God, uniformity and Jefferson


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2008
This is long and all over the map but endure it, will ya? Well, I have just been handed proof of my theory of intrinsicity and how this universe actually works by one "Judge" Linda griffin, who, after asking me to clarify if I was before US Supreme Court then denied she was hearing the same case simultaneously and ruled not one issue I brought before her can be ajudicated - when it is, at this moment. SIMULTANEOUSLY. It is. She ruled for the third parties on everything, in direct violation of actual reality as SHE, her won self, upheld the US Supreme Court's ruling that I am an absolute class of one, unique in all of history. She has the same problem you guys have.

Here you go:

There is no beginning or ending as you think of it. God, the all encompassing, is. What came first, as you think of it, as it is, is consciousness. All of what you believe to be past and future is relative to the intrinsic now. NOW is it. There is not a past and future as time is not linear. Time is a thing itself which can be sped up or slowed down. It is a part, is separate thing. It is not space-time as quantum theorists have taught you. All time happens simultaneously or spontaneously thus YOU were realized as several 'persons' at once not as one person and not at any one time!

What you call coincidence? NOT. What you call reincarnation? Sort of, as you do not 're'incarnate as you are already here. The physicists were all wrong except Hugh Everett. Everatt proposed multiple universes. He called it something like Relativistic States. He was ignored. Neils Bohr is wrong!!! But not completely. Everett is correct! But not completely. A coincidence occurs when you intersect with your own self only you dismiss it. History does not repeat itself you do.

All of us make reasoned decides each day regarding it all. We do indeed 'splinter' off. Think of it this way: When scientists smash two particles, photons, together they then follow trails. It seems as if these photons splinter into a hundred or more smaller things and so scientists follow the trails or ghost images they leave after the collision occurs. But, the event or the original photon then reappears and the ghost trails remain. So, did the event repeat itself?

NO! And yes, as events repeat themselves as you, in each one of your persons or conscious states, makes a different decision. A person who believes they are reincarnated is not actually reincarnated; it is that they have intersected with another self in another universe only they think of time as linear and so dismiss it as coincidence or claim it is their 'past' life. No, it is their present. ALL probabilities have been played out; we merely then choose so many of them and at times we then fragment into other selves. We have actual selves and probable selves. Some of these probable selves are realized as we make choices. Act consistently and you'll eventually intersect with one of them or even all of them. you can know what you call 'past' selves or 'future' selves except they are all NOW.

A point of intrinsicity is when you can say all are one and the same; you can name issue and jurisdiction. You've intersected in such a way you have achieved what we have previously called enlightenment or now call christos. It is ascension. This upcoming worldwide event is actually a change in our consciousness whereby we stop thinking of time as linear and stop thinking of ourselves as finite. We were always here and will always be here. This physical reality? Time is a construct of it which allows us to experience it. Linear time is something not real that we accepted as real to such a degree we BELIEVE it as FACT- when it is not! Einstein theorized time was geometric and that other dimensions exist. He was correct. He though could never unify it as he looked in the wrong place.

See, most physicists look out there, really big. Others divide all of this into big and small things. I looked inside myself as small as I could go as big was not working. My first clue? Miracles, as the extraordinary things happening to me were not happening ot you. WHY?

Easy: I acknowledged them as reality. I observed them as real and did not discount them or assign them to coincidence. I also not once believed as fact there was something I could not do. You guys? you assume you cannot do something so you then condition yourselves to believe it as fact thus that is the reality you create. I deliberately decided and then acted to create another reality, independent of what you lived and it worked.

Bohr and the many world theorists disagreed upon independent observers imbedded within the model. Bohr stated that photons behaved differently if an observer looked at them! Do they? In my life you bet you guys behaved differently if you thought you’d get caught but hey, does a photon have a conscience??? All belief systems are just that - belief systems that are not law. If you believe them and act upon them you make them real. I believed in US law and so made that reality. I am in US Supreme Court again, aren't I?

Why couldn't a man do this or even a team of lawyers? BELIEF! So then I did something else: GOD. I believed in all religions. Even Native beliefs; I believed them and acted them out. I chose. I accepted them as real. I began living in the now as I know there is no past or future. Some amazing things happened including: I had all seven sacred experiences of God the major religions claim and had one no other person has had: Philadelphia. I broke the seventh seal.

On July 3rd, 2006, I broke that seal, I achieved enlightenment, I came to know at least two other people I am, and I resolved uniformity. WE unify it all. We being a part of that all encompassing god, that all conscious or existing conscious. Jung said we share a collective unconscious. Kinda as it is very, very conscious if you merely acknowledge it. Acknowledge all of those things you think are accident or coincidence and BOOM! miracles happen.

