Please understand I'm only listing the pros and cons as I've seen them. I didn't say I voted for him. I'm just comparing generalities.
Have you ever voted for a Republican or a third party candidate for President? Because you appear to be nothing more than a partisan Democrat hack.
Well you're wrong here. Being able to present a vision clearly and connect with the American people is VERY important. In fact that's often what gets people elected in the first place. You can be as book smart as the day is long but if you can't connect you won't win much or stay long. A good example would be Adlai Stevenson v. Eisenhower.
Again, this is the problem with the ignorance of the general population that I mentioned earlier. There is no "vision" to be presented. Our leaders should be stewards for the protection of each individual's unalienable rights under Natural Law. Each and every individual should have the liberty to engage in any peaceful, honest, voluntary activity that he or she chooses to participate in. Government should only become involved if someone uses force, fraud or coercion against innocent people. That is government's only legitimate role.
Now that is a logical truth. I shouldn't have to "sell" it to anyone. You should accept the truth and respect my right to engage in any peaceful, honest, voluntary activity that I choose. And I should respect your right to do the same.
FAR to much was made over Clinton having an affair.
Yes, far too much was made over the affair. They should have focused on his real crimes.
Yes it was wrong to lie about it under oath. But those questions had absolutely nothing to do with the nation nor his job performance. He was brilliant and a very hard worker for the American people.
Brilliant? No. He was misguided. Hard worker? He was a hard worker for himself and trying to secure some type of legacy.
I try to keep some perspective here.
How about the perspective that this didn't happen just once, but was happening with multiple women on a near constant basis? And that he was accused of harassing and raping some of the women? How about the perspective that it didn't happen with any other President? How about the perspective that a female foreign operative could have gained access to the President in this manner? In truth, there are lots of different perspectives to think about.
Come on my friend. Jesse Jackson was/is far Left of Clinton.
I'm not disagreeing with that. How's your reading comprehension these days? I'm asking you to DEFINE WHAT THAT MEANS EXACTLY.
Clinton supported and authorized sweeping changes in welfare reform. Clinton focused on balancing the budget and ridding us of a Republican monster budget defecit and many other issues bringing the Democratic Party fairly peacefully towards the middle.
Clinton wanted none of that. The Republicans took control of Congress and passed welfare reform on their own. Clinton just looked at the polls and saw it was popular and signed it based on an opinion poll. Clinton never would have pushed for welfare reform on his own.
And as far as the deficit, the original tax package in '90 was supposed to reduce the deficit - IT DIDN'T. I remember Jay Rockfeller being asked why it didn't work - his answer: "Because Bush didn't care." ROTFLMAO. "Caring" does not make a policy work. The percentage cuts or increases are what they are. Whatever happens is based on the laws of economics - not on "caring."
The Republicans were the ones who forced cuts in the spending levels. The Democrats fought it tooth and nail. I still remember the press conference with the Democrats in Congress at that time. They claimed there would be "children starving in the streets" after the Republicans alleged cuts of the school lunch program. No such thing ever happened after the cuts in spending occurred. I still have yet to see any starving children who were denied their lunches.
I'm not trying to be argumentative but that's just BS and you know it. No president can prevent all terrorist attacks.
No, they could not prevent all terrorist attacks, but that wasn't my point. You really like to argue Straw Men, don't you? My point is that certain policies make us a target for terrorists - which Bin Laden specifically stated in his fatwa.
To blame Clinton for not stopping terrorism in the future is a interesting concept. I presume you are a fair minded, good for the goose good for the gander type person. Being such you must blame Ronald Reagan for not stopping terrorism during his 2 terms in office that led to the Marine barracks bombing in Lebanon?????????? Because it is the exact same scenario!
Indeed I do. Which is why I'm a member of the Libertarian Party. I only vote for Libertarians. I do not vote for Democrats or Republicans, although this time I would vote for Ron Paul if he won the nomination because he is the only candidate from the major parties running who wants to change our foreign policy back to noninterventionism.
There you go again. Personal feelings aside the truth is well documented. Clinton wanted and pushed for sweeping spending cuts. It's been noted hundreds of times even on 60 Minutes that President Clinton even had a small sign plaque on his desk in the Oval office that read... "It's the economy stupid!" Not exactly something someone unconcerned with the economy would have.
And there you again. Clinton only went for spending cuts because the Republicans were forcing his hand. His smaller spending cuts were an attempt to portray the Republicans as wanting to cut spending too much. "It's the economy stupid" had nothing to do with spending cuts. Liberals falsely believe that more government spending and higher taxes equals a better economy, so why on earth would they equate "it's the economy stupid" to spending cuts. The Democrats controlled Congress for over 40 years - never once did they cut spending. Spending increased every single year under their control.
The economy was excellent. I was born in 1957 so I remember well life through every president JFK and on. I've felt good and bad economies.
The worst economy was under Carter. Reagan won big, much to the surprise of the media, and his tax cuts did spur economic growth. The evidence of that was his re-election in a landslide, crushing Mondale who represented Carter's policies.
The national debt is important. The budget defecit is important.
The budget deficit is only important in regards to its relation to the debt. The national debt is the main issue, as the interest payments rise every year, requiring more tax revenue to pay, and burdening future generations. Clinton did nothing to reduce the national debt. The national debt was far greater after he left office.
The fact is Clinton started attacking a major problem built up during the Reagan years. That's just the fact of the matter.
What did the budget deficit and the national debt do under Carter's administration?
If you said they went up every single year and the debt topped $1 trillion for the first time in history under Carter's administration, you'd be correct. But yet it's somehow all Reagan's fault...
I'll just say two things. Recession hitting why
Recessions occur at cycles, Einstein. Roughly 10 year business cycles.
You're entitled to your opinion. I think we are seeing the pendulum swing back now aren't we.
No, we aren't. You're still quite delusional aren't you? The Democrats owe their control of the Senate to the Libertarians. Vote totals for Democrat victory in Montana and Missouri were less than the vote totals for the Libertarian candidate in each race. People were voting against the Republicans, not for the Democrats. And you guys just had a sitting minority leader in the Senate voted out - remember Daschle? First time in over 100 years for that as well I think. And some the Democrats elected to the house were pro-gun rights and held far different views than the liberal leadership.