Fauci is not just science, he is Jesus to God-rejecters

Biden said he was going to stop big oil.
At no point did he say that he was going to shut it down right away, and indeed, he has not shut it down. You make no sense. Everyone understands that the world needs to gradually abandon petroleum and to transition to renewable energy.

Trump, on the other hand, tells Big Oil, "Give me a billion dollars and I will allow you to pollute all you want forever."
Biden said he was going to stop big oil.

In intimate moment, Biden vows to ‘end fossil fuel’​

Published 6:49 PM EDT, September 6, 2019
NEW CASTLE, N.H. (AP) — Joe Biden is looking voters in the eye and promising to “end fossil fuel.”
The former vice president and Democratic presidential candidate made the comment Friday after a New Hampshire environmental activist challenged him for accepting donations from the co-founder of liquified natural gas firm.
Trump, on the other hand, tells Big Oil, "Give me a billion dollars and I will allow you to pollute all you want forever."
Using quote marks on a sentence that Trump did not make attributed by the false accuser to Trump is properly referred to as criminal despicable slanderous lying.
Using quote marks on a sentence that Trump did not make attributed by the false accuser to Trump is properly referred to as criminal despicable slanderous lying.

One person not at the dinner — Dan Eberhart, chief executive of the Denver-based oil company Canary LLC — said participants told him that Trump asked the attendees to contribute a combined $1 billion for his campaign. Two industry representatives whose companies attended the meeting confirmed the amount to POLITICO.

trump is disgusting.
One person not at the dinner — Dan Eberhart, chief executive of the Denver-based oil company Canary LLC — said participants told him that Trump asked the attendees to contribute a combined $1 billion for his campaign. Two industry representatives whose companies attended the meeting confirmed the amount to POLITICO.

trump is disgusting.
Dummies on the political left will believe any lying witness they want to believe while repeatedly rejecting truth that they do not want to believe.
One person not at the dinner — Dan Eberhart, chief executive of the Denver-based oil company Canary LLC — said participants told him that Trump asked the attendees to contribute a combined $1 billion for his campaign. Two industry representatives whose companies attended the meeting confirmed the amount to POLITICO.

trump is disgusting.
oh..i see. It's disgusting when president trump asks supporters to donate to his campaign but when Joe shakes down Ukraine, SELLS our security and wealth to China, launders money to make himself richer at our expense....well...THAT is just fine with you.
oh..i see. It's disgusting when president trump asks supporters to donate to his campaign but when Joe shakes down Ukraine, SELLS our security and wealth to China, launders money to make himself richer at our expense....well...THAT is just fine with you.
Yes what Trump did was disgusting
You are delusional. He gave up nothing. He took bribes and so did his kids.
He's now going through courts which will prove what an arsehole he is.
Every woman in USA should condemn the misogynist rotten pos.
Lefties have not yet found evidence of Trump taking bribes but they are not giving up. Likewise, lefties will never admit Biden takes bribes no matter how much irrefutable evidence piles up against him to the contrary.