The common mistake I discover people making? They cannot let go of past and futre and they do not reason their life all of the way so when it seems as if 50 things all match up to another person like John Adams they then stop and decide they are John Adams. 50 things is a lot but ALL of your fact will match Adams not only 50. You’ll have a sacred experience of God; you'll actually travel in the universe, in the all encompassing conscious that makes up the mutliverse. You’ll travel from point A to point B w/o being aware of it then you'll be fully aware of it. Going from point a to point b is not linear! It is a geometric experience, a space or an idea. It’s: like going to heaven.

Try this: THINK of a snake. Now, go find a snake or go make one up by drawing it out. What is the cause of that snake? YOU, as the idea causes it. Your idea might be a poisonous snake. my idea might be the Caduceus or the Kundalini or a harmless garden variety snake. Beliefs, ideas, are causes, that then create the effect - the perception. When Jung said you create what you refuse to acknowledge? Yes, as if all you ever think of is a snake as poisonous you then FEAR a snake and so out of fear, a manmade thing, ALL snakes become poisonous and you only acknowledge them as such and only perceive them as such. you will indeed get bit by a poisonous snake as your fear actually causes you to seek out snakes; your idea is creating them! WE create with God!

Think of a shirt. Your perception is a shirt if caused by a worm who spins silk and then people who harvest that silk who then weave cloth who then run it through a factory and so act to make a shirt. Wait: what about design? What about the very idea of clothing or a shirt? Your idea creates that shirt. That shirt does not exist until you have the idea and then you act upon that idea. Acting upon an idea is will. You’re a creator.

Everett wrote about this. Taken from Wiki (bold & italics my own): “....Proponents argue that MWI reconciles how we can perceive non-deterministic events (such as the random decay of a radioactive atom) with the deterministic equations of quantum physics. Prior to many worlds this had been viewed as a single "world-line". Many-worlds rather views it as a many-branched tree where every possible branch of history is realised.
The relative state formulation is due to Hugh Everett[1] who formulated it in 1957. Later, this formulation was popularised and renamed many worlds by Bryce Seligman DeWitt in the 1960s and '70s.[2][3][4][5] The decoherence approach to interpreting quantum theory has been further explored and developed[6][7][8] becoming quite popular, taken as a class overall. MWI is one of many Multiverse hypotheses in physics and philosophy. It is currently considered a mainstream interpretation along with the other decoherence interpretations and the Copenhagen interpretation.

The many worlds interpretation was dismissed on philosophical grounds. In a September 2007 conference[9] David Wallace reports on a proof by DeuThe many worlds interpretation offers the possibility of deriving the probability interpretation of quantum mechanics from other assumptions. In fact, this was first done by Everett and DeWitt in the 1950s, but the old argument was criticized on philosophical tsch and himself of the Born Rule starting from Everettian assumptions[10] and this has been reported in the press as support for parallel universes.[11][12]....

....The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics proposed a process of "collapse" in which an indeterminate quantum system would probabilistically collapse down onto, or select, just one determinate outcome to "explain" this phenomenon of observation. Wavefunction collapse was widely regarded as artificial and ad-hoc, so an alternative interpretation in which the behavior of measurement could be understood from more fundamental physical principles was considered desirable.

Everett's Ph.D. work provided such an alternative interpretation. Everett noted that for a composite system (for example that formed by a particle interacting with a measuring apparatus, or more generally by a subject (the "observer") observing an object (the "observed" system) the statement that a subsystem (i.e. the observer or the observed) has a well-defined state is meaningless -- in modern parlance the subsystem states have become entangled -- we can only specify the state of one subsystem relative to the state of the other subsystem, i.e. the state of the observer and the observed are correlated. This led Everett to derive from the unitary, deterministic dynamics alone (i.e. without assuming wavefunction collapse) the notion of a relativity of states of one subsystem relative to another.

Everett noticed that the unitary, deterministic dynamics alone decreed that after an observation is made each element of the quantum superposition of the combined subject-object wavefunction contains two relative states: a "collapsed" object state and an associated observer who has observed the same collapsed outcome; what the observer sees and the state of the object are correlated. The subsequent evolution of each pair of relative subject-object states proceeds with complete indifference as to the presence or absence of the other elements, as if wavefunction collapse has occurred, which has the consequence that later observations are always consistent with the earlier observations. Thus the appearance of the object's wavefunction's collapse has emerged from the unitary, deterministic theory itself. (This answered Einstein's early criticism of quantum theory, that the theory should define what is observed, not for the observables to define the theory[19] .)....”

