Well-Known Member
Too bad she doesn't have one for Cheney too.
See, I could have sworn that was your Aunt that you didnt get birthday presents from. I thought the Hillary shirt that I bet was made overseas was a little trashy, but its her time to shine. She should be looking out for audit notice from the IRS soon.There is something fundamentally wrong with that woman, aside from her missing tooth.
Yeah that guy was good. I thought it a nice touch that even the guy who disagreed said it was still her right to do so.I like the guy who says, "Well that's a good place for him."
Does this mean it's cool to hang a noose in the front yard when Obama gets elected?
Personally I like Obama, I think he would bring a great new energy to the country and some real change away from the status quo. No candidate has managed to do what he has in nearly 50 years.
I know, I know, it's just that I live in Frisco
I can understand why you think this, but if you look at the Reagan campaign of 1980 you'll be struck by how much the Obama team has imitated it.
By the way, those who know me know how much of a Newt Gingrich fan I am -- he's been giving speeches about bringing about fundamental real change to our American political system for a while now. Obviously, Obama has jumped on the "change" bandwagon fairly recently but it's interesting to note.
I agree with both men that real change is required and the status quo "Washington as usual" is failing. The difference between the two, and this is where I disagree with Obama and side with Newt, is that OBama is seeking to bring "real change" from the top (the President) down.
Experience shows us that this isn't very likely to happen. Newt loves to point out that there are 513,000 elected officials in this country. The President is only one (albeit an important one). I think that if you want fundamental change in America, it has to come from the bottom up -- from the school boards, the local city coucils, etc.
Guess you don't ride a motorcycle my friend.
But what do you think about flipping the script on whichever democrat gets elected? I don't think that would be appropriate either. Like I said, respect the Office if you can't respect the Officeholder.
Obama is different, he is a visionary and inspirational, young and full of energy without the baggage of decades in Washington.
Now you know that I am involved in local politics, so I will gladly expand on the notion of political change coming to this country from the bottom up simply isnt possible to do peacefully or without potentially very harmful economic downfalls.
Like I'm sure you respected the office when Bill Clinton was president. The Republicans and their hatred of the Clintons was way overboard, I didn't hear people of your ilk speaking up then.
You live in Alaska -- that doesn't count. Getting serious for a second, this gets into the whole debate over federalism and state's rights and the role of the federal government.
I don't think it's reasonable for people to expect the federal government to solve their local/regional problems. The federal government can be expected to defend you from foreign invasions (sometimes) but that's about it. Anything from making sure you have money for retirement to healthcare to your child's education is just unreasonable to expect of the federal government.
In my opinion, the local and state governments are where problems are truly solved.