Founding Fathers gave us a Republic!


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2009
Yes , it is very true our Founding Fathers did create and gave to us a Republic. Ben Franklin when asked "What form of government was created?" . replied , "A Republic ", if the citizens can keep it ".Well, Ole Ben showed how nervous he was about America's future . He also showed his concerns were justified . He was not alone many , many other leaders of that day were worried that "democracy" was a vulger threat to a virtuous republic . During my lifetime I have seen the vulgar actions by voters and politicians who use a democratic process to destroy our Constitution , our decency , and our Nation . These "destroyers of America " are found in every political party. Today the democrat party is the most corrupt of any political party and desires to destroy America and replace our Republic with a fascist government . To accomplish this "fundamemtal change " to the political system in America the fascist selected Barack Hussien Obama to corrupt our values and deceive us while his deeds are carried out . It appears the citizens of America are asleep , ignorant,confused , or just want to destroy America , in any case the fascist are winning the day and under the cover of night their actions will take its toll and we will awake to a fascist state and be powerless to do anything to correct the "fundamental change " that presidential candidate Obama mentioned just five ays before his election . Apparently America was not listening. Yes, G.W. Bush was a lousy President , especially his second term, but he never intentionally meant to harm America.
Please remember if we still have free elections in 2010 vote for Principle not Party . Replace all congressman and senators who work hand in hand with Obama. Be they democrat , republican , or independent , if they are not supporting your values , your beliefs , vote them out , then throw out Obama and the those remaining in 2012. THINK!
Do you think using his middle name, Hussein, will make us think he is a Muslim, or terrorist, or related to Saddam or something? Or did you think we don't know it? or maybe your just a little child who likes to cry fascist , when you don't have a clue...and figured ooo look it makes him have a scary name now oooo

loosen you tin foil hat , its cutting off blood flow to the head I think
Today the democrat party is the most corrupt of any political party and desires to destroy America and replace our Republic with a fascist government.
No one will ever accuse you "conservatives" of being English Majors.....


FASCISM: a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.


.....for OBVIOUS reasons......​
Do you think using his middle name, Hussein, will make us think he is a Muslim, or terrorist, or related to Saddam or something? Or did you think we don't know it? or maybe your just a little child who likes to cry fascist , when you don't have a clue...and figured ooo look it makes him have a scary name now oooo

loosen you tin foil hat , its cutting off blood flow to the head I think

NO, I believe nothing could make YOU think! Now it is wrong to use Obama,s correct name - BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA!! -- Not is he a FASCIST - he is a menace to all the good America has stood for for 234 years!
America is under attack not from some foreign enemy but from the likes of obama and his ilk. After his U.N. speech calling America evil he is now president of the world in his own mind. I seriously doubt that America can survive obama.
Yes , it is very true our Founding Fathers did create and gave to us a Republic. Ben Franklin when asked "What form of government was created?" . replied , "A Republic ", if the citizens can keep it ".Well, Ole Ben showed how nervous he was about America's future . He also showed his concerns were justified . He was not alone many , many other leaders of that day were worried that "democracy" was a vulger threat to a virtuous republic . During my lifetime I have seen the vulgar actions by voters and politicians who use a democratic process to destroy our Constitution , our decency , and our Nation . These "destroyers of America " are found in every political party. Today the democrat party is the most corrupt of any political party and desires to destroy America and replace our Republic with a fascist government . To accomplish this "fundamemtal change " to the political system in America the fascist selected Barack Hussien Obama to corrupt our values and deceive us while his deeds are carried out . It appears the citizens of America are asleep , ignorant,confused , or just want to destroy America , in any case the fascist are winning the day and under the cover of night their actions will take its toll and we will awake to a fascist state and be powerless to do anything to correct the "fundamental change " that presidential candidate Obama mentioned just five ays before his election . Apparently America was not listening. Yes, G.W. Bush was a lousy President , especially his second term, but he never intentionally meant to harm America.
Please remember if we still have free elections in 2010 vote for Principle not Party . Replace all congressman and senators who work hand in hand with Obama. Be they democrat , republican , or independent , if they are not supporting your values , your beliefs , vote them out , then throw out Obama and the those remaining in 2012. THINK!

We are thinking. That's exactly why America elected President Obama.:)

The fact you always miss is, people are people. There are good and bad and shades in between in any group... and this would be EXACTLY the same in any group you came up with.

You have not cornered the market on doing the right thing. In fact by some of your posts I'd say you waste much if not all of your time on fearmongering and intentionally spreading misinformation because you simply didn't support our very good & duly elected President... President Obama.

Bash now... bash during his second term... we could care less. It only makes you look small and uninformed.

Please, people... get a hold of yourselves! Why don't we make a thread to talk about all the GOOD things happening in America today, like... the progressive return of all the offshored jobs? The latest data demonstrating the recent increases in labor compensation in manufacturing and the durable goods sectors? The latest data demonstrating the massive drop in compensation for The FatCat class? The parabolic rise in employment? You know... stuff like that!

What really IS freedom if you've got no real means to enjoy it, afterall? I mean, you can be free out in the middle of the desert all alone with just the shirt on your back. You're free to say anything, do whatever you can find to do... just ain't quite the same, is it?

