GOP voter fraud

I guess you don't like facts or read the news?

YOU'RE the one who isn't paying attention pockets.

your Joe Plumber...actually gets a tax cut under Obama,

You don't know that, because Obamas "tax plan" hasn't been passed by Congress and signed into law. You're just GUESSING.

he in fact does not make anything near 250,000

He never claimed he did, he said he wanted to buy a business that DOES, and if he does, he plans to GROW that business to the point where he will, and thereby would be effected by Obamas proposed tax increase.

Owes back taxes still

Still a non-story. Perhaps you forgot about Charlie Rangel?

and does not even have a license to be a plumber...

And he doesn't NEED a license unless,or until he completes his apprenticeship and begins working on his own without supervision.

In fact , anyone care to tell me what part of this whole Joe Plumber stuff actually was true?

Sure, it's the truth that you and the entire liberal press are engaging in attacking a man who did nothing more, and nothing less, than daring to ASK A QUESTION of your "messiah", and all because your "messiah" ADMITTED TO BEING A COMMUNIST in his response!! So, in an effort to distract attention away from the fact that your "messiah" admitted to being a Commie, you attack the man who asked the question.

Y'all are SICK.
I guess you don't like facts or read the news? your Joe Plumber...actually gets a tax cut under Obama, he in fact does not make anything near 250,000, Owes back taxes still, and does not even have a license to be a plumber...In fact , anyone care to tell me what part of this whole Joe Plumber stuff actually was true?

Care to point out why Joe the Plumber is relevant at all?

Do you assume that there is no one in this situation in the entire country? Do you assume that Obama's answer of we should spread the wealth was a good answer?

I hit on this in another thread (maybe this one I forget) and NoObamaniation said it as well it looks like, but the point is true.

It is not about Joe the Plumber, it is about the issue that he raised, and that is all.