Global Warming Hoax

If anyone has any questions of comments please feel free to shot.

Do you guys already know Global Warming(GW) is not because of co2?

The reason why I'm putting this link up is because I have done the needed research and I'm conclusive that Global Warming is a not as advertised by Al Gore. IMHO, Global Warming was a scare tactic to sell books and keep funds high for the "scholars" on the subject who depend on grant money(no GW threat means less research funds, makes sense so far?) Also, they wanted to impose a global co2 tax and increase the cost of fuel(co2 producers) for a carbon tax.

Global Warming has little to do with co2 because over ~70% of greenhouse gases are water vapor. This is why deserts get so cold at night, because of the lack of water vapor to insulate. So if we really want to worry about greenhouse gases we need to find a way to control water evaporation(yes its silly).

Co2 is beneficial to plants and the plants actually act as a buffer to keep the co2 levels in check. There is a symbiotic relationship between plants and co2(obviously), so as long as there are enough plants around we will have a relatively constant co2 content. Our current co2 level in aprox ~350ppm (parts per million) and plants grow optimally at ~2000ppm. (So its a difference of almost 6 times more co2 for plants to grow optimally. Its been said that our plants are actually at a state of mild suffocation levels because co2 levels are so low in respect to plants) When there is higher concentration levels in co2 the plants grow bigger faster and suck in co2 quicker and pump out oxygen proportionally as fast-This is know as photosynthesis. In simple terms, less co2 means slower plant growth and the plants give off less oxygen in return, and higher levels of co2 means faster (up to TWO times faster growth in optimal conditions) and vigorous plant growth, the plant sucks up co2 and produces more oxygen. Hence the buffering action and symbiotic relationship.

Actually, if you carefully analyze Al Gores chart of co2 vs temp levels you can actually see that temps precede co2 fluctuation's by roughly 800 years(honestly, go look at his graph and you will notice that the temps change before co2.) So why would there be a lag on co2 levels you might be wondering... Well actually the ocean is a HUGE carbon sink and just as oxygen can be dissolved in water(thats how fish breath) co2 can does the same except at a much faster rate. The colder the water the more dissolved co2 it contains and the converse is true- hotter water equals less dissolved co2. So, the lag is because the ocean is so VAST that it takes many years to change the water temps. Candidly, hotter world equals hotter ocean water and makes the ocean purge co2, colder world equals colder ocean temps and it sucks up dissolved co2. (you guys following?)

So you might be wondering how the world changes temps drastically if co2 is not the catalyst, right? What changes the earths temps is the sun for the most part. The sun goes through cycles(its kind of funky actually) and gets hotter and colder sometimes. Sun spots also helps dictate earths temps also.

Just ask your self how in the world would the earth be able to go through such drastic temps changes in the past before the industrial revolution? How could we have ice ages and periods of global warming(the midevil period was hotter than present levels and for over a thousand years or so) when us humans were not producing co2 from our cars and factories? How could there be such large fluctuations of temps and co2 when there was no cars? Thats where the ocean and the sun come into play with the relationship I pointed out a couple paragraphs ago.

Hey, don't take my word for it! Do your own research and let me know what you come up with.


Remember when eggs were bad for us?
Then they were good for us?
Now they're partially bad & good for us?

Scientists can't figure out what the F they're doing when it comes to something so small as a damn egg - what makes you think they can figure out something on a planetary scale?

Global warming is a scam. Thanks, Al Gore, you're so smart.

Start watching at 5 mins... This is what I'm trying to tell you guys. I had a link that superimposed the co2 vs temp chart and it clearly showed how co2 lags temps.

All these Eco-Nazis who want to do away with CO2 fail to realize that plants need the sh*t to live. They turn it into oxygen. If we get rid of it all, plants will die, then we will die. You want to kill people just so you can get on the good side of enviro whackos?
All these Eco-Nazis who want to do away with CO2 fail to realize that plants need the sh*t to live. They turn it into oxygen. If we get rid of it all, plants will die, then we will die. You want to kill people just so you can get on the good side of enviro whackos?

boobs I know you are not that retarded....where on earth did anyone say reduce it all? No one is aiming for Zero CO2, but the earth has a natural balance of it that when you pump it out as fast as you can, while clear cutting large amounts of Trees and Forest for farming ( where they use poor farming practices often) and housing, throw the system out of wack, and the Plants and Alge ect can no longer convert it as fast or much as needed. Thus causing overall CO2 to rise more and more.