Which brings us back to all that hope for the changes listed above. How's that workin' out for everybody? Personally, I kinda' want 'em to reinstate Glass-Steagall. Mrs. Haman's mentioned "deregulation" as bad and I tend to agree. I want the banking industry to not approve a mortgage without at least 20% down and a 28/36 DTI (front and back end) ratio--stuff like that, which would power down the finance economy that's robbing the real economy blind. The finance economy began really taking off in the early '90s and that's where a very large part of the boom of that era really came from. Trouble was, it was the beginning of a whopper Ponzi scheme that we're all paying for now.

Historically, the changeover from Republics to something basically resembling anarchy and then some kind of dictatorial or tyrannical takeover has always come with some kind of economic instability.
Yes , it is very true our Founding Fathers did create and gave to us a Republic. Ben Franklin when asked "What form of government was created?" . replied , "A Republic ", if the citizens can keep it ".Well, Ole Ben showed how nervous he was about America's future . He also showed his concerns were justified . He was not alone many , many other leaders of that day were worried that "democracy" was a vulger threat to a virtuous republic . During my lifetime I have seen the vulgar actions by voters and politicians who use a democratic process to destroy our Constitution , our decency , and our Nation . These "destroyers of America " are found in every political party. Today the democrat party is the most corrupt of any political party and desires to destroy America and replace our Republic with a fascist government . To accomplish this "fundamemtal change " to the political system in America the fascist selected Barack Hussien Obama to corrupt our values and deceive us while his deeds are carried out . It appears the citizens of America are asleep , ignorant,confused , or just want to destroy America , in any case the fascist are winning the day and under the cover of night their actions will take its toll and we will awake to a fascist state and be powerless to do anything to correct the "fundamental change " that presidential candidate Obama mentioned just five ays before his election . Apparently America was not listening. Yes, G.W. Bush was a lousy President , especially his second term, but he never intentionally meant to harm America.
Please remember if we still have free elections in 2010 vote for Principle not Party . Replace all congressman and senators who work hand in hand with Obama. Be they democrat , republican , or independent , if they are not supporting your values , your beliefs , vote them out , then throw out Obama and the those remaining in 2012. THINK!

Our founders were a truly amazing group of men. AND the women who stood with and supported them, even if only a few were acknowledged. Reading the writings of Washington, Adams, etc., you find that their wives, their families, were as integral a part of the new Republic they were striving to form as were their own thoughts and beliefs.

A fascinating book, in case you haven't read it, is "The 5,000 Year Leap: A Miracle that Changed the World" by Skousen. Written and published 30 years ago, it is amazing. Many who wish to denigrate our spiritual heritage and founding will find it unpalatable, as Skousen fully examines the importance of recognition of a Creator and a standard of morality within the populace as key components of whether such a government could be established, let alone last.

Seriously folks, there are so many excellent works out there to study to understand the full conceptualization of our most unique experiment in self-rule, it is hard to pick one over another. Yet this book stands out strongly, written without intellectual compromise, while in a manner that makes it easily digestible.

Skousen is no longer with us. I cannot help but feel a sense of bittersweet relief that he is not around to see what is happening today.
Please, people... get a hold of yourselves! Why don't we make a thread to talk about all the GOOD things happening in America today, like... the progressive return of all the offshored jobs? The latest data demonstrating the recent increases in labor compensation in manufacturing and the durable goods sectors? The latest data demonstrating the massive drop in compensation for The FatCat class? The parabolic rise in employment? You know... stuff like that!

Yea, I think that is a great idea. Mostly because I think some of what you posted there has come from la la land.
What does it mean to be a Republic?

The Roman Republic was far different in its political processes than the American Republic.

In Tocqueville's "Democracy in America", Tocqueville said the way to determine what "ocracy" a nation was to look at who ultimately held political power. In the US, it was the people, thus at its heart America is a democracy.

However, as of late, especially after Reagan's reforms, the US has become a plutocracy.
The Founding Fathers gave us a system whereby a very small percentage of the people elected the leaders. No slaves or women got the vote, and in many states, voting depended on one's ownership of property.

Republic only means that the leaders are members of the common people, as opposed to the clergy or the nobility. Generally the public chooses the leaders via elections. Like Kim Il Sung, Kim Jung Il and Kim Jung Un, George Washington ran unopposed for his first term. He got 43,782 votes, which was 11.6% of the eligible votes, and 69 electoral votes, none from NY or NC.

The big difference is that Washington refused to run for president after his second term. Kim Il Sung stuck around until he died, as did his son.
The Founding Fathers gave us a system whereby a very small percentage of the people elected the leaders. No slaves or women got the vote, and in many states, voting depended on one's ownership of property.

Republic only means that the leaders are members of the common people, as opposed to the clergy or the nobility. Generally the public chooses the leaders via elections. Like Kim Il Sung, Kim Jung Il and Kim Jung Un, George Washington ran unopposed for his first term. He got 43,782 votes, which was 11.6% of the eligible votes, and 69 electoral votes, none from NY or NC.

The big difference is that Washington refused to run for president after his second term. Kim Il Sung stuck around until he died, as did his son.
George Soros and crooked pals stole the election in Venezuela, giving the win to a crook who in turn nationalized industries and put them under Soros control. Talk about a sweet deal. Soros then moved his machine fraud operation to the Philippines and the US.