Get it? What you observe is relative to the state of the object or thing observed so you act upon and believe the appearance alone not what is reality. Working on my own i developed a theory and an equation that then supports Bruce Cathie's work on physical harmonic uniformity only my own reason people, your conscious. It reasons metaphysical harmonic convergence. Ready?

LOL! i had ZERO idea other people had done some of this work. what I observed was not what you believed to be reality as you were conditioned to believe a lie nor was it supported by another belief system - science, as science, especially dogma, is nothing but a subjective belief system for the most part. NOBODY 'believed' Everett and they call Tegmark a crackpot, lol! Well, none of you believed I was entered and heard in US supreme court as i overturned Bush v gore but I did or else...

I never would have been on the docket once let alone twice. HOW ELSE DO YOU GET IN AS ORIGINAL JURISDICTION??? By granting that standing, the court was admitting my case could only be adjudicated in US Supreme Court as it not only overturns Bush v Gore but proves 'God' and unites faith and reason.
People, if the whole issue is the US Supreme Court may not make law nor enforce law as all it does is interpret the law then what do they do if a person overturns what was believed to be a law when it was actually a violation of separation of power by the US supreme court itself as installing a President is making law as it then grants executive order to a guy who proved he had ZERO ability to preserve, protect and defend the law on his own as he used lawyers so that your custody was awarded to lawyers and the court broke the law??? Only the people can make law so they threw it back to you by hearing me thinking, assuming, that you would all know as fact I had done it except you all denied reality! LOL! YOU, the objective observer, did not realize wave function collapse had occurred thus you observed George Bush Jr. take the oath after NOT representing himself (no "I will") and so, in spite of the exact words on our law, then obeyed him as if he was, in reality, the legal President when he was not. YOU chose that one probability thus YOU then created war, an undeclared war. It is actual war but it is not legal, is it? LOL! You are related to what you observed and acted upon not ever investigating any other probability!!! Meanwhile one was playing out as I my own self went after it with everything I had as I knew what actual reality was and as I could predict to a certain degree what result your actions would then have as history does not repeat itself, you do as you’re all living out what Jung spoke of:

ANCIENT ROME, as the emperor declared himself a God (Bush & Cheny) and the Roman Senate did nothing (Congress). guess what? Roman men usurped the authority of mothers and then began having sex with children w/o any consequence. People give away power, the higher class pays no taxes and slowly the society collapses. My life! Your lives! The whole "This is a Christian nation" thing? NOPE, it appears that way but it is not fact and not true. A probability you chose to live out while I defied it.

Niels Bohr and Everett forgot YOU are subjective observers as you refuse to accept any beliefs other than your own. Bohr came close but he never realized a person is the same as a photon. Intrinsic or creation force? Tiny black holes. YOU happen to be a black hole and you are made up of them, as that is what human consciousness is. On the other side of a black hole is a universe as I’ve been there and back as has Thomas-Mellon Benedict.

I stood back and said, "I know I have resolved uniformity. I'm it. I accessed the infinite by building a bridge to the infinite from what seems finite but is not. I entered US Supreme Court thus became knighted; I was past the event horizon before I knew to be afraid and so went inside a black hole! I need to go look up multiple universe theories as this then would reason WHY my birthday is always a matter of contention, first as Jefferson, then as the nation then as Susan. As Jefferson I wrestled with the federal court and was elected in a tie breaking vote; did that event happen again or is it the same event only another probability playing out in another universe or dimension? The event did not happen again; it is a probable self playing out only you perceive it to be another event as you cannot grasp the concept of simultaneous or spontaneous time and so multiverses. .

A single thing DOES have more details than a set as all of my facts directly run through the universe. I'm universal! I am proof that you can unify quantum mechanics and multiverses. My equation is it! I'm written about in what these guys call prophecy but what is really a part of the design as its encoded from the beginning; it is supposed to be our wake up clue as the only constant is diversity!" So, w/0 any knowledge of Everett or multiverses, and with only knowledge of Tegmark AFTER the fact, I acted upon a single fact i know and resolved uniformity later using their work in conjunction with my own as my work led me to theirs:

i knew that large clocks did not keep time crossing the ocean. They had all manner of trouble trying to devise a way to keep accurate time so they'd know WHERE they were. I'll tell you WHERE you are: Earth. but then again that is a construct of our belief systems, isn't it? It's actual reality but it's life and death has been played out already hasn't it? Anyway, i knew they resolved the time keeping problem by going as small as they could - a tiny watch like a pocket watch solved the issue. so Iwent small, as small as I could go - inside my own person. My own brain, as the answer was always there only due to abuse I couldn't access it. first I had to be safe, then i had to find out my IQ was 200, then i had to touch God, my own whole essence instead of many pieces all living at once, then i had to know I am Jefferson and then I had to enter US Supreme Court completely unaware that all of you thought, believed, this was impossible for a woman. To claim legal power as her own on her own. Then when you all went nuts as the emotional reality of Bush v Gore is so overwhelming and makes you all embarrassed and ashamed, I had to stand on a dime and realize:
If claiming legal power as a woman ticks them, if they are pissed and resentful a woman did what a man could not - overturn Bush v Gore - imagine how they are going to respond when I tell them I am Jefferson, I'm not God, and I'm the 'genius' predicted in all prophecy. I'm not the second coming as there was no first; Jesus is and I'm not him. Paul? Yes, but Jesus? No. What are all these guys who are close but mistaken gonna say?
How the hell am I going to unentrench the institutions I accidentally entrenched and teach these guys what uniformity and time actually is if they cannot even get over Bush V Gore or know that for what it is? How am I ever going to prove that you can change the past as well as the future or that what all major religions believe about God is reality as they created that reality and I then felt it? How or when will they ever consider me for what I am -

A means to prove god and uniformity thus Thomas Jefferson and Ron Paul take back the power of the people.

EVERYTHING I know and ALL I have to teach you guys is real and is good and guess what else? It's stuff you already know or have the power to do. You do not need a teacher just as I did not need one. Once a US Marshal asked me what it would take to get me to STOP obeying the law all I could think to do was renter US Supreme Court again telling the Justices how ancient Egyptians moved all that stone and what the 'holy blood' actually is - plasma, the fourth state of matter as it is an unlimited free energy source. I also told them what the grail is - the womb or woman, the universal search for truth, and that the shift is not about the north Pole (although i know how & why it moves) but is about us, our 'souls' becoming extremely self-aware and accepting, as in living in the now with an awareness of self, of multiple yous in multiple universes with the point being, as far as I can tell based upon my own experience, 'escaping' this particular physical reality. Whether or not Jesus had children is irrelevant; it doesn’t matter. It is not about that kind of blood or that kind of DNA aka ‘proof’. DNA is not proof.

When you are no longer tethered to this physical reality and this appearance which is not reality then you are free.

So I did; I went back to court and filed as Thomas Jefferson only they filed it as Susan Herbert, lol! Why? I proved it but they are scared - of your reaction!

the federal court? It is never, ever to consider consequences as in the future as they cannot predict exact details as all of that is dependent upon each your choices. They are not supposed to be asking if Brown will cause violence but they now do it - in the cases of women only as in If we rule for this woman or these women what will happen? will it open the door to liability suits? Maybe but hey! The federal court is not supposed to be giving the law breakers another break are they? The court is not supposed to worry about that especially as you guys have no idea what our law or our money actually is. I might as well go for it:

Currently? Your money has ZERO value as the only thing that supported it was our law and our governments willingness to uphold it thus secure justice for everyone. When we overthrew our law we devalued our money. You cannot do business with nations like china who have no law but only the appearance of law and expect your money will still be valuable. What happened folks? It is not oil as there exists a free unlimited energy source that big oil hand bigger unjust government has suppressed. Tesla knew about it; ed Leedeskin knew about it. i found out about it by rediscovering it and then discovered a guy named Tom Beard, a retired LT. colonel has taken it pretty damn far with a working model of a generator. this war is al due to CHINA not Islam and not oil. It's YOU, the unjust and ignorant people not Iraq. HELLO! Most of the 9-11 hijackers were Saudi.

