The following is a conversation I was having with someone else from a different website
Sometimes I get the misconception that everyone knows as much as I do. Sometimes I think because this stuff (math, science, electronics, physics, etc) comes so easy to me, I figure it does for most others too. So I'm going to try and break it down as simple as possible and not thinking everyone knows as much as me. (I'm sorry if it sounds like I'm talking to a first grader.)
"It is called supply and demand, they have the supply and plenty of demand."
Its also called monopoly. The demand is so high because the gov't is sleeping with the oil companies and are living the life because they are suppressing the hydrogen(or other alternative fuel tech) tech for their esoteric agendas. Sooooooooo, obligated fuel for America and most the world. Hence the monopoly.
"A bigger question is what do you use for your fuel?"
Gas for my car, fuel oil for the heating the place, electric for everything else in 'mi casa.'
This is why I'm so pissed off. Its because its hurting my wallet SOOO bad(And I know I'm not the only having to tighten my belt.).
I went to school for engineering and studied hydrogen technology for a little while, back when gas was less than two dollars a gallon. Let me tell you some things about hydrogen technology. (The reason why I'm disclosing this stuff to you guys is because you have a right to know how much you are being focked in the ass.)
Hydrogen is a clean burning fuel with water as its only byproduct. So there would be no pollution being emitted into the atmosphere. No worries about the alleged "global warming"(notice how I said alleged).
You could make hydrogen in your own home and only have to pay for water and electricity!!!!!!! All you would need is a hydrogen generator.
A hydrogen generator is very simple in design. In its basic form a hydrogen generator is only two metal plates(It doesn't have to be 'plates' though, it can just be two metal wires if you want.) that are connected to electricity. If you pass electricity through water you make hydrogen, thats all a hydrogen generator is... Its really that simple!!
Here - My hho cell can see a guy that has built his hydrogen generator into his car. This is a great way to increase your car mileage, I heard you can double your miles from a gallon of gas( if you car presently 20 miles to the gallon, after you do this, you can get 40 miles/gallon.)
Look, its just passing electricity through water. Its really THAT simple
Ok, now you know how simple it really is. If your not knowledgeable about basic technology or science than I hope you can understand this- All you have to do is put a electric current through water and you are making the fuel(hydrogen) that should be powering our cars.
A hydrogen generator for you home could be really simple in design and very cheap. You would be able to buy one that will fuel your families cars for under 200 dollars. The generators are very simple in design, all you basically need is thin stainless steel plates enclosed in a case and connected to electric power. The only thing would be what costs the most would be the stainless plates(but still cheap).
The only thing you would have to pay for after you purchase the hydrogen generator would be your water and electric bill. So ~200 dollars for the generator and you would be set for fuel for your life. Just pay the water and electric bill!!!
Hydrogen is a renewable energy source. You start out with water and than you use it to do work(drive your car) and than it turns back into water. HAHAHA isn't that great, you use water(one of the most abundant entities on this earh) to get your fuel(hydorgen) from and after you use it, it turns back to the same stuff!!! This is the future people. Fock Smog and pollution.
You can actually retrofit your present car to run off of hydrogen fuel. If you want to buy a hydrogen kit to retrofit your car than search around for the best price. I myself have not bought one or looked into buying one because I'm unemployed and really broke right now...
A misconception about hydrogen is that it is a dangerous fuel. Some people may think that if they get into an accident that their car might blow up. This is wrong. Hydrogen is actually a lot safer than gasoline. Hydrogen WILL NOT blow up your car in an accident, your worse off with gasoline.
"I'm more then willing to bet any of us here would convert if it was able to be done and not put us through more trouble then its worth. Tell then, I'll enjoy my fossil fuel burning machine."
^^^ Right, well try and educate yourself and educate others. I can't afford to spend all my money on crazy exorbitant energy bills. Search vids on youtube, its a great way to watch and learn things. Lets get hydrogen technology to be NOW(the technology is here, its the gov't and oil companies holding it back) and not after we are all homeless because we can't afford to pay 10 dollars on a gallon of gas, 8 dollars for a gallon of milk, and crazy prices for everything since the cost of transportation will be high too. ^^^
Please help get this technology out to the public, everyone is going broke. The more people that understand how easy this actually is and how much money we can potentially save(thousands of dollars for ourselves each year) than the sooner we will be demanding it(the technology) and basically telling the oil companies that are monopolizing our wold to suck our balls. Les get rid of the extremely expensive, obsolete, and polluting gasoline and lets get the clean, cheap, and renewable fuel source.
I hope this inspires someone. Do your research and make sure what I say is true, than spread the word. Help me help us free ourselves from the gasoline tyranny.