Does Science Argue for or against God?

Does Science Argue for or against God?

Why are we here? Literally. The latest science says we shouldn’t be. It says that the chance life exists at all is less than zero. So, is science the greatest threat to the idea of Intelligent Design or is science its greatest advocate? Best-selling author and lecturer, Eric Metaxas, poses this intriguing question and comes up with a very unexpected and challenging answer.

The video has not been refuted. It stands as fact.
Contrary to ridiculous claims that religion and science go hand in hand together, is bullshit.
Science have never wasted minute searching for some celestial supernatural gimmick. They can see virtually to the beginning of time and there is nothing but billions of galaxies and stars. Not a god or heaven in sight.

It's absurd to think some half baked nut case prophet was the son of a god. It's equally stupid to think a god formed the universe when we have the most plausible scenario ever thought of. Science is not certain of it but the best minds in the world are working on it.

Religion likes to link itself to science because it is discovering things everyday where as the Bible teaches the same lies it did 2000 years ago. Nothing changed. So there is no god and not one person on earth can prove there is.
Boris often science has proven that they do and it has proven that the stories in the bible are possible and in many cases true . Your the one who talks about sciene all the time yet your clueless about it . Your hate keeps you from seeing that. Im not what you would call a relgious person Bugger eating boris . But my heart is not full of hate like yours .
I started a post about science and religion . Inn life it would do you well to develop a bit of respect
Boris often science has proven that they do and it has proven that the stories in the bible are possible and in many cases true . Your the one who talks about sciene all the time yet your clueless about it . Your hate keeps you from seeing that. Im not what you would call a relgious person Bugger eating boris . But my heart is not full of hate like yours .
I started a post about science and religion . Inn life it would do you well to develop a bit of respect

People like Boris willingly stick their head in the sand and willingly IGNORE the FACT that all the great men of history including the great scientists of history, were men of faith in God, whichever God they believed in. That totally destroys Boris' lame narrative that is all silly and dumb, because those men certainly were not silly or dumb, and they were surely far more intelligent than Boris.

"Though faith is above reason, there can never be any real discrepancy between faith and reason. Since the same God who reveals mysteries and infuses faith has bestowed the light of reason on the human mind, God cannot deny himself, nor can truth ever contradict truth." "Consequently, methodical research in all branches of knowledge, provided it is carried out in a truly scientific manner and does not override moral laws, can never conflict with the faith, because the things of the world and the things of faith derive from the same God. The humble and persevering investigator of the secrets of nature is being led, as it were, by the hand of God in spite of himself, for it is God, the conserver of all things, who made them what they are."
You are far too ignorant to even grasp this subject little groomer boy.
There is no god and never has been. Not one person has ever interacted with one regardless of their delusions that they have.
Not one person has ever gone to heaven or hell.
Not one person can prove they were saved or sins forgiven.
The hypocrisy and ignorance breathtaking.
There is no god and never has been. Not one person has ever interacted with one regardless of their delusions that they have.
Not one person has ever gone to heaven or hell.
Not one person can prove they were saved or sins forgiven.
The hypocrisy and ignorance breathtaking.
And you know all of that to be true how ?
Do you have a ancient book telling you this or legends and storys handed down for generations ?
Or perhaps you have tales and legends from all over the world to prove you right.
Or maybe you geological evidence to support legends ?or even science has backed up some events and the explanation of how others could happen .
Theres a lot more to look at and consider the supports the possiblity there is.