Well-Known Member
There is way to much to post in all its corrupt and morally depraved detail... I'll hit some highlights, provide links, and sum it up with a couple predictions for the Election. Just remember, this is what he did as a "Community Organizer"....
A little about ACORN:
I made the prediction that this election would be fraught with MASSIVE voter fraud, that's because I already knew about Obama's deep connections to ACORN and expect nothing less... Every election, they get even more brazen while the number of ACORN members caught red handed in fraud rise exponentially, yet they still enjoy Tax Free status as a 527 and their corruption is allowed to continue....
So now I make another prediction:
The Just-Us brothers will be barking at the moon before, during and after the election, over the Supreme Courts ruling that upheld Voter ID as constitutional.
Everytime you hear one of them say "Voter suppression", realize that they are complaining about FRAUDULENT votes not being counted.
And another:
Should Obama LOSE the election, he will take it like Gore did in 2000 - Like a spoiled child - and throw a temper tantrum that will last for a couple years.
Perhaps, like Gore, Obama will retire to the woods for a couple years and grow a beard...
What if Barack Obama’s most important radical connection has been hiding in plain sight all along? Obama has had an intimate and long-term association with the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (Acorn), the largest radical group in America. If I told you Obama had close ties with or Code Pink, you’d know what I was talking about. Acorn is at least as radical as these better-known groups, arguably more so. Yet because Acorn works locally, in carefully selected urban areas, its national profile is lower. Acorn likes it that way. And so, I’d wager, does Barack Obama.
>Continue Reading<
A little about ACORN:
ACORN has only itself to blame for its bad reputation. Its own conduct of voter registration drives led to padding state registration rolls with fraudulent
and double voters.
The Liberal Counter-Attack
A coalition of liberal groups is attacking any election officials who try to investigate fraud in voter registration drives. Led by Jesse Jackson, People for the American Way, the NAACP and other groups, the coalition
claims that attempts to prevent fraudulent voter registration should be considered “voter intimidation” and “suppression.”
In the weeks leading up to Election Day, November 2, 2004, liberals first sounded their warnings about voter intimidation. On CNN Jesse Jackson announced, “The big issue in Florida is not whether we vote, the big issue is vote suppression.” Democratic vice-presidential candidate John Edwards echoed Jackson.
He said Republicans were “up to their old tricks…trying to keep people from voting.” Sure enough, on Election Day the reports of voter intimidation began to multiply—and they were heard most loudly in the swing state of Ohio. The outcry was the result of careful orchestration.
The “Election Protection Coalition,” made up of over 100 groups, including Project Vote, Common Cause, the NAACP Voter Fund, and People for the American Way, enlisted 25,000 volunteers to report on voting problems. Their mission: “Assist voters on the spot at more than 3,500 predominantly African-American and Latino precincts with a history of disenfranchisement in at least 17 states.”
The activists resorted to alleging voter intimidation to tear down measures guaranteeing the security of the election process.
The Election Protection Coalition (EPC) filed lawsuits all over the country, claiming that laws to protect the ballot actually served to disenfranchise minority voters.
I made the prediction that this election would be fraught with MASSIVE voter fraud, that's because I already knew about Obama's deep connections to ACORN and expect nothing less... Every election, they get even more brazen while the number of ACORN members caught red handed in fraud rise exponentially, yet they still enjoy Tax Free status as a 527 and their corruption is allowed to continue....
So now I make another prediction:
The Just-Us brothers will be barking at the moon before, during and after the election, over the Supreme Courts ruling that upheld Voter ID as constitutional.

Everytime you hear one of them say "Voter suppression", realize that they are complaining about FRAUDULENT votes not being counted.
And another:
Should Obama LOSE the election, he will take it like Gore did in 2000 - Like a spoiled child - and throw a temper tantrum that will last for a couple years.

Perhaps, like Gore, Obama will retire to the woods for a couple years and grow a beard...