Does anyone even watch the news?


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2006
I personally do not any more. I get all the information I care to know about from online sources where at least I can choose the sources and outlet. I'm tired of the sensationalism of stories, the pushing of microphones into grieving faces, weather reporters standing in the middle of blizzards to show it's snowing hard. This isn't hard hitting reporting, it's just plain ridiculous and honestly, pretty shameful. The position of journalist on television has become a position of near-tabloid implications. What do you all think?
Im a media junky. I watch everything. I learn alot about our culture and social trends from the news stations. I try and remain objective on the stories being told and search out more then one news source when a story is intriguing.

Yes, you are correct its a sad thing to see how they peddle news for profit. What bothers me more is how they censure the news. I want to see the latest bin laden tapes! I want to see the Arab news papers. We are kidding ourselves when we believe we have a free press. Policital and religious sensitivities stop that.
I personally do not any more. I get all the information I care to know about from online sources where at least I can choose the sources and outlet. I'm tired of the sensationalism of stories, the pushing of microphones into grieving faces, weather reporters standing in the middle of blizzards to show it's snowing hard. This isn't hard hitting reporting, it's just plain ridiculous and honestly, pretty shameful. The position of journalist on television has become a position of near-tabloid implications. What do you all think?

I watch the News. Liberal, Conservative, what have you. I meerly gather what is going on, avoid the commnetary and bias, and formulate my own opinion. I do think our culture is sensationalist [and almost to disgusting extremes--wait, did I say almost?] and is extremely sickening. All you have to do is to turn on E!, to find the single most degrading sub culture identity I can think of. I can't even watch MSNBC in the daytime to get the news. It's always peppered with celebrity mumbo-jumbo, and off-topic nonsense. I hate to say it, but the WOMEN reporters [I'm in no way sexist, but those two reporters are the enemy I am talking about] certainly do contribute to it.
I thought televised debates did that. I can no longer stand to watch them. You've seen how anal I am about argumentation on this forum...go figure. It's so dumb it hurts.
I like the news, I like knowing whats going on in the world. That said it was very enlightening and refreshing to discover some quality foreign news sources. It makes it much easier to see the biases in our domestic reporting when you have a few outside references. (I'm not saying they don't have their own slant as well, but the difference between the two slants usually tells you who's interested in what) It's also really interesting to notice whats missing in American news. For example, when's the last time you saw an in depth article about whats happening in Africa or South America? If you check out the BBC you'll hear about them every day.
I watch Fox almost every morning. And check out sites like CNN throughout the day.
To tell you the truth I rarely watch the news and get most of my news through the internet. The closest i come to the news on TV is the weather channel.
Ugh, I can't stand "news" shows like E! and Entertainment tonight. I remember when the tsunami hit southeast Asia, they did a story on how a US supermodel couldn't find her husband. What about the thousands of people who were left dead or homeless in the wake of the disaster? Disgusting, I tell you.
Well I suppose they gotta fill a niche. Unfortunately the problem is that people might choose to watch E! over anything else...
I'm a news junkie so I have TV news on all day because I work at home. I also pick up a lot of international news online as well.

Interestingly enough, it seems many people are getting all their news from the John Stewart Show!
We do not watch TV at all. We don't have cable. We watch movies from Netflix, and that's it.

We get all our news from the internet.