worshiped aliens. If you believe in god, you have to believe in aliens.
Not necessarily the other way around though.
Read some history. The Sumerian's were the first world culture to establish religion. All other religions evolved from theirs, they worshiped aliens. If you believe in god, you have to believe in aliens.
Not necessarily the other way around though.

That's amazing.
Read some history. The Sumerian's were the first world culture to establish religion. All other religions evolved from theirs, they worshiped aliens. If you believe in god, you have to believe in aliens.
Not necessarily the other way around though.

Do you have a link to a copy of the Sumerian texts? English?