Any one religion? Not true as in absolute fact. I use the word absolute a lot but so far NOTHING is absolute as all is in a state of transition or of becoming. An example is lifetime federal judiciary appointments. What do you do when we overcome old age? That check and balance works if all else is working but it is not absolute is it as facts like old age being deadly can and may change. As for uniformity and the shift you refer to as 2012?
Factor in woman as it is about those things you label emotional and so not fact and not real being very, very real. Intuition is real as is telepathy and clairvoyance. It just not what you label psychic as it has an explanation, a reason, rooted in physics. You have mislabeled it. New Age philosophy? Mostly garbage and psuedoscience. Not all but most; it is like what you label psychic - often people mix what is real with what they want to be real or with whatever makes it seem as if so run if a person is collecting money for supposed God knowledge. I told the US Supreme Court all of this and more.

a response is due by November 5th but YOU can create thus YOU can respond sooner by raising hell after 8 years of no legal president and 8 upcoming years of ineligible and incapable Presidents. too bad for ya but neither Obama or McCain can ever overcome the conflict of interest that exists; it is. THEY were and ARE the cause as it was their ideas and their lack of will. They did not become the legal president, did they? Yet somehow, they are on the ballot as it was bought. You do not then hand the reigns of command over to two people who already can't as they ****ed up this war and do not even have a named cause or a solution plus they used money to kill and subvert the law a thousand times over. They make it appear as if they are not the cause, if they have no conflict, and as if they can resolve it and you believe them, as you have been conditioned with propaganda only you do not realize it. They, the federal government controlled by unjust mostly men, and now some women, used FEAR.

Hell, Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton come walking by and you did not even recognize us. I entered Hamilton too, as I know where he is and what he is up to...I even spent time with him. Lollolololloolol..

Et in arcadia ego?

LITERALLY as we ran around New Orleans causing trouble, commiserating and having fun before the flood. I want you to imagine Hamilton's Ego and my Id, mostly Ego as I had not achieved enlightenment, running around New Orleans. LOLOLOL!

Man, I offered to answer ANY question you had about the universe and I received one...Can you reason the universe in short sentences like this one? NO, AS I’M NOT A MORON & NEITHER ARE YOU ALTHOUGH YOU PRETEND WELL! If it feels true it is! You’ll know the truth as you fell it as well as reason it. If what I said was not fact, you would not have asked me this question as you prefaced it with: what you say sounds as if it is true. You people are gone, maybe too far gone. I told US Supreme if this is it give me passport and a plane ticket out of here. Hamilton? He sent me alone as he BELIEVES he cannot do this as he's afraid of your reaction, as he knows unless you know the science it sounds as if this is crazy.

I’ve been angry with Hamilton but this really, really made me angry. Hamilton saying he ‘can’t’ do something??? I fired off a letter over that one. I told him “You can and you will as I am entering you to court, not your cases but YOU.”

Crazy, actually insanity, is organic. It is inborn. You have it at birth or you do not. You cannot get it along the way as an entire nation is full of lazy slobs and ignoramuses who like being this way. That? Liking that and doing that? It is a mental illness named in the DSM. It is what is done to prisoners of war. You must get the people to believe your propaganda and so act upon it by voting for one of two men neither who can do the job of President as actual reality is as Bush v Gore was never legal injury does not cease until a citizen rises thus checks and balances this entire nation with the truth as every single office is now unchecked. Propaganda only works if people believe it then act upon it.
LOL! The Navy once told me it would back a coup by Congress against me if I managed to enter Us Supreme Court. The Navy was worried you'd act to obey the law and so take back your power. A coup occurred only all of you missed it. Ask yourself: What follows a coup as the probabilities are playing out as I type...

As for my typing and spelling? Like I have 'time' to concern myself with that. If you are that lone person obsessed with typos? YOU go do what entire firms of laywers, THOUSANDS of them, and no other living human being could or would do and do it by yourself. Let's see if you worry about typos. you people floor me!

Oh, de ja vu? The probability has played itself out and then you chose it so it seems like you remember it. ALL present is actually past in a sense as it must be filtered through your body, a means to an end as it is how you experience or perceive the world. It all is but you perceive it to be present when in fact the action of it has past just like Hugh Everett said.

The famous two slit physics experiment whereby a particle seems to become a wave and then a particle again thus it seems to be in more than one place at one on the wall behind the two slits? ME, as I am a particle that acted as if a wave and then a particle again being in more than one place at the same 'time'. If you know any physicists go tell 'em I'm the proof they need. I'd gladly tell you all I know but I realize I lost 995 of you at 'Uniformity" & 'God' in my title, lol.