Why is it so hard to understand on just a most basic level....if you pump Billions and Billions of pounds of chemicals into the air, it will actually effect things?
boobs I know you are not that retarded....where on earth did anyone say reduce it all? No one is aiming for Zero CO2, but the earth has a natural balance of it that when you pump it out as fast as you can, while clear cutting large amounts of Trees and Forest for farming ( where they use poor farming practices often) and housing, throw the system out of wack, and the Plants and Alge ect can no longer convert it as fast or much as needed. Thus causing overall CO2 to rise more and more.

Why is it so hard to understand on just a most basic level....if you pump Billions and Billions of pounds of chemicals into the air, it will actually effect things?

You are very right. We need plants in order for the symbolic relationship to work. What I'm trying to say is that co2 is not a bad thing at present levels. Present levels are ~350ppm(parts per MILLION) depending on where you live. If you live in the country it might be a little lower, and if you live in the city it might be a little higher. Plants can optimally take in 2000ppm of co2 concentrations, thats is over 5 TIMES the present day levels. I already explained how the higher levels will fuel the plants to grow quicker and keep pumping out more oxygen.

You guys also should know that the earth is 70% water, and this water provides us with 50% of the earths oxygen(I not 100% on the figure, but I think its 50%). So you can conclude also that the oceans converts 50% of the co2 into oxygen. So you have to keep in mind that the land(30% of the earth) is not all pumping out co2, only a small fraction of the land is producing noticeable amounts of co2- I'm talking about cities. Just to put things into perspective if you live in a city. There is a lot more country than cities.

Even if we clear cut some forests, there will be new growth that will readily take over the space in due time. This new growth will also photosynthesize co2 into oxygen for us, just maybe at a little lesser levels at first. I am not pro Rain forest cutting. I believe we need to keep sanctuaries for nature and her species.

Pollution is a bad, period. Co2 is NOT pollution, period.

Of course I do not know all the answers, but I have done my research on he subject to the point were I have concluded that Al Gore is a liar. Like I said, just look at HIS OWN graph and you should notice that temp changes come before co2 changes. This lag in co2 levels is because of the ocean acting as a co2 sponge that is contingent upon temps. Colder water holds more dissolved gases!

I hope you guys are following, if you have any questions because I may have assumed some things than tell me where I have been vague. Spread the word, guys.


Interesting. Alot of the evidence against CO2 causing global warming is pretty strong. If these guys aren't skewing up figures or anything, then the blame is being put in the wrong place. Indeed, if volcanic activity releases much more CO2 than industry, how can human activity be the prime cause, anyway? It certainly raises major questions about the truth behind climate change, and this is pretty convincing. I'll sit on the fence for the moment, however.
boobs I know you are not that retarded....

You sure about that? :D

My gripe is with people who want to force us all to ride bikes to work, to eat only vegetarian, who say that all CO2 is bad. You're right to call me out because I certainly didn't explain my rant correctly - it was aimed at the eco-nazis...those that want to do away with all CO2 production.

Why is it so hard to understand on just a most basic level....if you pump Billions and Billions of pounds of chemicals into the air, it will actually effect things?

I agree 100% - pollution is rotten. I don't care who does it, repub or dem, conservative or liberal, it doesn't do any good for the planet. But CO2 is not pollution. If it were, we'd all be dead.
Yes, I agree with most of those points too. Pollution is bad, but CO2 isn't pollution, heck no.

One thing that amazes me is the sheer mass ignorance of the importance of CO2. People believe the theory that CO2 is the main cause of climate change, yet some are totally ignorant of the established fact that Carbon Dioxide is used for photosynthesis and is used up by plants anyway, that without it, we could not live. Some complete idiot a while back, somewhere, said that CO2 is totally bad, and that it actually harms plants. WHAT? It's one crucial fact that is alarmingly missed out.
Yes, I agree with most of those points too. Pollution is bad, but CO2 isn't pollution, heck no.

One thing that amazes me is the sheer mass ignorance of the importance of CO2. People believe the theory that CO2 is the main cause of climate change, yet some are totally ignorant of the established fact that Carbon Dioxide is used for photosynthesis and is used up by plants anyway, that without it, we could not live. Some complete idiot a while back, somewhere, said that CO2 is totally bad, and that it actually harms plants. WHAT? It's one crucial fact that is alarmingly missed out.

