Gaza descends into biblical famine

Why don't you get on your soap box about the millions of kids that die every year in Africa? But a few Muslims who support terrorism die because they started the war and your crying about it. Don't make me vomit.
Most western democracies shed crocodile tears but they really don't care.

people on soap boxes helped to get rid of children working in mines, unions and democracy including votes for women

i will happily support human rights and a good diet for children anywhere in the world

and my extended family has helped in health clinics in africa and other continents for generations

when it comes to "terrorism", the IDF makes "a few muslims" a teddy bear's picnic

history did not start on oct 7, as you well know...

vomit on that

comrade stalin
A silly British nobleman, Arthur James Balfour, the First Earl of Balfour, a Tory, of course, declared that Palestine should be the homeland for the Jews.

Oh, please, God does not hold property on the Earth.

apparently, balfour disliked jews and thought palestine was a great idea to get rid of them..

the british establishment backed the wrong horse in ww1 - their choice was the hashemite family in mecca..

the yanks backed the brutal saudi family, supplied them with arms and they kicked out the hashemites who became bogus kings
of syria and iraq.

the hussein family are still running a squalid military dictatorship in jordan..the "king" always goes to sandhurst and the family
is a full member of the english social set

comrade stalin
people on soap boxes helped to get rid of children working in mines, unions and democracy including votes for women
Did they really. That must make you proud.
i will happily support human rights and a good diet for children anywhere in the world

and my extended family has helped in health clinics in africa and other continents for generations
Of course they have and the impact is earth shattering. It's a world wide known fact. Pyss off.
when it comes to "terrorism", the IDF makes "a few muslims" a teddy bear's picnic

history did not start on oct 7, as you well know...

vomit on that

comrade stalin
The fact remains you bleating about a terrorist state run by terrorist but not the same concern about the real issues of poverty.
You hypocrit.
a terrorist state run by terrorist

an excellent description of the zionist project..

an endless cavalcade of personal abuse doth not a political argument make

does this site have rules about hate speech

you appear to have anger management issues

comrade stalin
an excellent description of the zionist project..

an endless cavalcade of personal abuse doth not a political argument make

does this site have rules about hate speech

you appear to have anger management issues

comrade stalin
You're problem is you don't like being exposed as a hypocrite.
There's no anger about blatant hypocrisy and lies.
Think before you post.
i cant see through your inept and shameless attempt to hijack the thread..

ad hominem attacks are always used when trying to defend the indefensible

the topic is a biblical famine in gaza, now well documented and real..

stick to the topic rather than weakly attempting to derail the subject

the nazis knew what they were doing was wrong and tried to hide their genocide

no such subtleties from the zionist project..just lies and distortions..

now the latest lie is that the bad infrastructure is hampering aid getting through

..well..whose fault is that..

comrade stalin
i cant see through your inept and shameless attempt to hijack the thread..

ad hominem attacks are always used when trying to defend the indefensible

the topic is a biblical famine in gaza, now well documented and real..

stick to the topic rather than weakly attempting to derail the subject

the nazis knew what they were doing was wrong and tried to hide their genocide

no such subtleties from the zionist project..just lies and distortions..

now the latest lie is that the bad infrastructure is hampering aid getting through

..well..whose fault is that..

comrade Stalin
The only difference between Stalin and Hitler is that Stalin killed more of his own people than did Hitler
i hate to burst your bubble, but i am not actually joseph stalin who died some time ago..

yet another feeble attempt to derail the subject with a logical fallacy

this is too easy

comrade stalin
i hate to burst your bubble, but i am not actually joseph stalin who died some time ago..

yet another feeble attempt to derail the subject with a logical fallacy

this is too easy

comrade Stalin
But you have chosen the name of your hero, who was devoted to starving shithead Russians to death
yet you have chosen your name...from the marine hymn one supposes..that praises the homicidal us marine corps...
who have probably killed far more people ...

the logical fallacy machine grinds on...

comrade stalin
yet you have chosen your name...from the marine hymn one supposes..that praises the homicidal us marine corps...
who have probably killed far more people ...

the logical fallacy machine grinds on...

comrade stalin
Actually my father was in the fifth marines that landed on Okinawa, while Russians were starving and begging for shoe leather to eat.

True story
people on soap boxes helped to get rid of children working in mines, unions and democracy including votes for women
Democrats. leftists, and misguided do-gooders have enacted business-wrecking regulations preventing economies to allow free markets to work as efficiently and prosperously as they could without those business and economy debilitating rules. Disallowing children the right to work has created masses of delinquent children who are tempted by forced idleness to experiment with drugs and crime.

Democrats refuse to support election securities, refuse to take measures to prevent non-Americans from voting, prevent the required purges of bloated voting rolls, refuse to make mail-in voting safe from fraud, and prevent inspections of vulnerable voting machines after elections. These flaws and more prove Democrats lie when they suggest there are ample reasons to believe Democrats when they claim that nobody needs to investigate any type of voting fraud because Democrats never commit significant voting fraud.
i would like to humbly thank all the incompetent and one-sided soldiers of christ and zionist apologists
for their determined efforts, unwittingly, in keeping this thread, and it's topic. alive

the latest round of logical fallacies and irrelevancies are straight out of the zionist ministry of disinformation
playbook, issued free of charge to all gullible jews who still think that they are eternal victims and can never, ever do no wrong..

the german interior ministries used the same tactic during ww2 and it is a disgrace that the zionist settler government
clique uses it so indiscriminately..


the topic is famine in gaza..

address it..if you can

comrade stalin
foodless in gaza
What about "free will", then?
People travel where they wish.

actually, my understanding is there is no such thing as free will, as time was created, coupled with space at the moment of the big bang

an interesting argument from the grauniad

comrade stalin