I think it would be great if we taught our children to speak Spanish, and then the Mexicans would have to learn ANOTHER language when they come here!
Dumbass B.O. doesn't even understand that Mexicans DON'T SPEAK SPANISH, they speak MEXICAN.
BTW, here's the video clip, and unlike SOME people we know, it's FULL and UNEDITED.
The point B.O. is that when they come here, they should speak our language, but like so many Americans that travel overseas, they DON'T speak the language, not even so much as a Thank You. When I was in the service, I made it a point of learning at least basic conversational language skills of the country I was in as a matter of COURTESY, but I wasn't there ILLEGALLY either!
If they want to come here to live or work, then they MUST learn our language, otherwise they can't, and as far as I'm concerned, anybody here who DOESN'T speak the language had better have a government Visa to be here, or they're on the next plane out of the country, and they should be THROWN OUT of that plane WITHOUT a parachute when it passes over, or near, their country of origin!