When I read your posts I read it with a British accent in my head. ;)

It would be very nice if we could put all the energy we waste on this "global warming" nonsense in to anti-pollution instead. Let's face it - we're not going to change the climate, but we can easily clean the planet up if we stop littering and stop dumping chemicals into our lakes and rivers (for example). I'd rather my kids grow up with clean water and air rather than worrying about a 1 degree temperature difference.
When I read your posts I read it with a British accent in my head. ;)

It would be very nice if we could put all the energy we waste on this "global warming" nonsense in to anti-pollution instead. Let's face it - we're not going to change the climate, but we can easily clean the planet up if we stop littering and stop dumping chemicals into our lakes and rivers (for example). I'd rather my kids grow up with clean water and air rather than worrying about a 1 degree temperature difference.

Like I said before, just because its in the air naturally, and is yes used, does not mean there are not limits to how much the air can take without major impacts. The Air also has nitrogen in it, but do you really want Cars and smoke stacks pushing that out the same way? no because it would throw of the needed balance ( and I believe kill us all )

And boobs, may I suggest, and I am mad I don't have this bookmarked anymore...but look at some of the pentagon reports on the Military/ Foreign Policy impacts those warming temps may cause.

its not like being a bit warming just means its hot out, it effects world ecosystems and weather patterns around the world.

But yes other forms of Pollution need to be addressed as well,Like companies who pollute huge amounts, and stiff tax payers with the bill, do it illegaly, and make huge profits of it.....Some Local Company, lets just say the Intials for its name are M M M pulluted the crap out of a large area near me, and many where forced to switched from wells, to having the city run City water out, at huge costs to taxpayers.. Lucky us, our Neighbors got City water, we where told we are ok ( all 50 feet over lol)
Heres some more good points....

If the gov't allegedly knows how "awful" co2 is for the environment than why not convert our cars to run off of hydrogen? hmmm?

I know that hydrogen technology is well known, cheap, safe, and could be put into practice right now.

A little about hydrogen tech.

We could easily convert over to hydrogen power soon. This is what we could do:

Everyone pays a ~200 dollars or so for a hydrogen kit and installation
Everyone spend ~300 dollars on a home hydrogen generator

Thats it, than you could double your gas mileage on your present vehicle until you bought a car that ran exclusivly off of hydrogen- that you can produce in the convince of your own home. After this was the new fad, the price of oil would plummet because of supply and demand! So, not only would you get double your gas mileage, you would be paying less for gasoline too. This is not science fiction, this is science fact! We have the technology and its readily available just not commercially for obvious reasons. You can buy the hydrogen kits to convert your car into a hybrid, look it up on google or something.

They sell kits that you can but to retrofit your current car into an hydrogen-gas hybrid. You can run hydrogen into an internal combustion engine no problems. You do NOT need a fuel cell. The technology is here but being keep suppressed. The current production cars could use pretty much the same ICE technology except integrate the hydrogen hybrid design into the stock design of the vehicle. It would not take much more equipment or money. The technology is here.

Just a quick search.

YouTube - Create your own water car hybrid for under 50

YouTube - Run Your Car On Water - The How To Guide
The following is a conversation I was having with someone else from a different website

Sometimes I get the misconception that everyone knows as much as I do. Sometimes I think because this stuff (math, science, electronics, physics, etc) comes so easy to me, I figure it does for most others too. So I'm going to try and break it down as simple as possible and not thinking everyone knows as much as me. (I'm sorry if it sounds like I'm talking to a first grader.)

"It is called supply and demand, they have the supply and plenty of demand

Its also called monopoly. The demand is so high because the gov't is sleeping with the oil companies and are living the life because they are suppressing the hydrogen(or other alternative fuel tech) tech for their esoteric agendas. Sooooooooo, obligated fuel for America and most the world. Hence the monopoly.

"A bigger question is what do you use for your fuel?"

Gas for my car, fuel oil for the heating the place, electric for everything else in 'mi casa.'

This is why I'm so pissed off. Its because its hurting my wallet SOOO bad(And I know I'm not the only having to tighten my belt.).

I went to school for engineering and studied hydrogen technology for a little while, back when gas was less than two dollars a gallon. Let me tell you some things about hydrogen technology. (The reason why I'm disclosing this stuff to you guys is because you have a right to know how much you are being focked in the ass.)

Hydrogen is a clean burning fuel with water as its only byproduct. So there would be no pollution being emitted into the atmosphere. No worries about the alleged "global warming"(notice how I said alleged).

You could make hydrogen in your own home and only have to pay for water and electricity!!!!!!! All you would need is a hydrogen generator.