I have to begin reasoning how to tell US supreme court, when they break the law again, how a local family court was acting simultaneous to them but denying the reality of it by denying the existence of their own persons and US Supreme Court. Seriously, WHILE the judge was asking me about Supreme Court, acknowledging I'm first and only, she was writing down "There is NO change of circumstances" and the entire courtroom believed it! Umm, how do you reason then that my old addy was MD but I now live in FL if there is NO change of space aka circumstances? If you refuse to acknowledge reality and that I'm what's so extraordinary, then you answer what I asked US Supreme Court:

As I never needed to make any changes, as my kids were used as hostages, and as NY never named anything they wanted me to change, how can I change something and so win justice? How do I ever secure my own custody or my kids safety? The Bill of Rights says you must name a charge so I can defend myself and that at least one single court is to let me in as a plaintiff. IN PERSON AS WELL AS PAPER AS PAPER ALONE IS NOT PROOF. I can never, ever please people who refuse to name what they hate and want changed as it is ME, as I caught them breaking the law when nobody else did. I told the US Marshal: Shoot me if you want me to stop obeying the law or fighting for justice. WHO do I then go to for justice as if I go to international human rights court, due to the very nature of my claim and the intrinsic thing it is, any foreigner wiling to preserve, protect and defend the law on behalf of me, all women and enlisted services members aka their innocent children then can sue to become the legal President. If you create such a situation that I must then live out that probability say goodnight to the US as it has then died – legally, and then it will go physically, like Rome and Athens. So, WHO do I go to if I’ve exhausted all authorities save that one and NY refuses to name anything they insist they want me to change??? And denies any and all changes I do make??? And US Supreme court keeps breaking the law or allowing the people and the unjust persons in control to break it??? I've met the God; God sent me back to local family and US Supreme Court. I’m all for another Revolution and another Lexington & Concord.

It was so funny: I had my actual petition with a second set of appendices to give to the judge when she said EVERYTHING I named was not a change of circumstances thus PROVING she never had any actual reason to aid and abet a kidnapping of my children and later hold hostage my children hostage but did so only because anything else means she goes to jail. I gave Linda Griffin an opportunity; once is am mistake but twice?


Do you think she’d treat me differently if she knew who I was? I cannot wait to tell her she gave me proof of spontaneous time with two same events having different outcomes as two separate probabilities are played out simultaneously without her giving any regard to the other as she is a very subjective observer – out to save her won ass from a jail cell.

I could not prove her guilt before Friday, October 24th, 2008 and I was up **** creek if the Supreme Court violated the law again. Now I have proof positive of both faith and reason.

BTW – I still take questions! Even if you refuse to believe the answers, lol. Do you know how hard I laugh when I read the great genius has not yet come forward? It was a long plane ride…I made time speed up but still, I gotta go relax for now as I suspect something may be brewing on my legal horizon one way or another…Oh:

E=MC2? Slow down time and you create matter. E=(G+L)(W+Lb)2? Slow down time and you create consciousness or self-awareness. You ‘lap’ yourself, the physical meets up with the metaphysical or the body meets up with the soul.
I hope you have gotten the whole post as I had to do it in pieces. Absolutes and wholes...will I ever escape them?

Gender is a means to an end. I chose female just as I chose red hair, blue eyes, VA, St. Augustine and NY. I chose to act thus realizing this probability but I chose the opportunity for this spontaneously as you did your selves. NOTHING is srt in stone. NOTHING is wirtten on the stone of destiny past, present or future that you cannot unwrite. You CAN change the past.

Female was a means to an end for me as there is a biological distinction and a cool one as female can access the divine in a way male cannot. Also, the hippocamus is larger in females and that makes for a difference. Nonoe of these differences are overcomablemeaning any person can do or be anything i am or any other person is. The master archetype?

You're all ascended masters. You're all it. Human beings are an amazing creation if only you'd acknowledge it. Humans?

If you knew how fantastic you were you'd never let anyone to do what up until now you have accepted and allowed, even invited. Human beings are God and create in all the same ways God does. All you have to do is decide YOU are that and then act in the now to become that. Deciding you can is 99% of the battle as it is inviolate belifs you insist must be 'right' or 'only' that hold you back and tie you down. There's some truth in all of your beliefs as all fantasy is based in reality and religious and other beliefs like science or government is based upon actual reality - a truth - that then becomes subverted or becomes warped; at times it does not evolve to keep pace with humans. Physics?

It's fantasy, theory, which is then proven fact or not. Relativity was once fantasy that we then labeld a theory and then a fact and even a law.

Laws of this universe? So far I have found them all to be violate and mutable, lol, as they can all change as can fact. YOU know what is or is not trueth based upno your own compass set due north. First you must set it so that you then have a point of reference, so that you can know what is relative and how or why and what's intrinsicially you, a fact or law of you.

The shift? not only human consciousness but a volacanic eruption whioch YOU have the power to prevent by moving the North Pole south thus not only preventing its speedy march to siberia but reversing it as it moves due to your thoughts, feelings, ideas and belifs which yo uthen act upon as in:

If you create only to kill the law of coservation of enrgy kicks in and so that energy has to g oro become soemthign else as in the pole moving, doesn't it?

