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Which party is worse when it comes to Voter Fraud, Republicans or Democrats?
This is a particularly important issue since we have seen so many close elections, 2000, 2004, 2006 all had very close elections with accusations of fraud on both sides.
While I invite opinions on the issue, I would certainly appreciate any examples of Voter Fraud you can find. We can add them all up, compare them to party legislation, and see which party actually has a record for supporting Voter Fraud.
I have chosen to highlight one particular organization because they have been participating in Voter Fraud activity since they began, ACORN:
Information courtesy of RSC
ACORN About Page:
Voter participation: Since 2004, ACORN has helped more than 1.7 million low- and moderate-income and minority citizens apply to register to vote.
I wonder if they count their fraudulent votes in that number.... There is a reason the Democrats oppose Voter ID and this is it, they support Fraud as long as it gets them elected. Some Democrats even delude themselves into believing Republicans win election through fraud so this is justified as the only way to fight back. Problem is... Republicans support Voter ID which would eliminate the majority of PROVEN voter fraud cases and hurt Democrats.
Don't take my word for it though, lets compare legislation:
Just a deadline, no need for them to prove they are who they claim to be, or even a citizen for that matter.
Make every Fraudulent vote count.... Democrats must be proud.
Just show up, who can be bothered with registering to vote? Like its important to prove your who you say you are, much less a citizen with the right to vote.
Of course.... Having voters provide their ID would eliminate millions of phantom Democrat voters. We can't have that.
Ok, so thats just a few of the Democrats in action... Lets look at what the Republicans are presenting:
ID to vote??? Thats totally unacceptable.... How will all those ACORN votes count?
Totally un-American, not wanting illegal aliens to vote...
Republicans are pretty well all on the same page, they want Voter ID and many have proposed varying legislation to that end. Democrats of course want their phantom votes so it has been taken all the way to the Supreme Court:
Voter ID was found to be Constitutional. According to a Rasmussen poll: "80% of voters believe everyone should be required to show photo identification to vote. Only 13% disagree."
Who's the Party of Voter Fraud? It begins with a large D...
This is a particularly important issue since we have seen so many close elections, 2000, 2004, 2006 all had very close elections with accusations of fraud on both sides.
While I invite opinions on the issue, I would certainly appreciate any examples of Voter Fraud you can find. We can add them all up, compare them to party legislation, and see which party actually has a record for supporting Voter Fraud.
I have chosen to highlight one particular organization because they have been participating in Voter Fraud activity since they began, ACORN:
On April 2, 2008, eight workers for ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, pleaded guilty to federal election fraud for submitting registration cards for the 2006 election using false addresses, made-up names, and forged signatures.
On March 13, 2008, Philadelphia election officials accused ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, of submitting voter-registration paperwork without sufficient data, with discrepancies, or for people already registered. Election commissioners are asking the District Attorney’s Office to investigate ACORN’s registration efforts prior to the Pennsylvania presidential primary next month.
On February 26, 2008, a detailed report on election irregularities in Milwaukee for the 2004 general election was released. Among the irregularities cited are:
4,600 more votes cast and counted than voters recorded as having cast ballots;
18 felons sworn in as deputy registrars for the 2004 election, eight of whom listed ACORN as their sponsoring organization;
1,305 votes by “on-site” registrants who provided registration forms lacking sufficient information to be entered into a permanent database, including 48 voters who provided no name and 854 voters who provided no address;
Numerous instances of ballots cast by ineligible “not in city” registrants;
At least 16 cases of campaign workers from out-of-state who voted while employed by a group or campaign attempting to influence the election;
Four deceased persons recorded as having voted; and
At least three instances of votes cast by ineligible felons.
ACORN is at the center of a voter fraud scandal in Washington state. One county plans to purge 230 ACORN-provided names from voter rolls in early February 2008 as the county completes an investigation of what one news outlet calls “the worst voter-registration fraud in Washington history.”
Information courtesy of RSC
ACORN About Page:
Voter participation: Since 2004, ACORN has helped more than 1.7 million low- and moderate-income and minority citizens apply to register to vote.
I wonder if they count their fraudulent votes in that number.... There is a reason the Democrats oppose Voter ID and this is it, they support Fraud as long as it gets them elected. Some Democrats even delude themselves into believing Republicans win election through fraud so this is justified as the only way to fight back. Problem is... Republicans support Voter ID which would eliminate the majority of PROVEN voter fraud cases and hurt Democrats.
Don't take my word for it though, lets compare legislation:
Rep. Susan Davis (D-CA) introduced the Universal Right to Vote by Mail Act (H.R. 281), which would prohibit a state from imposing additional conditions or requirements on the eligibility of an individual to cast a vote in federal elections by mail, except to the extent that it imposes a deadline for requesting the ballot and returning it to the appropriate state or local election official.
Just a deadline, no need for them to prove they are who they claim to be, or even a citizen for that matter.
Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones (D-OH) introduced the Count Every Vote Act (H.R. 1381), which would implement a variety of federal mandates on election systems, including making it easier to cast provisional ballots, making it harder to purge voter rolls, and making it easier for ex-felons to vote.
Make every Fraudulent vote count.... Democrats must be proud.
Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) introduced the Make Provisional Ballots Count Act (H.R. 5628), which would allow same-day voter re-registration at polling places on the date of election for individuals otherwise permitted to cast provisional ballots and require the counting of provisional ballots cast by individuals determined to be registered to vote in the state or the congressional district.
Just show up, who can be bothered with registering to vote? Like its important to prove your who you say you are, much less a citizen with the right to vote.
Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) introduced the Voter Access Protection Act (H.R. 4026), which would prohibit election officials from requiring an individual to provide a photo identification as a condition for voting in a federal election.
Of course.... Having voters provide their ID would eliminate millions of phantom Democrat voters. We can't have that.
Ok, so thats just a few of the Democrats in action... Lets look at what the Republicans are presenting:
Rep. John Doolittle (R-CA) introduced the Federal Election Integrity Act (H.R. 481), which would prohibit an election official from providing a federal election ballot to an individual who desires to vote in person unless the individual presents to the official: a government-issued, current, and valid photo identification; or (beginning in 2010) a government-issued, current, and valid photo ID for which the individual was required to provide proof of U.S. citizenship as a condition for issuance of the ID. An individual who does not present such an ID would be permitted to cast a provisional ballot, but such individual would have to present the required ID within 48 hours after casting the provisional ballot to have that vote verified.
ID to vote??? Thats totally unacceptable.... How will all those ACORN votes count?
Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite (R-FL) introduced the Noncitizen Voting Prevention Act (H.R. 5695), which would require applications for voter registration with respect to federal office to include a statement regarding the deportability of aliens making false claims of U.S. citizenship and require the posting at polling places of notices that it is a violation of federal law for an individual who is not a U.S. citizen to cast a ballot in an election for federal office.
Totally un-American, not wanting illegal aliens to vote...
Republicans are pretty well all on the same page, they want Voter ID and many have proposed varying legislation to that end. Democrats of course want their phantom votes so it has been taken all the way to the Supreme Court:
On April 28, 2008, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a lower-court ruling on the Crawford v. Marion County Election Board case (Indiana’s photo ID requirement) that the burden the photo ID requirement places on voters is offset by the benefit to voters at large and to electoral integrity of reducing the risk of vote fraud. Thus, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of Indiana’s photo ID law.
Voter ID was found to be Constitutional. According to a Rasmussen poll: "80% of voters believe everyone should be required to show photo identification to vote. Only 13% disagree."
Who's the Party of Voter Fraud? It begins with a large D...