A hydrogen generator is very simple in design. In its basic form a hydrogen generator is only two metal plates(It doesn't have to be 'plates' though, it can just be two metal wires if you want.) that are connected to electricity. If you pass electricity through water you make hydrogen, thats all a hydrogen generator is... Its really that simple!!

Here - My hho cell can see a guy that has built his hydrogen generator into his car. This is a great way to increase your car mileage, I heard you can double your miles from a gallon of gas( if you car presently 20 miles to the gallon, after you do this, you can get 40 miles/gallon.)

Look, its just passing electricity through water. Its really THAT simple

Ok, now you know how simple it really is. If your not knowledgeable about basic technology or science than I hope you can understand this- All you have to do is put a electric current through water and you are making the fuel(hydrogen) that should be powering our cars.

A hydrogen generator for you home could be really simple in design and very cheap. You would be able to buy one that will fuel your families cars for under 200 dollars. The generators are very simple in design, all you basically need is thin stainless steel plates enclosed in a case and connected to electric power. The only thing would be what costs the most would be the stainless plates(but still cheap).

The only thing you would have to pay for after you purchase the hydrogen generator would be your water and electric bill. So ~200 dollars for the generator and you would be set for fuel for your life. Just pay the water and electric bill!!!

Hydrogen is a renewable energy source. You start out with water and than you use it to do work(drive your car) and than it turns back into water. HAHAHA isn't that great, you use water(one of the most abundant entities on this earh) to get your fuel(hydorgen) from and after you use it, it turns back to the same stuff!!! This is the future people. Fock Smog and pollution.

You can actually retrofit your present car to run off of hydrogen fuel. If you want to buy a hydrogen kit to retrofit your car than search around for the best price. I myself have not bought one or looked into buying one because I'm unemployed and really broke right now...

A misconception about hydrogen is that it is a dangerous fuel. Some people may think that if they get into an accident that their car might blow up. This is wrong. Hydrogen is actually a lot safer than gasoline. Hydrogen WILL NOT blow up your car in an accident, your worse off with gasoline.

"I'm more then willing to bet any of us here would convert if it was able to be done and not put us through more trouble then its worth. Tell then, I'll enjoy my fossil fuel burning machine."

^^^ Right, well try and educate yourself and educate others. I can't afford to spend all my money on crazy exorbitant energy bills. Search vids on youtube, its a great way to watch and learn things. Lets get hydrogen technology to be NOW(the technology is here, its the gov't and oil companies holding it back) and not after we are all homeless because we can't afford to pay 10 dollars on a gallon of gas, 8 dollars for a gallon of milk, and crazy prices for everything since the cost of transportation will be high too. ^^^

Please help get this technology out to the public, everyone is going broke. The more people that understand how easy this actually is and how much money we can potentially save(thousands of dollars for ourselves each year) than the sooner we will be demanding it(the technology) and basically telling the oil companies that are monopolizing our wold to suck our balls. Les get rid of the extremely expensive, obsolete, and polluting gasoline and lets get the clean, cheap, and renewable fuel source.

I hope this inspires someone. Do your research and make sure what I say is true, than spread the word. Help me help us free ourselves from the gasoline tyranny.


I wouldn't expect 1/4 of the people that read this thread to go out and buy a kit and install it theirself. I am just letting you guys know whats really out there for an alternative to gas. If people can understand how simple this really is and how much MONEY WE COULD SAVE ON FUEL.

In reality, I would expect for most of the people to go about things would be to get it installed by a local mechanic or something. I'm sure they could have some hydrogen pumps at the 'gas' station for when you take long trips from your home your personal hydrogen generator. I'm sure you could get a lot more mileage from 10dollars of hydrogen (at the gas station) than you would 10 dollars worth of gas.

The price you would be paying for water and electricity to extract your hydrogen would be irrelevant compared to whats your paying for gasoline. You would be paying MAYBE 1/20th of what your paying now to go the same mileage. I could do some searching and use math to come up with closer approximates to the amount of money you would save. The figure of "1/20th " is just a wild educated guess of what the savings might be. There are many variables to take an actual figure into account like how much the current price of gas is, and how much you have to pay for water and electric to name a few.

So, in its simplest terms...... HYDROGEN FUEL IS THE FUTURE AND WE WILL BE SAVING THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS ONCE THIS BECOMES MAINSTREAM. The price of gas will also plummet to like a dollar a gallon or less because people aren't going to use gasoline. This is why "they"(they meaning the oil companies and the sold out gov't. Why did we elect an oil man into the president office again? The other one being George Bush senior. WTF?)