Act ethically and it stops and even reverses itself thus Rome's seven hills blow and not the US. It's not that we want rome to go up in smoke it's that europe has little or no chance of acting as we can due to our elegant law, a law they do not possess and refuse to possess.

Proof? The European union just voted to NOT put God or that idea - a creator - it its charter. So all we can do is act for ourselves IF you ever get around to deciding that you are a just cause.

I love ya athetists; however it's that when you deny a creator then you deny your very own existence and I know as fact you exist or else I would not be injured by you and fighting you within federal court. If nothing else YOU created your own selves and until or unless one of you can prove you are the God, the actual Godhead, then I have to argue against you as I am partly in the shape I'm in due to you. Believing in 20 gods or no god does not harm me or hurt me unless you also believe and act upon the idea that you have zero power as a person, that all of this is beyond your control and that nothing else exists.

There is a nonphysical reality and calling it God, the multiverse or the universe or even you matters not as it is. This power is within you as you were born into it as you are of God. It's in you and all around you.

I know - I exert it and I was there and I felt it. I want all human beings to feel that unconditional love for at least a second or two as God did not care about anything other than my willingness - my intention. All the rest of that crap? He, it, never even bothered with it. Not one single thing you'd think God might take issue with was addressed. God reached out and 'knighted' me, actually touched me, then welcomed me home as I left Earth at last; I was born again by my will and outside the contrainsts of this this physical reality. I met my own god 'essence', that thing I am and was and is and that all of you are too. John Lennon was close to perfect in his ideas of what could be as it very much is. Imagine all of that within your idea of a heaven. :D

Was it lost on all of you that when John Lennon called himself Jesus and the moral majority went ape he then apologized for comparing himself to Jesus instead of God as he should have? He said, with other words, 'I'll never compare myself to Jesus again. I made a mistake. Next time I'll compare myself to God as we all should.' Yes, you should as you are. :D:D

YOU OWE ME AN APOLOGY. I TOLD YOU LIFE IS PROOF AND AS YOU'RE MARRIED WHO TOLD YOU LIFE WAS ALL MALE OR ONLY MALE OR THAT PEOPLE WEREN'T PHOTONS IF THEY WERE FEMALE???? I'VE BEEN WATCHING YOU GUYS SHOOT PHOTONS AT THINGS FOR AGES & SPENDING BILLIONS ON IT LAUGHING THE WHOLE TIME AS YOU ARE SUBJECTIVE MALE OBSERVERS PRETENDING TO BE OBJECTIVE. I saw you a couple of days ago on PBS with Hugh Everett's son. If you talk to him anytime soon let him know that when I saw him sitting on one of those proches I fell out of my chair as I dreamed about that exact porch and he only I had no idea who he was as this dream was a few years ago. I walked up to that porch, down that leafy street, then onto that porch, and was talking to a person - him - but I did not know the identity of the person and we were not talking probabilities as it is. He was sitting in a lounge chair and we were discussing something very seriously. Dreams can and do become realized as you create your reality and as you already know the future - if you acknowldge it. Personally I do not like knowing the future so I do not acknowledge it as the future - yet, as it is, isn't i? I plead ignorant to the future at least for a little while longer. You have to ask Hamilton about his dreams. His dreams blow anything I've ever dreamed out of the water - literally. Wait 'til you hear about his wacky life and his dreams and how he had zero clue that he allowed a dead parrot to escalate into a parrot autopsy with people arguing if it was dead as in Whose fault is this dead parrot? I'm the wounded fisher king, with a real wound, only i'm fishigng for men not actual fish as actual fish are a dime a dozen, and he's telling me he needs unconditional love so he must argue dead parrots w/o revealing WHO he is. He tried to get me to believe the dead parrot was an actual crusuade, lol. I'm screaming you have just defied all known 'laws' of physics, what we think is real, with that dream and your life and he's quietly demanding they autopsy the parrot not him...Trust me, I not once took my eyes or my ears off of him, screw the dead parrot and/or the refund, lol. Bee colony collapse disorder? American colony collapse disorder. If it wasn't so funny, if this parrot was not dead, I mean alive, I'd weep. As you are not American by birth I forgive you, as you may not have ever been told you ARE a constitution and an institution but always a constitution first and foremost and that should always be your objective observer observing. You'll be able to know, 'Neils Bohr has a motive as does his photon. His photon meant to do that! It knows Bohr is the issue not itself. Bohr has consequences but the photon doesn't.' . THEN, after you become equally protected and duly processed, as you do it to yourself, you have all of the answers. lol. :p

P.P.S. Mr. biocentric stem cell guy? The one the Pope rallies against? You too owe me an apology. Only we never met so you have an excuse. The Pope should rally against you as you have made your existence known. Hello! If it is biocentric you have to actually do something to then exist, correct? Maybe, maybe not. Is your argument a fetus is not a person as it has never been seen or is not known as I knew my kids way before they were born. One even had a name BEFORE I had sex. Biocentrism is flawed so you ate a whole lot of frozen spinach for...something as I did too so I knew you were incorrect. Seriously, I too took the poverty, frozen spinach, canned beans and pudding packs will teach you more than college or expensive equipment route. I knew you existed and were real as a person gave me a subscription ot Discover and so I actually met you without your knowledge. You can bring me 500 cops with 16 year old sons who are going blind and I still will not create and then kill a fetus that is a person or possesses the opportunity to become one when it did not before I intervened as WHO told you blindness was a bad thing and a disability? There's an actual reason for blindness. You really have issues with your Mom and you will never know the fact of you - your own existence - until you deal with that as it is wholly related to your refusal to acknowledge ETHICS. You are subject to them not excepted from them. Ethics do not cease to exist once you are not looking at the paper or your license as once you own knowledge you own it. The moon? Watch this: I'm not looking at it and I do not believe we traveled to it in the same manner buddhists do not believe it, as in you do not believe enlightenment can be achieved in one lifetime but we, buddhists, do not believe you went to the moon. Did you? Can we? Did I? LOL! The fact that you argued the existence of the moon PROVES it is reality wheter we are looking at it or not. Now, if I was blind I might never actually see it but I could still know it exists based upon YOU and your IDEA, couldn't I? I mean, are you arguing blind people see nothing so they do not exist as this world does not only as they are not looking directly at it? Is that biocentrism??? 'Cause if it is you are incorrect. Close but no cigar. I forgive you as you're a man and messed up to boot too. I can fix that if you want me to as I know how. I do not expect you to 'believe' me or that I exist. LOL! I'll 'fix' Hamilton first so you'll have proof of my skills, lollololol! Then I can and will 'fix' you. I promised God I'd 'fix' Hamilton first. The secret is: it has to be by your will. But - there are lots of ways I can get you there. :D:p The secret is: ignorance is not then nonexistence. A thing can exist but you may be ignorant of it, or, until you or another person actually finds it we have no idea it is existing so it actually is but we merely have not come to own the knowledge. As time is, that thing was and will be. We create it by seeking it as it is our idea of what might be. We look assuming it is there. If nothing else, think of it like this: Be angry with your Mom and Dad. They thought you into existence didn't they? Accident by design or deliberation you are here, aren't you? You had MIT. Me? I had me, period, I didn't even have Tegmark and its partly his own theory, and I'm not angry so what's your reason as you have no excuse? There's no Id in biocentrism as it was reasoned to me. No matter what I write or what you or I believe, and no matter where we stand, the moon? It is as we created it. Do not even get me started on uncreating, you know, changing the past? After all, we do celebrate the SIGNING of the Declaration on the 4th and that is not the past, or is it? Go see: check a book of HISTORY. A school textbook. They all changed as I changed the 'past', get it? So did history change or did all of you? HISTORY, as people live history. I changed your biocentric 'past', your biocentric self, by making you forget as I willed it into being by acting upon that idea - the 4th instead of the 2nd. Vehemently. Gotcha, As my reason was: Ownership of knowledge as I never reasoned WHEN the citizens knew versus when we signed it! Citizens cannot act unless they know, can they? I may have written it so created it but what have they created if not even a feeling as they have no knowledge what we signed or who signed it? 'When' does liberty thus justice exist? I told you as it is inalienable. It is. What actual Revolution is not acted upon??? An American coup, that's what kind as you biocentrically deny it is as you hate your parents and never studied constitutional law or if you did failed thus the problem with your parents is YOU, get it? Not me, not the law and not them. I smell a biocentric vote albeit completely unreasonable. You are not aware of YOU, so, according to you, you do not exist do you? Yes, as I just gave you knowledge about you so now you own an idea of you. Existence; I just gave birth to you. ;)
This can be your thread for you to post these mini-essays in. Please confine them to here, so people interested can find them and for others it wont clog up the forum.

Thanks in advance for your understanding. Jack.